Nothing is the bridge between the future and the further future. Nothing is certainty. Nothing is any definition of anything.

— Peter Hammill


Benefits of membership include:

  • $10 discount on subscriptions to Sky & Telescope or Astronomy magazines ("Sky & Telescope" subscribers also get a 10% discount on all books, maps, and products at Sky Publishing).

  • Members may join our e-mail list for the latest club and astronomy news.

  • Monthly meetings and astronomy presentations.

  • Monthly Telescope Nights.
  • Use of our dark sky sites. (Important Note: access is limited; membership in NJAG does not grant acess to other sites such as Jenny Jump)

  • Participate in field trips to local planetariums, science centers, and star parties.

  • Members may borrow a telescope through our Telescope Loan Program.

  • Annual dues are $25.00 per calendar year ($30.00 for Families, $15.00 for students). Beginners are always welcomed!

    Click Here to Join the North Jersey Astronomical Group online.

Our annual dues are $25 for Individuals, $30 for Families and $15 for Students.


You can also download a membership brochure below.

NJAG Membership.doc437.5 KB
NJAG Membership_1.pdf884.62 KB