When it comes to atoms, language can be used only as in poetry.
The poet, too, is not nearly so concerned with describing facts
as with creating images.

— Niels Bohr


August 2024 Transformer of the Month: Selina Salgado

NASA - Breaking News - Fri, 08/23/2024 - 3:23pm

As a Human Resource Business Partner at NASA Headquarters, Selina Salgado describes her job as helping with “all things people” for the enterprise. By facilitating technological solutions to human resources (HR) challenges and needs, she excels at an often-underestimated aspect of Digital Transformation (DT): the interpersonal side. As a champion of community building, knowledge sharing, and digital upskilling, Selina was an easy selection for this month’s Digital Transformer award.   

Selina started at NASA in 2019 as a Pathways intern and previously worked as a mentoring coordinator for Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), which is where her Digital Transformation journey began. At MSFC, she created an all-in-one, automated system for open job postings, which decreased the agency’s time to hire and increased visibility for available positions. She has aspirations for further leveraging these types of systems to improve inclusive teaming across NASA by making HR tools available and interoperable across centers. Her current team under the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (OCHCO) operates with an 80-20 mentality, working to create common tools and solutions that are 80% interoperable and 20% customizable to the specific organization or scenario.   

In addition to her technical work on digital HR tools like the automated job board, Selina takes initiative to help people understand what transformation means to them and how to practice transformation in their daily lives. In collaboration with Jess Deibert, DT Digital Academy Lead, Selina created the new Transformation Tips (TxTips) series, which features NASA employees’ tech-related tips for doing their work. The instant popularity of the community-led series led to speaker requests for TxTip presentations from several other offices at NASA, including the Office of STEM Engagement. 

Most recently, Selina has become a key contributor and partner in NASA’s Summer of AI upskilling campaign to help employees maximize the benefits of AI while managing risks. As a self-taught developer, Selina has created several tools and apps to streamline agency-wide collaboration and data collection. She leveraged PowerApps, Power Automate, and Power BI, integrated with SharePoint, to feed data to a dashboard used by the Agency Chief AI Officer to brief the Administrator on impact metrics from the Summer of AI campaign. Selina also developed and executed several events to engage and excite the workforce around this campaign, including conceiving the agency’s first “Battle of the Bots” event. Her Reddit-style “Ask Me Anything” event helped employees understand the differences in large language models by pitting ChatGPT against Microsoft CoPilot to respond to participant-submitted prompts and questions. The Battle of the Bots saw the highest engagement of any asynchronous Summer of AI event.  

Selina’s educational background aligns with her focus on the connective and collaborative aspects of Digital Transformation. She received her bachelor’s degree in business management with a focus in human resource management and her master’s degree in education and student affairs, which led to her interest in NASA’s internship and mentorship programs. The connection piece, she says, is what she enjoys most about collaborating with DT. “If you run into an issue, there’s a community of practice out there for you to reach out to and engage with…to build that network with other employees that are interested in and passionate about transformation.”   

The other influence Selina points to along her Digital Transformation journey is her military background. “I grew up in a military household, and then I joined the Navy right out of high school. There’s a culture there of how to get things done,” says Selina. “What drives my passion for processes and systems is that it’s transferrable to somebody else…I need to be able to pass that on to the next person.” She gets energized by learning new tools and finding solutions to roadblocks, especially when she can establish procedures for others to leverage and build on her work. “That’s something that I love about transformation and just change in general—that you get to develop and learn and connect with new people.”    

If there’s one message Selina hopes to spread at NASA through her achievements as a Digital Transformer, it’s that Digital Transformation is for everyone. “You don’t have to be in IT, you don’t have to have that background or technical [ability],” she says. “I mean, I’m in HR. Any field at NASA can utilize the digital landscape and digital transformation. Those principles and resources are available for everybody.” 

Categories: NASA

NASA Ames Stars of the Month: August 2024

NASA - Breaking News - Fri, 08/23/2024 - 1:53pm

The NASA Ames Science Directorate recognizes the outstanding contributions of (pictured left to right) Sangsavang Stevie Phothisane, Taryn Kavanagh, Andro Rios, and Hami Ray. Their commitment to the NASA mission represents the talent, camaraderie, and vision needed to explore this world and beyond.

Earth Science Star: Sangsavang Stevie Phothisane

Sangsavang Stevie Phothisane, a Deputy Project Manager in the Earth Science Project Office (ESPO), demonstrated outstanding leadership as the site manager for both of the field campaigns of the Arctic Radiation-Cloud-Aerosol-Surface Interaction Experiment (ARCSIX) based at Pituffik Space Base, Greenland.  He has excelled in managing this large and complex project, which encompasses over 75 scientists and engineers and 3 research aircraft, in an extremely remote location 750 miles north of the Arctic Circle.

