The forces of rotation caused red hot masses of stones to be torn away from the Earth and to be thrown into the ether, and this is the origin of the stars.

— Anaxagoras 428 BC

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Telescope deal: Celestron StarSense Explorer LT 114AZ now under $200 - Thu, 05/23/2024 - 7:28am
This beginner-friendly telescope from Celestron is on offer for under $200 now that it has a $40 discount.
Categories: Astronomy

Amazing new images of galaxies and nebulae caught by Euclid telescope

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Thu, 05/23/2024 - 7:00am
The European Space Agency’s Euclid space telescope has taken images of galaxies, galaxy clusters and newborn stars in unprecedented detail
Categories: Astronomy

Amazing new images of galaxies and nebulae caught by Euclid telescope

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Thu, 05/23/2024 - 7:00am
The European Space Agency’s Euclid space telescope has taken images of galaxies, galaxy clusters and newborn stars in unprecedented detail
Categories: Astronomy

Bilingual Brain-Reading Implant Decodes Spanish and English

Scientific - Thu, 05/23/2024 - 7:00am

A first-of-a-kind AI system enables a person with paralysis to communicate in two languages

Categories: Astronomy

ESA's Euclid celebrates first science with sparkling cosmic views

ESO Top News - Thu, 05/23/2024 - 6:45am
Video: 00:07:21

ESA is releasing a new set of full-colour images captured by the space telescope Euclid.

Five new portraits of our cosmos were captured during Euclid’s early observations phase, each revealing amazing new science. Euclid’s ability to unravel the secrets of the cosmos is something you will not want to miss. 

Categories: Astronomy

ZWO SeeStar S50 smart telescope review - Thu, 05/23/2024 - 6:00am
A fun, affordable, portable and intuitively designed smart telescope for imaging galaxies, the sun and the moon.
Categories: Astronomy

Huge nose of male proboscis monkeys is key to mating success

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Thu, 05/23/2024 - 6:00am
Male proboscis monkeys use their enormous noses to make loud trumpeting sounds, and the organ’s size advertises their health and status to prospective mates and rivals
Categories: Astronomy

Huge nose of male proboscis monkeys is key to mating success

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Thu, 05/23/2024 - 6:00am
Male proboscis monkeys use their enormous noses to make loud trumpeting sounds, and the organ’s size advertises their health and status to prospective mates and rivals
Categories: Astronomy

The Euclid 'dark universe detective' telescope has revealed new images of the cosmos — and they are remarkable - Thu, 05/23/2024 - 6:00am
A new set of images has been released from Europe's "dark universe detective" Euclid, and they show that the space telescope is set to change the game for astronomy.
Categories: Astronomy

Webb Explains a Puffy Planet

Universe Today - Thu, 05/23/2024 - 5:57am

I love the concept of a ‘puffy’ planet! The exoplanets discovered that fall into this category are typically the same size of Jupiter but 1/10th the mass! They tend to orbit their host star at close in orbits and are hot but one has been found that is different from the normal. This Neptune-mass exoplanet has been thought to be cooler but still have a lower density. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has recently discovered that tidal energy from its elliptical orbit keeps its interior churning and puffs it out. 

WASP-107b is more than three quarters the volume of Jupiter but, like most fluffy planets, is one-tenth the mass making it one of the least dense planets known. Its unusual property however is that whilst most puffy planets are hot, WASP-107b is relatively cool. This goes against initial observations which had also suggested, due to its mass, radius and age it was thought to have a small rock core with a hydrogen and helium rich atmosphere.

Recent observations of this exoplanet by the JWST revealed far less methane in the atmosphere than expected. The orientation of the orbit making it edge on to us means we can study the planet’s atmosphere by examining the light from the star as it passes through the gas. This technique known as transmission spectroscopy can be used to identify the signatures of gasses in the star’s spectrum. Using JWSTs Near-Infrared Camera and Mid-Infrared Instrument and data from Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3, the abundances of methane, water vapour, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and ammonia could be revealed.

