Who are we? We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people

— Carl Sagan


Telescope Night Cancelled

Telescope Night for Feb 26, 2015 is cancelled due to poor weather conditions

Telescope Night Cancelled due to exteme weather conditions

Telescope Night for Feb 19, 2015 is cancelled due to extreme weather conditions. (Single dit temps and strong winds.)

Moon on Thursday January 8, 2015

I was driving north on Route 539 from Whiting, NJ  7 a.m.  when I noticed a strange looking Moon.  In the upper right side there was what appeared to be a "slice" in the Moon.   What in the world?  I looked and looked, could not believe my eyes.  No clouds as it was absolutely clear.  I rolled down my window, no change.  Took off my glasses, no change.  What?   About 15 minutes down the road I noticed that the Moon was back to normal.  But what caused the appearance of the "knife-like slice"  on the Moon?   Did

Happy New Year

Wishing everyone a very Happy, and Healthy New Year's for 2015.  Tonight I got a treat after switching my tv to channel 169, TCM, and watched ELVIS PRESLEY TOUR from the past.  When Elvis was around and making his mark, I was the very least interested in him and his music, mostly him.  Neverattended any of his performances.  Tonight it was a treat because the music brought back some old time memories.  It even brought out some tears of joy.  And made me laugh, yes laugh as I watched those girls going wild, screaming and begging for him to give them a kiss.&nbsp




Early History of Spaceflight at November Meeting

AstroanutThe Early History of Space Flight 

Starting with binoculars

I want to help someone get started with stargazing. I looked at various telesopes, but decided that they would probably be too challenging for someone with only a casual interest. I think binoculars would be the best introduction.


However, I have not had much good experience myself using binoculars. How do you hold it steady enough for stars ?

I live in Teaneck, NJ.   Does anyone within reasonable distance use binoculars satisfactorily and would be willing to show me how it's done  ?


June Meeting

Start: 06/11/2014 - 8:00pm

End: 06/11/2014 - 10:00pm

Monthly meetings are free and open to the public - all are welcomed; light refreshments will be served. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month (except August), unless noted. Meetings begin at approximately 8:00 p.m.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The location of this meeting has been changed. The June & July meetings will take place at the Bayan School at 12 Hollywood Ave, Fairfield, NJ 07004 (the school is adjacent to the St Thomas More Church at the corner of Hollywood Ave. and Horseneck Rd.).


Lunar EclipseHere is my article about the upcoming lunar eclipse on April 15:

Quadrantid Meteor Shower

I think the upcoming Quadrantid Meteor Shower is getting a bit "overhyped" as the best of the year or strongest shower...