Space Science & Astrobiology Star: Taryn Kavanagh

Taryn Kavanagh, Research Support Specialist, is an indispensable member of the Astrophysics Branch. She is a consummate professional in all of her administrative duties and goes above and beyond expectations to support our team, our customers and our mission. Taryn recently supported many high-level visits with increased workload in addition to meeting branch needs which has boosted morale and goodwill with both internal and external partners.

Space Science & Astrobiology Star of the Month: Andro Rios

Dr. Andro Rios, a research scientist in the Exobiology Branch, established new strategic partnerships with San Jose State University and Skyline College through the Science Mission Directorate Bridge Program (now MOSAICS). He was awarded grant funding for the ASPIRE Program (Astrobiology Scholars Program Immersive Research Experience), offering a two-year internship for under-represented undergraduates to work with NASA scientists and engineers. Dr. Rios selected and successfully led the first cohort of students for ASPIRE this summer.

Space Biosciences Star: Hami Ray

Hami Ray has stepped up as the Deputy Project Manager for the Lunar Explorer Instrument for space biology Applications (LEIA) mission to study the biological effects of the lunar surface’s extreme environmental conditions on living organisms. She has been instrumental in timely and critical process improvement efforts for LEIA to enable project success. In addition to Ray’s role with LEIA, she also excels as the Deputy Project Manager for the Space Synthetic Biology (SynBio) mission and as the Project Manager for the GLOW mission concept to explore Venus’ upper atmospheric dynamics.

Categories: NASA

First Look at Hybrid Electric Research Aircraft 

NASA - Breaking News - Fri, 08/23/2024 - 1:20pm
The Dash 7 that will be modified into a hybrid electric research vehicle under NASA’s Electrified Powertrain Flight Demonstration (EPFD) project on display with its new livery for the first time. In front of the plane is an electric powertrain that magniX will integrate into the current aircraft to build a hybrid electric propulsion system.NASA/David C. Bowman

In a special unveiling ceremony on Aug. 22, 2024, the public received a first look at magniX’s Dash 7 aircraft that will serve as a testbed for sustainable aviation research with NASA’s Electrified Powertrain Flight Demonstration (EPFD) project. 

Hosted by magniX at King County International Airport, commonly known as Boeing Field, in Seattle, Washington, leaders from NASA and magniX unveiled the research vehicle in its new livery.  

EPFD is a collaboration between NASA and industry to demonstrate the capabilities of electrified aircraft propulsion technologies in reducing emissions for future commercial aircraft in mid-2030s.  

As part of this demonstration, magniX will modify the Dash 7 with a new hybrid electric system to conduct ground and flight tests. NASA will use data gathered from these tests to identify and minimize barriers in certifying these new technologies and help inform new standards and regulations for future electrified aircraft.  

“We are a research organization that continues to advance aviation, solve the problems of flight, and lead the community into the future,” said Robert A. Pearce, associate administrator for NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate. “Through our EPFD project, we’re taking big steps in partnership to make sure electric aviation is part of the future of commercial flight.” 

With the aircraft livery complete, magniX will begin the process of converting the Dash 7 into a research testbed with a hybrid electric propulsion system. Flight tests with the new system are planned for 2026.

Image Credit: NASA/David C. Bowman

Categories: NASA

NASA Funds Studies to Support Crew Performance on Long-Duration Missions

NASA - Breaking News - Fri, 08/23/2024 - 1:00pm

The crew of the Human Exploration Research Analog’s Campaign 7 Mission 1 clasp hands above their simulated space habitat’s elevator shaft.Credit: NASA

NASA is funding 11 new studies to better understand how to best support the health and performance of crew members during long-duration spaceflight missions. The awardees will complete the studies on Earth without the need for samples and data from astronauts.

Together, the studies will help measure physiological and psychological responses to physical and mental challenges that astronauts may encounter during spaceflight. The projects will address numerous spaceflight risks related to team performance, communication, living environment, decision-making, blood flow, and brain health. With this information, NASA will better mitigate risks and protect astronaut health and performance during future long-duration missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond.

The 11 finalists were selected from 123 proposals in response to the 2024 Human Exploration Research Opportunities available through the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System. Selected proposals originate from 10 institutions, and the cumulative award totals about $14.6 million. The durations of the projects range from one to five years.

