These earthly godfathers of Heaven's lights, that give a name to every fixed star, have no more profit of their shining nights than those that walk and know not what they are.
Submitted by ironsparticus (not verified) on Tue, 02/10/2009 - 11:16pm
wow!!! nice details and color. much more detail and color than the avereage moon pic. It's so pretty that I would even put up a poster print of it on my wall.
Did you use an astro cam on a scope and stacking astro software? Definitely the sharpest and most colorfull full moon pic that I recall seing.
Submitted by ebfaulkner6a on Sat, 09/06/2008 - 4:40pm
It's a very interesting results that you can get when imaging the Moon in color (colour). And it is also interesting to see the difference when imaging thru Ha. But I like your image above.
Sky Watcher Star Adventurer 2i Pro Pack – Motorized DSLR Night Sky Tracker Equatorial Mount for Portable Nightscapes, Time-Lapse and Panoramas Wi-Fi App Camera Control – Long Exposure (S20512)
wow!!! nice details and
on Tue, 02/10/2009 - 11:16pm
wow!!! nice details and color. much more detail and color than the avereage moon pic. It's so pretty that I would even put up a poster print of it on my wall.
Did you use an astro cam on a scope and stacking astro software? Definitely the sharpest and most colorfull full moon pic that I recall seing.
Moon in color
on Sat, 09/06/2008 - 4:40pm
It's a very interesting results that you can get when imaging the Moon in color (colour). And it is also interesting to see the difference when imaging thru Ha. But I like your image above.