Artist impression of the James Webb Space Telescope

Not only did this reveal the lack of methane but also provided evidence that hot gas from lower altitudes was mixing with cooler gas layers from higher up. One of the properties of methane is that it is unstable at high temperatures and, beyond 1200 degrees the bonds between hydrogen and carbon breakdown. This is not the case with other carbon based molecules suggesting the higher temperature.  It suggests that the interior of the planet must be hotter than thought with a more massive core than expected. It’s thanks to JWST’s higher level of sensitivity that the mystery looks like it may finally have been solved.

The team, led by Luis Welbanks from Arizona State University (ASU) explored a number of possibilities. First that it had more mass in its core than first expected. If this was true then the atmosphere is likely to have contracted as the planet cooled. In time and, without a source of heat to give the atmosphere energy and cause it to expand, the planet should be much smaller than observed. Even though the planet orbits the star at a distance of of just over 8 million kilometres it still does not get enough energy to drive the inflation of the atmosphere. 

One theory is that the higher internal temperatures are generated by tidal heating. In just the same way that the gravitational force of Jupiter causes tidal heating on Io, the highly elliptical orbit of WASP-107b could be the answer. As the planet swings by the host star in its non-circular orbit it is squished and squashed providing a source of heat. 

Understanding the source of heat on WASP-107b has helped the team learn more about the properties and processes. Knowing how much energy is there helps to determine the proportions of other elements like carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur. Calculating this helps to determine the mass of the core  which, according to the recent studies reveal is twice as massive as originally estimated.

Source : Webb Cracks Case of Inflated Exoplanet

The post Webb Explains a Puffy Planet appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Astronomy

Iceberg A-83 breaks free

ESO Top News - Thu, 05/23/2024 - 2:45am
Image: An iceberg roughly the size of the Isle of Wight has broken off the Brunt Ice Shelf in Antarctica on 20 May.
Categories: Astronomy

About 1 in 9 children in the US have been diagnosed with ADHD

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Thu, 05/23/2024 - 1:01am
New survey data estimates that 7.1 million children in the US have been diagnosed with ADHD at some point, about 1 million more kids than had been diagnosed as of 2016
Categories: Astronomy

The Largest Camera Ever Built Arrives at the Vera C. Rubin Observatory

Universe Today - Thu, 05/23/2024 - 12:15am

It’s been 20 years in the making, but a 3200-megapixel camera built especially for astrophysics discoveries has finally arrived at its home. The Legacy of Space and Time (LSST) camera was delivered to the Vera C. Rubin Observatory in Chile in mid-May, 2024.

The camera traveled from its construction lab at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. The technical crew outfitted it with specialized data loggers, monitors, and GPS attached to track the conditions of its trip. Then they put it into a specially built container and the whole assemblage made the trip from San Francisco airport to Santiago on the 14th of May via a chartered flight. Once in Chile, it traveled up to the site for five hours up a 35-kilometer dirt road. It arrived on the 16th, completing a huge step toward opening the Rubin Observatory, according to construction project manager. “Getting the camera to the summit was the last major piece in the puzzle,” he said. “With all Rubin’s components physically on-site, we’re on the home stretch towards transformative science with the LSST.”

This video documents the journey of the LSST Camera from SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in California to Rubin Observatory on the summit of Cerro Pachón in Chile. The camera arrived on the summit on 16 May 2024. Credit:RubinObs/NSF/AURA/S. Deppe/O. Bonin, T. Lange, M. Lopez, J. Orrell (SLAC National Lab)

The LSST Camera is the final major component of Rubin Observatory’s Simonyi Survey Telescope to arrive at the summit. It’s about the size of a small car. Inside, its focal plane contains 189 CCD sensors arranged on an array of “rafts”. The sensors deliver a combined 3200-megapixel view.

Now that it has arrived, the camera undergoes several months of testing in the observatory’s white room. After that, it goes on the Simonyi Survey Telescope, with its newly-coated 8.4-meter mirror and 3.4-meter secondary mirror.

About the Vera Rubin Observatory

This unique observatory is named after astronomer Vera C. Rubin. Her work focused on the mysterious “dark matter” that seems to permeate the Universe. Along with her team, she studied dozens of galaxies to understand what was influencing their motions. It turned out to be dark matter. The search for dark matter and its existence throughout the Universe is one of the main goals of the observatory that now bears her name.