The following investigators and teams were selected:

  • Katya Arquilla, University Of Colorado, Boulder, “Investigating Countermeasures for Communication Delays through the Laboratory-based Exploration Mission Analog”
  • Tripp Driskell, Florida Maxima Corporation, “CADMUS (Crew Adaptive Decision Making Under Stress) and Crew Decision Support System: Development, Validation, and Proof-of-Concept”
  • Christopher Jones, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, “Predicting Operationally Meaningful Performance with Multivariate Biomarkers Using Advanced Algorithms”
  • Jessica Marquez, NASA Ames Research Center, Silicon Valley, California, “Enhancing Performance and Communication for Distributed Teams During Lunar Spacewalks”
  • Shu-Chieh Wu, San Jose State University Research Foundation, California, “Lessening the Impact of Interface Inconsistency Through Goal-Directed Crew Operations”
  • Erika Rashka, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, “Local Psychiatric Digital Phenotyping for Isolated, Constrained, and Extreme (ICE) Environments via Multimodal Sensing”
  • Ana Diaz Artiles, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station, College Station, “Dose-response Curves of Cardiovascular and Ocular Variables During Graded Lower Body Negative Pressure in Microgravity Conditions Using Parabolic Flight”
  • Theodora Chaspari, University Of Colorado, Boulder, “A Speech-Based Artificial Intelligence System for Predicting Team Functioning Degradation in HERA (Human Exploration Research Analog) Missions”
  • Ute Fischer, Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta, “Supporting Collaboration and Connectedness between Space and Ground at Lunar Latencies”
  • Xiaohong Lu, Louisiana State University, Shreveport, “Space Exposome Converges on Genotoxic Stress to Accelerate Brain Aging and Countermeasures to Mitigate Acute and Late Central Nervous System Risks”
  • Catherine Davis, Henry M. Jackson Foundation For The Advancement of Military Medicine, North Bethesda, Maryland, “NeuroSTAR (Neurobehavioral Changes Following Stressors and Radiation): Predicting Mission Impacts from Analogous Human and Rodent Endpoints”

Proposals were independently reviewed by subject matter experts in academia, industry, and government using a dual anonymous peer-review process to assess scientific merit. NASA assessed the top scoring proposals for relevance to the agency’s human research roadmap before final selections were made.


NASA’s Human Research Program pursues the best methods and technologies to support safe, productive human space travel. Through science conducted in laboratories, ground-based analogs, and the International Space Station, the program scrutinizes how spaceflight affects human bodies and behaviors. Such research continues to drive NASA’s mission to innovate ways that keep astronauts healthy as space exploration expands to the Moon, Mars, and beyond.

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Categories: NASA

NASA Shares Asteroid Bennu Sample in Exchange with JAXA

NASA - Breaking News - Fri, 08/23/2024 - 11:55am

As part of an asteroid sample exchange, NASA has transferred to JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) a portion of the asteroid Bennu sample collected by the agency’s OSIRIS-REx mission. The sample was officially handed over by NASA officials during a ceremony on Aug. 22 at JAXA’s Sagamihara, Japan, campus.

The signature exchange for the Bennu sample transfer took place on Aug. 22, 2024, at JAXA’s (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Sagamihara Campus.JAXA

This asteroid sample transfer follows the November 2021 exchange where JAXA transferred to NASA a portion of the sample retrieved from asteroid Ryugu by its Hayabusa2 spacecraft. This agreement allows NASA and JAXA to share achievements and promote scientific and technological cooperation on asteroid sample return missions. The scientific goals of the two missions are to understand the origins and histories of primitive, organic-rich asteroids and what role they may have played in the formation of the planets.

“We value our continued collaboration with JAXA on asteroid sample return missions to both increase our science return and reduce risk on these and other missions,” said Kathleen Vander Kaaden, chief scientist for astromaterials curation in the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “JAXA has extensive curation capabilities, and we look forward to what we will learn from the shared analysis of the OSIRIS-REx samples.”

The Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security-Regolith Explorer, or OSIRIS-REx, spacecraft delivered 4.29 ounces (121.6 grams) of material from Bennu, more than double the mission’s mass requirement, as well as 24 steel Velcro® pads containing dust from the contact with Bennu. As part of the agreement, the Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science Division at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston transferred to JAXA 0.023 ounces (0.66 grams) of the Bennu sample, equaling 0.55% of the total sample mass, and one of the 24 contact pads.

Hayabusa2 collected 0.19 ounces (5.4 grams) of Ryugu between two samples and, in 2021, JAXA provided NASA with 23 millimeter-sized grains plus aggregate sample material from Ryugu, enabling both countries to get the most out of the samples and share the responsibility of sample curation.

Scientists inspect the Bennu sample during its arrival to JAXA’s Institute of Space and Astronautical Science.JAXA

JAXA’s portion of the Bennu samples will be housed in the newly expanded clean rooms in the extraterrestrial sample curation center on the JAXA Sagamihara campus. The JAXA team received the samples enclosed in non-reactive nitrogen gas and will open them in similarly nitrogen-filled clean chambers, accessed with air-tight gloves. JAXA will now work to create an initial description of the sample, including weight measurements, imaging with both visible light and infrared light microscopes, and infrared spectroscopy. The sample will then be distributed through a competitively selected process for detailed analysis at other research institutes to study the differences and similarities between asteroids Bennu and Ryugu.

“Thank you for safely bringing the precious asteroid samples from Bennu to Earth and then to Japan,” said Tomohiro Usui, Astromaterials Science Research Group Manager, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA. “As fellow curators, we understand the tension and responsibility that accompany these tasks. Now, it is our turn at JAXA. We will go ahead with our plans to derive significant scientific outcomes from these valuable samples.”

Asteroids are debris left over from the dawn of the solar system. The Sun and its planets formed from a cloud of dust and gas about 4.6 billion years ago, and asteroids are thought to date back to the first few million years of our solar system’s history. Sample return missions like OSIRIS-REx and Hayabusa2 help provide new data on how the solar system’s evolution unfolded.

Initial analysis of the Bennu samples has revealed dust rich in carbon and nitrogen. Members of the OSIRIS-REx sample analysis team have also found evidence of organic molecules and minerals bearing phosphorous and water, which together could indicate the building blocks essential for life.

Both the Bennu sample and the asteroid Ryugu sample delivered by JAXA’s Hayabusa2 mission appear to have come from an ancient parent object formed beyond the current orbit of Saturn that was broken up and transported into the inner solar system. The differences between these asteroids are emerging as the detailed chemistry is analyzed.

NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, provided overall mission management, systems engineering, and the safety and mission assurance for OSIRIS-REx. Dante Lauretta of the University of Arizona, Tucson, is the principal investigator. The university leads the science team and the mission’s science observation planning and data processing. Lockheed Martin Space in Littleton, Colorado, built the spacecraft and provided flight operations. Goddard and KinetX Aerospace were responsible for navigating the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft. Curation for OSIRIS-REx takes place at NASA Johnson. International partnerships on this mission include the OSIRIS-REx Laser Altimeter instrument from CSA (Canadian Space Agency) and asteroid sample science collaboration with JAXA’s Hayabusa2 mission. OSIRIS-REx is the third mission in NASA’s New Frontiers Program, managed by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, for the agency’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington.

Find more information about NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission at:



News Media Contacts

Wynn Scott
NASA’s Johnson Space Center, Houston

Karen Fox / Alana Johnson
NASA Headquarters, Washington
karen.c.fox@nasa.gov / alana.r.johnson@nasa.gov

Categories: NASA

NASA Astronauts Wilmore, Williams’ Space Station Science Highlights

NASA - Breaking News - Fri, 08/23/2024 - 11:22am

4 min read

Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater) NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test astronauts (from top) Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams inside the vestibule between the forward port on the International Space Station’s Harmony module and the Starliner spacecraft.NASA NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams, inspect safety hardware aboard the International Space Station.NASA NASA astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore prepare orbital plumbing hardware for installation inside the International Space Station’s bathroom, also known as the waste and hygiene compartment, located in the Tranquility module.NASA NASA astronaut and Boeing Crew Flight Test Pilot Suni Williams, inside the International Space Station’s Unity module, displays portable carbon dioxide monitors recently delivered aboard Northrop Grumman’s Cygnus space freighter.NASA NASA astronaut and Boeing Crew Flight Test Commander Butch Wilmore performs spacesuit maintenance inside the International Space Station’s Quest airlock.NASA NASA astronaut and Boeing Crew Flight Test Pilot Suni Williams installs the Packed Bed Reactor Experiment, experimental life support hardware, inside the Microgravity Science Glovebox located aboard the International Space Station’s Destiny laboratory module.NASA Clockwise from bottom, NASA astronauts Matthew Dominick, Jeanette Epps, Suni Williams, Mike Barratt, Tracy C. Dyson, and Butch Wilmore, pose for a team portrait inside the vestibule between the Unity module and the Cygnus space freighter from Northrop Grumman. Dyson holds a photograph of NASA astronaut Patrica Hilliard for whom the Cygnus spacecraft, S.S. Patricia “Patty” Hilliard Robertson, is named after.NASA Clockwise from bottom, NASA astronauts Mike Barratt, Butch Wilmore, and Suni Williams are at work inside the International Space Station’s Unity module. The trio was configuring the ArgUS Mission 1 technology demonstration hardware to test the external operations of communications, computer processing, and high-definition video gear in the vacuum of space.NASA NASA astronauts (from left) Tracy C. Dyson and Suni Williams enjoy an ice cream dessert with fresh ingredients delivered aboard the Northrop Grumman Cygnus space freighter. The duo was enjoying their delicious snack inside the International Space Station’s Unity module where crews share meals in the galley.NASA NASA astronauts (from left) Tracy C. Dyson, Expedition 71 Flight Engineer, and Suni Williams, Pilot for Boeing’s Crew Flight Test, work inside the NanoRacks Bishop airlock located in the port side of the International Space Station’s Tranquility module. The duo installed the the ArgUS Mission-1 technology demonstration hardware inside Bishop for placement outside in the vacuum of space to test the external operations of communications, computer processing, and high-definition video gear.NASA NASA astronaut Butch Wilmore processes samples from Gaucho Lung, an experiment studying how the mucus lining in human airways affects drug delivery to the lungs. NASA NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore (at center) pose with Expedition 71 Flight Engineers (far left) Mike Barratt and Tracy C. Dyson (far right), both NASA astronauts, in their spacesuits aboard the International Space Station’s Quest airlock.NASA NASA astronauts (from left) Suni Williams, Tracy C. Dyson, and Jeanette Epps pose for a portrait during dinner time aboard the International Space Station’s Unity module. Williams is the pilot for NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test and Dyson and Epps are both Expedition 71 Flight Engineers.NASA

