Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand and I can move the Earth

— Archimedes 200 BC


Northern Lights?

Media and social media are filled with alerts that the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) will be visible. This unfortunately could be just a tempest in a teapot.

Although its flattering when the media actually pays attention to the sky, rather than whatever garbage is happening on reality TV shows, one wishes they could excerise some restraint.

Comet Panstarrs

Members of NJAG finally got a chance to see Comet Panstarrs last night (Mar. 13) from Montclair State.



The Quadtrantid Meteor Shower comes to a peak this week - morning hours of Thursday, Jan. 3. 

Where can I view the Geminids?

We are getting a lot of questions about where people can go to view the Geminids.

We do have our regularly scheduled Telescope Night on Thursday, Dec 13 (Cleck on "Events" above) - the shower will be underway at that point so you might catch a few early ones.

A Guide to Outer Space Surveillance!

Pedro sent us an iteresting link for

Introducing myself

Just wanted to introduce myself, my name is Greg Munker, I'm from Lake Hiawatha and i'm very new to Astronomy. I'm thinking about joining you all to learn some more and to have some fun.

Largest Sky Map Revealed: An Animated Flight Through the Universe

Largest Sky Map Revealed: An Animated Flight Through the Universe. The first public data release from BOSS, the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey. Led by Berkeley Lab scientists, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey's BOSS is bigger than all other spectroscopic surveys combined for measuring the universe's large-scale structure.

Sun July 6, 2012

Here's a photo of the sun.  I had an impossible time finding a perfect focus.  I used a Celestron SP-C6 telescope and an Olympus C-4040Zoom.  I was very impressed with the Thousand Oaks Solar Filter.  The RG film is great.  I used to use Roger Tutthill's solar filter.  Oaks is a more natural color instead of blue.

El Sol

Kearney School Star Night

Kearney School would like to reschedule a star night for next week. If anyone is available to particiapete pleae email me at


Thank you,

Lori Michel