Understanding the distribution of dark matter is where the LSST Camera will come in handy. For one thing, it will spend a decade taking images of the sky each night, performing a massive survey that will provide a complete image of the visible sky every 3-4 mights. Each area it images will be about the size of 40 full moons and the survey will take advantage of the 8.4-meter telescope moving quickly between imaging positions. In full operation, the Observatory will deliver a 500-petabyte set of images and data products about the sky.

The complete focal plane of the future LSST Camera is more than 2 feet wide and contains 189 individual sensors that will produce 3,200-megapixel images. Crews at SLAC have now taken the first images with it. (Jacqueline Orrell/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

Not only will the Rubin Observatory perform this unprecedented survey in very high resolution, but will also track objects that change in brightness—called “transients.” That includes supernovae, variable stars, mergers of dense objects such as neutron stars or black holes, and other quickly changing events and objects. In addition, it will track asteroids and other objects that wander through the Solar System.

The formation and evolution of the Milky Way Galaxy is another research area for telescope users. Rubin should be able to track stellar streams throughout the Galaxy and chart their paths. That information could give precious insight into just how our Galaxy formed and how stars from cannibalized galaxies move through it.

What’s Next for Vera Rubin Observatory and the LSST Camera

Once the LSST Camera got delivered to the Cerro Pachón site, technicians moved it into an immense white room. That’s a controlled environment that protects the instrument while they work to get it ready for installation on the telescope. They inspected the camera and downloaded data about the “ride” from the U.S. to Chile from all the instruments attached to it. “Our goal was to make sure the camera not only survived, but arrived in perfect condition,” said Kevin Reil, Observatory Scientist at Rubin. “Initial indications—including the data collected by the data loggers, accelerometers, and shock sensors—suggest we were successful.”

View of Rubin Observatory at sunset in December 2023. The 8.4-meter telescope at Rubin Observatory, equipped with the highest-resolution digital camera in the world, will take enormous images of the southern hemisphere sky, covering the entire sky every few nights. Rubin will do this over and over for 10 years, creating a timelapse view of the Universe. Image Credit: RubinObs/NSF/AURA/H. Stockebrand

The observatory is still in the final stages of construction. The telescope is in place, and other instruments and infrastructure are being finalized. It should all be ready for “first light” and the beginning of science operations sometime in 2025. Between now and then, more parts of the telescope and its mirrors should be installed, and there will be tests of various other instruments both on and off the sky as scientists get ready to start using Rubin next year. Once observations begin, astronomers using Rubin could discover around 17 billion stars and ~20 billion galaxies in the distant Universe.

For More Information

LSST Camera Arrives at Rubin Observatory in Chile, Paving the Way for Cosmic Exploration
Vera C. Rubin Observatory

The post The Largest Camera Ever Built Arrives at the Vera C. Rubin Observatory appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Astronomy

This is the Largest Planet-Forming Disk Ever Seen

Universe Today - Wed, 05/22/2024 - 8:56pm

Roughly 1,000 light-years from Earth, there is a cosmic structure known as IRAS 23077+6707 (IRAS 23077) that resembles a giant butterfly. Ciprian T. Berghea, an astronomer with the U.S. Naval Observatory, originally observed the structure in 2016 using the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). To the surprise of many, the structure has remained unchanged for years, leading some to question what IRAS 2307 could be.

Recently, two international teams of astronomers made follow-up observations using the Submillimeter Array at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) in Hawaii to better understand IRAS 2307. In a series of papers describing their findings, the teams revealed that IRAS 23077 is actually a young star surrounded by a massive protoplanetary debris disk, the largest ever observed. This discovery offers new insight into planet formation and the environments where this takes place.

The first paper, led by Berghea, reports the discovery that IRAS 23077 is a young star located in the middle of what appeared to be an enormous planet-forming disk. In the second paper, led by CfA postdoc Kristina Monsch, the researchers confirm the discovery of this protoplanetary disk using data from Pan-STARRS and the Submillimeter Array (SMA). The first paper has been accepted for publication, while the second was published on May 13th in The Astrophysical Journal Letters (respectively).

