"I have looked farther into space than ever a human being did before me."

— William Herschel


Color combined

same as prior description except combined color, however interesting.  519R, 300B, 500G makes for the unusual color.  No luminence.  This image reduced yellow.

Color combined

First Light

This is my first attempt using my newly purchased CGEM and Astro Tech 111EDT telescope, TeleVue 5x lens, Starlight Xpress CCD.  It is over 1300  combined images totaling just over 49 seconds exposure at 0.1 sec each.    Will post color image also.

First Light


Jupiter at 1:00 am this morning. Now that the southern equatorial belt is missing, the red spot really stands out.

Imaged through 5" refractor @ f-14 rgb filters.


9 Astronomy MIlestones for 2009

9 Astronomy Milestones in 2009
By Jeremy Hsu
posted: 28 December 2009
06:09 pm ET

Jupiter and scope

I took my scope outside for the first time in a while today.   So I took a pic to remember the moment.   But first I observed Jupiter for a minute, and then packed it back up and took it inside.   The whole property is brightly lit-- not even one dark spot.   I think I'll just be using my naked eyes and binoculars around hear for night sky observation.   You can leave  a comment if you want-- that way I know someone viewed it.   Public telescope nights started again at Montclair State University.

Jupiter and scope


Jupiter this September evening shot through H-alpha narrowband filter.
Prime focus through C-11. Combination of 220 exposures of 0.3 seconds each.
In the seventy seconds or so of the exposure, the moons Ganimede, Europa (Jupiter) and Io moved enough to show visible trailing.


Moon and Jupiter, August 7, 2009

Three o'clock in the morning here in Clifton, NJ.  There was some haze in the sky.  This was shot with an Olympus Camedia C-4040 with automatic settings. 

Moon and Jupiter, August 7, 2009

December 1, 2008, Moon, Jupiter and Venus

I don't remember the settings. I setup the digital camera on a tripod, shutoff the flash, and turned on the selftimer. This one the ISO was probably set at 100.

December 1, 2008, Moon, Jupiter and Venus