Since the start of International Space Station operations more than two decades ago, crews have lived and worked in microgravity to conduct an array of research that benefits life on Earth and future space exploration missions, and perform operational tasks to keep the state-of-the-art scientific lab in its highest-operating condition.

The space station has seen the arrival of more than 270 people. The latest visitors include NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams, who arrived on June 6 as part of the agency’s Boeing Crew Flight Test.

Both veterans of two previous spaceflights, Wilmore and Williams quickly immersed themselves in station life, living and working in low Earth orbit alongside the Expedition 71 crew. The pair has completed a host of science and operational tasks, including fluid physics research, plant facility maintenance, robotic operations, Earth observations, and more.

Check out some highlights from Wilmore and Williams’ mission below.

(From left) NASA astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore perform maintenance work on the Plant Water Management (PWM) system. The duo is investigating how fluid physics, such as surface tension, hydroponics, or air circulation, could overcome the lack of gravity when watering and nourishing plants grown in space. The PWM, located in the station’s Harmony module, uses facilities to promote space agricultural activities on spacecraft and space habitat.NASA

Providing adequate water and nutrition to plants grown in space is critical as missions expand in low Earth orbit and beyond to the Moon and eventually Mars.

Throughout their stay aboard the orbiting laboratory, Wilmore and Williams have tested how different techniques could benefit crop growth in space through the Plant Water Management investigation.

This investigation uses the physical properties of fluids—surface tension, wetting, and system geometry—to overcome the lack of gravity and provide hydration to plants, which could advance the development of hydroponic systems for use during future space travel.

NASA astronaut Butch Wilmore is pictured installing a light meter inside the Veggie facility to obtain light measurements and adjust the light settings inside the plant research device.NASA

Another investigation taking a deeper look at growing plants in space is the Vegetable Production System, or Veggie. Crews living aboard the space station have used Veggie to grow fresh produce and even flowers, providing astronauts with nutritious fresh foods, boosting morale, and enhancing well-being.

In preparation for upcoming work with Veggie, Wilmore installed a light meter inside the facility, which will help crew members obtain light measurements and adjust light settings in the future when they practice their green thumb in space.

NASA astronaut Suni Williams speaks into the microphone during a HAM Radio session with students from Banda Aceh, Indonesia.NASA

For more than two decades, astronauts aboard the space station have connected with students and hobbyists worldwide, sharing details about living and working in microgravity.

In early August, Williams used the Ham Radio to connect with students from Banda Aceh, Indonesia, and answer questions about station research as the orbiting lab passed overhead.  

These space-to-Earth calls inspire younger generations to pursue interests and careers in STEM and provide school communities with opportunities to learn about space technology and communications.

NASA astronaut Suni Williams observes a pair of Astrobee free-flying robots as they demonstrate autonomous docking maneuvers inside the Kibo Laboratory Module.NASA

Astrobee, a set of three free-flying robots, are often buzzing around the orbiting lab, demonstrating how technology could assist astronauts with various tasks such as routine chores and maintenance.

Throughout the mission, Williams powered up and observed Astrobee operations as ground controllers remotely mapped the interior of the orbiting lab, practiced docking maneuvers, and tested how the robots carry out various tasks.

