Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand and I can move the Earth

— Archimedes 200 BC


WiFi-enabled Crestron touchpanel aids in stargazing

WiFi-enabled Crestron TMPC8X to actually control a giant telescope.

See more

Scientists receive death threats over Large Hadron Collider

Monday, 8 September 2008

Cosmic crash unmasks dark matter

Striking evidence has been found for the enigmatic "stuff" called dark matter which makes up 23% of the Universe, yet is invisible to our eyes.  

New Jersey State Botanical Gardens

I went to see the gardens up in Ringwood today.  It's really beautiful.  The annuals and perennials are still in bloom.  You can spend quite a bit of time up there.  Member Maja Britton advised us to see the new scale model of the solar system that runs the length of the Crab Apple trees. 

There seems to be some controversy up there with caterer renting Skylands Manor. 

Dark Sky Observer - Online Project

Calling all members new and old.  The NJAG would like to greatly expand the online archive of this publication. 

If you have copies you can scan, please contact us so we can learn what copies you have.  The Group has been around for over 25 years.  Wouldn't it be great to have this before the end of the year?

NASA's 50th Anniv

A great review of the history of NASA right from the beginning... Complete with videos, music of the era's and a peak to the futre. Great animation. Prepare to spend a good hour or more reminiscing!

Star Gazer

I don't even remember when I first became so interested in the sky. When I was single and working in NYC, I was so busy with a career that I loved and a busy social life,that I don't think I paid much attention - (Aside from a date or two at the NY Planitarium or viewing an eclipse or two, that is).

I think it happened one night as, newly separated with 2 children under the age of 5, I was feeling extremely stressed. Having just put the kids to bed I stepped out onto my porch to take a much needed deep breath. The first thing I noticed when I walked outside was that the moon was full!

State of New Jersey - Energy Master Plan

This link was found on UACNJ.ORG regarding the State of NJ's energy planning.

"The state of NJ is accepting comments from the public on its proposed energy master plan. It contains no references to light pollution or outdoor lighting!" 

Use your voice or lose it



What does the White House know about life on Mars that you don't?

Is NASA telling the White House something about life on Mars that it hasn't told anyone else?

See more:

NJAG Annual Dinner, November 2, 2008

It has been an annual tradition to have a dinner.  This year the Group returns to the Russian Hall in Singac, New Jersey.  The approximate cost will be $30 per person.  This event falls on a Sunday and the dinner lasts four hours.  I anticipate it will start around 1 PM.  It will be a hot buffet.  Drinks will be by the pitcher.  This is fundraiser as well. 
I hope this will be an opportunity to rehash the past and plan for future events.