There are many worlds and many systems of Universes existing all at the same time, all of them perishable.

— Anaximander 546 BC

myamiphil's blog

Telescope Night Cancelled due to exteme weather conditions

Telescope Night for Feb 19, 2015 is cancelled due to extreme weather conditions. (Single dit temps and strong winds.)

NASA looking for Space Station Research Ideas

The ISS has a Living Room WIndow!

Window shutters are open!

9 Astronomy MIlestones for 2009

9 Astronomy Milestones in 2009
By Jeremy Hsu
posted: 28 December 2009
06:09 pm ET

Voyager makes an interstellar discovery!

December 23, 2009: The solar system is passing through an interstellar cloud that physics says should not exist. In the Dec. 24th issue of Nature, a team of scientists reveal how NASA's Voyager spacecraft have solved the mystery.

New Ring found around Saturn!

The artist's conception simulates an infrared view of the giant ring. Saturn appears as just a small dot from outside the band of ice and dust. The bulk of the ring material starts about six million kilometers (3.7 million miles) away from the planet and extends outward roughly another 12 million kilometers (7.4 million miles). The ring's diameter is equivalent to roughly 300 Saturns lined up side to side.

Earth atmosphere heated by another souce...

A surprise in the upper atmoshere of the Earth
Another way of heating the earths atmosphere has been found... THis one is not due to the sun's heating of the earth by sunlight.

Black Holes heavier than once thought....

Giant black holes even bigger than thought: study

June 8, 2009
Courtesy Amer­i­can As­tro­nom­i­cal So­ci­e­ty
and World Science staff

As­tro­no­mers have used com­put­er sim­ula­t­ions to cal­cu­late that a black hole at the heart of one the larg­est near­by ga­lax­ies is two to three times heav­i­er than pre­vi­ously thought.

Field Trip to NJ Botanical Gardens

Hi All

I did some preliminary checking....There is an official day for the planetary walkoff.... Here's the info

June 20 (Saturday), 10 am
Solar System Walk. Celebrate the Summer solstice with an easy 1-hour walk through NJBG's scale-model solar system, where you'll learn about our neighbors in space. Wear comfortable shoes. Rain cancels. $3 Donation.

Hours & Admissions

The New Jersey State Botanical Garden is open every day of the year from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

The Garden closes only in extreme weather conditions, for example, during and immediately after a heavy snowfall.

Grounds Map