An illustration of a protoplanetary disk. The solar system formed from such a disk. Astronomers suggest this birthplace was protected by a larger filament of molecular gas and dust early in history. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/T. Pyle (SSC)

Protoplanetary disks are basically planetary nurseries consisting of the gas and dust that have settled around newly formed stars. Over time, these disks become rings as material coalesces into protoplanets in certain orbits, where they will eventually become rocky planets, gas giants, and icy bodies. For astronomers, these disks can be used to constrain the size and mass of young stars since they rotate with a specific signature. Unfortunately, obtaining accurate observations of these disks is sometimes hampered by how they are oriented relative to Earth.

Whereas some disks appear “face-on” in that they are fully visible to Earth observers, some planet-forming disks (like IRAS 23077) are only visible “edge-on,” meaning the disk obscures light coming from the parent star. Nevertheless, the dust and gas signatures of these disks are still bright at millimeter wavelengths – which the SMA observes. When the Pan-STARRS and SWA teams observed IRAS 23077 using the combined power of their observatories, they were quite surprised by what they saw.

Kristina Monsch, an SAO astrophysicist and a postdoctoral fellow at the CfA, led the SMA campaign. As she related their findings in a recent CfA news release:

“After finding out about this possible planet-forming disk from Pan-STARRS data, we were keen to observe it with the SMA, which allowed us to understand its physical nature. What we found was incredible – evidence that this was the largest planet-forming disk ever discovered. It is extremely rich in dust and gas, which we know are the building blocks of planets.”

“The data from the SMA offer us the smoking–gun evidence that this is a disk, and coupled with the estimate of the system’s distance, that it is rotating around a star likely two to four times more massive than our own Sun. From the SMA data we can also weigh the dust and gas in this planetary nursery, which we found has enough material to form many giant planets – and out to distances over 300 times further out than the distance between the Sun and Jupiter!”

The inset for this image shows compelling evidence that IRAS 23077 contains a planet-forming disk. Along with dust grains, the SMA can also observe the cold carbon monoxide gas that comprises the bulk of a planet-forming disk. Credit: SAO/ASIAA/SMA/K. Monsch et al.; Optical: Pan-STARRS

After Berghea observed IRAS 23077, he suggested the nickname “Dracula’s Chivito,” which paid tribute to “Gomez’s Hamburger,” another protoplanetary disk that is only visible edge-on. First, Since Berghea grew up in the Transylvania region in Romania, close to where Vlad the Impaler (the inspiration for Bram Stoker’s tale) lived, he suggested Dracula. Having grown up in Uruquay, Berghea’s co-author Ana suggested “chivito,” a hamburger-like sandwich and the national dish of her ancestral country. Said co-author Joshua Bennett Lovell, an SAO astrophysicist and an SMA Fellow at CfA:

“The discovery of a structure as extended and bright as IRAS 23077 poses some important questions. Just how many more of these objects have we missed? Further study of IRAS 23077 is warranted to investigate the possible routes to form planets in these extreme young environments, and how these might compare to exoplanet populations observed around distant stars more massive than our Sun.”

The discovery of this disk also incentivizes astronomers to search for similar objects in our galaxy. These observations could yield valuable information on planetary systems in the earliest stage of formation, which could lead to new insights into how the Solar System came to be. The SMA is an array of telescopes in Hawaii jointly operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) at the Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) and the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA) in Taiwan.

Further Reading: CfA

The post This is the Largest Planet-Forming Disk Ever Seen appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Astronomy

Maybe Ultra-Hot Jupiters Aren’t So Doomed After All

Universe Today - Wed, 05/22/2024 - 8:31pm

Ultra-hot Jupiters (UHJs) are some of the most fascinating astronomical objects in the cosmos, classified as having orbital periods of less than approximately 3 days with dayside temperatures exceeding 1,930 degrees Celsius (3,500 degrees Fahrenheit), as most are tidally locked with their parent stars. But will these extremely close orbits result in orbital decay for UHJs eventually doom them to being swallowed by their star, or can some orbit for the long term without worry? This is what a recent study accepted to the Planetary Science Journal hopes to address as a team of international researchers investigated potential orbital decays for several UHJs, which holds the potential to not only help astronomers better understand UHJs but also the formation and evolution of exoplanets, overall.

Here, we discuss this research with study lead author, