Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not.
Both are equally terrifying.

— Arthur C. Clarke

Annual Dinner

Astro Dinner

We discussed having a dinner.  It's really important to get together on this now if we are going to make it happen in November as suggested at our last meeting on July 8th by Mary Lou.  We need a head count.  Mark E. was to contact a restaurant or two and Mike W was to send out requests for door prizes.  Now your part is telling us yes or no.  If we can't make November, how about in February like in really old times.  Correct me if I'm wrong about the old time dates.  All I can remember was being snowed out several years.

2008 Winners

2008  Winners

Great time today at the Annual Dinner

It was my first attendance to the Annual DInner.. and a great time it was. It was nice to see everyone again. The Russian Hall was great, and the food fabulous. Thirds anyone???

Got my own copy of the Huygens landing, with all the features.... What a vid!...

Next year.. I'll have some pics to submit!!!


Annual Dinner will be on Sunday, November 2, 2008

This is just a reminder that the North Jersey Astronomical Group's Annual Dinner will be on
Sunday, November 2, 2008, at The Russian Hall in Little Falls, NJ. The start time is 1 PM.

Cost is $28 per person.

Please make payment to the "North Jersey Astronomical Group."

You can mail it to either address below. Mailed before October 25, 2008: Neil B. Goldstein 131 Rensselaer Road Essex Fells, NJ 07021 Mailed after October 25, but before October 29th: NJAG P.O. Box 1472 Clifton, NJ 07015-1472

NJAG Annual Dinner, November 2, 2008

It has been an annual tradition to have a dinner.  This year the Group returns to the Russian Hall in Singac, New Jersey.  The approximate cost will be $30 per person.  This event falls on a Sunday and the dinner lasts four hours.  I anticipate it will start around 1 PM.  It will be a hot buffet.  Drinks will be by the pitcher.  This is fundraiser as well. 
I hope this will be an opportunity to rehash the past and plan for future events.

NJAG party

During the May meeting several members suggested we have a party again.  Phil, Jim P, and I have been looking at several restaurants for ideas.  The plan was to decide by the July meeting.  If any of you folks have an idea, please share it with us. 



The Winners

The Happy Winners

The Winners

Dinner is served

Annual dinner rituals in progress

Dinner is served

Help Yourself

Crowded moments

Help Yourself

Eclipse Glasses

At our annual dinner in March, 2004 Kevin supplied us all with eclipse glasses for the upcoming transit of Venus. Many people also won door prizes

Eclipse Glasses