(From top left) The Strait of Gibraltar separating Spain and Morocco, captured by NASA astronaut Butch Wilmore; Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft is seen docked to the Harmony module’s forward port. This long-duration, nighttime photo, shows light trails of civilization over the coast of Mumbai, India; (From bottom left) Two Patagonian Lakes, Viedma and Argentino, are pictured as the station orbited 272 miles above; Wilmore is photographed inside the cupola while taking pictures of Earth.NASA

Since the early days of human spaceflight, astronauts have been photographing Earth from space, capturing the wonder and environmental condition of our home planet.

Orbiting 250 miles above, crew members often spend their free time shooting photos from the cupola, or “window to the world.” The space station’s unique vantage point provides a glimpse at how Earth has changed over time and gives scientists a better look at key data from the perspective of the orbital complex while also improving crews’ mental well-being.

During their mission, the astronaut duo has captured hundreds of photographs of Earth, ranging from auroras, land, sea, orbital sunrises and sunsets, and more.

Wilmore and Williams continue to support daily space station operations as NASA and Boeing evaluate possible return options. For the latest updates on NASA’s commercial crew activities, including the Boeing Crew Flight Test, visit the Commercial Crew Program blog.

For daily space station updates and to learn more about the research being conducted in microgravity, visit the space station blog.

Categories: NASA

Preguntas frecuentes: Estado del retorno de la prueba de vuelo tripulado Boeing de la NASA

NASA - Breaking News - Fri, 08/23/2024 - 10:48am

10 min read

Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater)

Esta historia fue actualizada por última vez el 23 de agosto.
Read the article in English here.

Los astronautas de la NASA Butch Wilmore y Suni Williams llegaron al laboratorio orbital el 6 de junio a bordo de la nave Boeing Starliner tras despegar el 5 de junio desde el Complejo de Lanzamiento Espacial-41 de la Estación Espacial de Cabo Cañaveral, en Florida.

Durante el vuelo de Starliner a la estación espacial, los ingenieros observaron que algunos de los propulsores de la nave no funcionaban como se esperaba y también se observaron varias fugas en el sistema de helio de Starliner. Desde entonces, los equipos de ingeniería de la NASA y Boeing han llevado a cabo varias pruebas de los propulsores, así como revisiones exhaustivas de los datos para comprender mejor la nave espacial. Mientras los ingenieros se esfuerzan por resolver los problemas técnicos antes del regreso del Starliner a la Tierra, el dúo de astronautas ha estado trabajando con la tripulación de la Expedición 71, realizando investigaciones científicas y actividades de mantenimiento.

La NASA tiene previsto llevar a cabo dos revisiones: una del junta de control de la programa y una revisión del estado de preparación para el vuelo de la agencia, antes de decidir cómo regresará de manera segura a Wilmore y Williams de la estación. La NASA espera tomar una decisión sobre el curso a seguir a finales de agosto.

He aquí algunas preguntas frecuentes sobre su misión.

Sobre la misión y su retraso

¿Qué es la prueba de vuelo tripulado Boeing de la NASA?

La prueba de vuelo tripulado Boeing de la NASA despegó el 5 de junio y es el primer vuelo con astronautas de la nave Starliner a la Estación Espacial Internacional. La prueba de vuelo tiene como objetivo demostrar que el sistema está preparado para misiones de rotación a la estación espacial. La NASA quiere que, además de las naves Soyuz de Roscosmos, haya dos naves estadounidenses capaces de transportar astronautas para garantizar una tripulación permanente a bordo del complejo orbital.

¿Cuáles son los objetivos de la prueba de vuelo tripulado?

Esta prueba de vuelo tiene por objeto demostrar la aptitud de Starliner para ejecutar una misión de rotación de seis meses a la estación espacial. Los objetivos de la prueba de vuelo se desarrollaron para respaldar el proceso de certificación de la NASA y recopilar los datos de rendimiento necesarios para evaluar la preparación antes de los vuelos de larga duración.

¿Por qué la prueba de vuelo tripulado permanecerá más tiempo del previsto a bordo de la estación espacial?

Durante el vuelo de Starliner a la estación espacial, algunos de los propulsores de la nave no funcionaron como se esperaba y se observaron varias fugas en el sistema de helio de Starliner. Aunque la duración inicial de la misión estaba prevista en torno a una semana, no hay prisa por traer de vuelta a casa a la tripulación, por lo que la NASA y Boeing se están tomando un tiempo extra para aprender sobre la nave espacial. Se trata de una lección aprendida del accidente del transbordador espacial Columbia. Nuestros equipos de la NASA y Boeing están estudiando minuciosamente los datos de las pruebas y análisis adicionales en el espacio y en tierra, proporcionando a los gestores de la misión datos para tomar la mejor y más segura decisión sobre cómo y cuándo traer de vuelta a casa a la tripulación.

Si se diera una emergencia en la estación espacial, ¿cómo volverían Butch y Suni a casa?

