"When beggars die, there are no comets seen;
The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes."

— William Shakespeare
Julius Cæsar


Subscribe online or please mail the form in with payment as per the instructions. Telescope nights and meetings are open to the public - you don't need membership for that. Beginners are welcome!


Dues are per calendar year:

  • Individual: $25.00
  • Families: $30.00
  • Montclair State Students: $15.00

Those under 18 must join with a parent or guardian at the Family rate.


Select Membership and Pay Online:

Important note: Please do make sure that your contact infomation (mailing and email address) are updated before submitting payment via PayPal!


RENEWING MEMBERS: PLEASE DO NOT USE THE SUSCRIBE BUTTON BELOW TO RENEW YOUR DUES. You should respond to the invoice that has been emailed to you. If you use this Paypal will think you want to start another subscription and will charge you twice!


Note: This is a recurring payment through PayPal; it will automatically renew your dues in one year. This can be cancelled at any time through your PayPal account. 


Make check or money order out to the NJAG.

Download and  print the attached form and mail it with your payment to:

North Jersey Astronomical Group
P.O. Box 1472
Clifton, NJ 07015-1472

NJAG Membership_1.pdf884.62 KB
NJAG Membership.doc437.5 KB