When it comes to atoms, language can be used only as in poetry. The poet, too, is not nearly so concerned with describing facts as with creating images.
— Niels Bohr
What strange world is this?
A waxing crescent Moon and a waning crescent Venus are found at
LEDA 1313424: The Bullseye Galaxy
IC 2574: Coddington's Nebula
Where is Comet ATLAS going?
Yes, but can your rainbow do this?
Is this the largest hummingbird ever?
Some stars explode in slow motion.
What's happening to Comet G3 ATLAS?
Vivid and lustrous,
The interstellar cloud of dust and gas captured in this
Gorgeous spiral galaxy Messier 33 seems to have more than its
What are those strange rings?
Comets can be huge.
Stars come in bunches.
Why does this comet have so many tails?
Clouds of stardust drift through
Comet G3 ATLAS: a Tail and a Telescope
Point your telescope toward the high flying constellation
Astrophotography equipment