Starliner sigue siendo la principal opción para Butch y Suni si se produjera una emergencia y tuvieran que abandonar rápidamente la estación. No existe una necesidad urgente de traerlos a casa, y la NASA está utilizando el tiempo extra para comprender los problemas técnicos de la nave espacial antes de decidir un plan de regreso.

¿Cuánto tiempo podrían permanecer Butch y Suni en la estación espacial si no regresan a bordo de Starliner?

Si la NASA decidiera devolver la nave Starliner sin tripulación, Butch y Suni permanecerían a bordo de la estación hasta finales de febrero de 2025. La NASA replanificaría la misión SpaceX Crew-9, enviando solo dos tripulantes en lugar de cuatro a finales de septiembre. Butch y Suni regresarían a la Tierra tras el incremento programado para Crew-9 a principios del próximo año.

¿Se quedarán Butch y Suni en el espacio hasta 2025?

No se ha tomado ninguna decisión. La NASA sigue evaluando todas las opciones a medida que aprende más sobre el sistema de propulsión de Starliner. Butch y Suni podrían regresar a bordo de Starliner, o podrían volver como parte de la misión SpaceX Crew-9 de la agencia a principios del año que viene.

¿Puede Starliner volar sin astronautas?

Sí, Starliner puede desacoplarse y abandonar la órbita de forma autónoma, si la NASA decide que la nave regrese sin tripulación.

¿Podría la NASA enviar una nave SpaceX Dragon para traer de vuelta a Butch y Suni?

Si la NASA decide que regresen a bordo de una nave SpaceX Dragon, la agencia replanificará su misión SpaceX Crew-9 enviando solo dos tripulantes a finales de septiembre en lugar de cuatro. Butch y Suni regresarían entonces a la Tierra después del incremento regular programado de Crew-9 a principios del próximo año.

¿Por qué necesita la NASA dos sistemas de transporte de tripulación?

El principal objetivo del Programa de Tripulación Comercial de la agencia es contar con dos sistemas distintos de vuelos espaciales tripulados. En caso de que alguno de los sistemas tuviera algún problema, la NASA seguiría teniendo la capacidad de lanzar y traer de vuelta a tripulantes para garantizar la seguridad y que siga habiendo presencia de humanos a bordo de la Estación Espacial Internacional de manera continua.

Sobre los astronautas

¿Están Butch y Suni atrapados en la estación espacial?

No, Butch y Suni están a salvo a bordo de la estación espacial, trabajando junto a la tripulación de la Expedición 71. También han participado activamente en las pruebas y reuniones técnicas de Starliner. Butch y Suni podrían volver a casa a bordo de la nave Starliner en caso de emergencia. La agencia también dispone de otras opciones de regreso, en caso necesario, tanto para la planificación de contingencias como para el regreso en condiciones normales.

¿Están preparados Suni y Butch para una estancia más larga en la estación?

Butch y Suni ya han realizado dos estancias de larga duración a bordo de la estación. Los astronautas de la NASA se embarcan en misiones plenamente conscientes de los diversos escenarios que podrían materializarse. Esta misión no es diferente, y entendían las posibilidades e incógnitas de este vuelo de prueba, incluyendo la posibilidad de permanecer a bordo de la estación más tiempo del previsto.

¿Cuánto duraría una estancia prolongada de Butch y Suni en comparación con la duración de otras misiones en la estación espacial?

Una estancia típica a bordo de la Estación Espacial Internacional es de unos seis meses, y algunos astronautas de la NASA han permanecido en la estación espacial durante misiones de mayor duración. Las misiones anteriores han proporcionado a la NASA gran cantidad de datos sobre los vuelos espaciales de larga duración y sus efectos en el cuerpo humano, que la agencia aplica a cualquier misión con tripulación.

¿Tienen los astronautas todo lo que necesitan (por ejemplo, comida, ropa, oxígeno, artículos personales, etc.)?

Sí. La Estación Espacial Internacional está bien provista de todo lo que necesita la tripulación, incluidos alimentos, agua, ropa y oxígeno. Además, la NASA y sus socios de la estación espacial lanzan con frecuencia misiones de reabastecimiento al complejo orbital con suministros y carga adicionales.

Recientemente, llegaron a la estación una nave espacial Cygnus de Northrop Grumman que transportaba 3.720 kilogramos (8.200 libras) de alimentos, combustible, suministros y material científico, y una nave espacial de reabastecimiento Progress que transportaba 2.721 kilogramos (6.000 libras) de carga. La NASA tiene previstas misiones adicionales de SpaceX de reabastecimiento durante lo que queda de 2024.

¿Qué están haciendo a bordo de la estación espacial?

