The forces of rotation caused red hot masses of stones to be torn away from the Earth and to be thrown into the ether, and this is the origin of the stars.

— Anaxagoras 428 BC


Solar Observing

Event Date: 
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 8:00am - 2:00pm

Solar Observing

Event Date: 
Sat, 09/24/2016 - 8:00am - 2:00pm

Sun July 6, 2012

Here's a photo of the sun.  I had an impossible time finding a perfect focus.  I used a Celestron SP-C6 telescope and an Olympus C-4040Zoom.  I was very impressed with the Thousand Oaks Solar Filter.  The RG film is great.  I used to use Roger Tutthill's solar filter.  Oaks is a more natural color instead of blue.

El Sol

Solar Fireworks

Looks like there's a nice sunspot group on the Sun -- some nice solar fireworks for the 4th of July! Biggest group I've seen in quite sometime. It is right on the meridian.

4th of July Sunspots


Note a group of small sunspots have just come onto the disk. They're not visible to the naked eye but might be nice with a white light or H-alpha filter.