La tripulación sigue supervisando los sistemas de vuelo de Starliner y recopilando datos de rendimiento para la certificación de sistemas. La NASA también está aprovechando el tiempo extra de Butch y Suni a bordo del laboratorio orbital, donde han completado varios experimentos científicos, tareas de mantenimiento y han colaborado en los preparativos de las caminatas espaciales. Algunos de los experimentos científicos que han llevado a cabo recientemente incluyen nuevas formas de producir cables de fibra óptica y el cultivo de plantas a bordo del complejo orbital.

¿Pueden hablar con sus familiares y amigos?

Butch y Suni disfrutan de muchas de las comodidades que tenemos aquí en la Tierra. Pueden enviar correos electrónicos, llamar por teléfono y hacer videoconferencias con sus familiares y amigos cuando tienen tiempo libre a bordo de la Estación Espacial Internacional.

Sobre el plan de regreso

¿Cuáles son las otras opciones para traer de vuelta a Butch y Suni?

La NASA dispone de dos sistemas estadounidenses de transporte espacial capaces de transportar tripulación a la estación y de vuelta. Aunque no se ha tomado ninguna decisión, la NASA está considerando varias opciones para hacer regresar a Butch y Suni de la estación espacial, incluido su retorno a bordo de la nave Starliner, si se autoriza, o como parte de la misión SpaceX Crew-9 de la agencia en febrero de 2025.

¿Es más seguro traerlos a casa a bordo de una nave Dragon de SpaceX?

Los vuelos de prueba tripulados son intrínsecamente arriesgados y, aunque las misiones de rotación puedan parecer rutinarias, tampoco están exentas de riesgos. Es competencia de la NASA evaluar ese riesgo antes de cada vuelo y determinar si es aceptable para la tripulación.

¿Qué otras medidas está tomando la NASA para traerlos a casa?

La NASA ajustó el lanzamiento de la Tripulación-9 de SpaceX y el regreso de la Tripulación-8 de la agencia, lo que permite más tiempo para finalizar los planes de regreso de Starliner. La NASA también está examinando las asignaciones de tripulación para garantizar que Butch y Suni puedan regresar con Crew-9 si fuera necesario.

Para consultar el blog de la NASA y obtener más información sobre la misión (en inglés), visita: https://www.nasa.gov/commercialcrew

Categories: NASA

Hubble Reaches a Lonely Light in the Dark

NASA - Breaking News - Fri, 08/23/2024 - 9:09am

2 min read

Hubble Reaches a Lonely Light in the Dark NASA, ESA, C. Gallart (Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias), A. del Pino Molina (Centro de Estudios de Fisica del Cosmos de Aragon), and R. van der Marel (Space Telescope Science Institute); Image Processing: Gladys Kober (NASA/Catholic University of America)

A splatter of stars glows faintly at almost 3 million light-years away in this new image from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. Known as the Tucana Dwarf for lying in the constellation Tucana, this dwarf galaxy contains a loose bundle of aging stars at the far edge of the Local Group, an aggregation of galaxies including our Milky Way, bound together by gravity. The Tucana Dwarf was discovered in 1990 by R.J. Lavery, the same year Hubble launched.

What makes the Tucana Dwarf distinct from other dwarf galaxies comes in two parts: its classification, and its isolation. As a dwarf spheroidal galaxy, it is much smaller and less luminous than most other dwarf galaxies. Dust is sparse and the stellar population skews towards the older range, giving them a dimmer look. Additionally, the Tucana Dwarf lies about 3.6 million light-years from the Local Group’s center of mass, far from the Milky Way and other galaxies. It is only one of two dwarf spheroidal galaxies in the Local Group to be this remote, making astronomers theorize that a close encounter with a larger galactic neighbor called Andromeda slingshotted it into the distance about 11 billion years ago.

Having such pristine properties enables scientists to use the Tucana Dwarf as a cosmic fossil. Dwarf galaxies could be the early ingredients for larger galaxies, and with older stars residing in such an isolated environment, analyzing them can help trace galaxy formation back to the dawn of time. For that reason, Hubble reached far across the Local Group using the capabilities of the Advanced Camera for Surveys and Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 to meet this distant, lonely galaxy. Examining its structure, composition, and star formation history sheds light on the epoch of reionization, when the first stars and galaxies arose from the dark billions of years ago.

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Media Contact:

Claire Andreoli
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight CenterGreenbelt, MD

Share Details Last Updated Aug 23, 2024 EditorMichelle BellevilleLocationNASA Goddard Space Flight Center Related Terms Keep Exploring Discover More Topics From NASA Hubble Space Telescope

Since its 1990 launch, the Hubble Space Telescope has changed our fundamental understanding of the universe.

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Hubble’s Galaxies


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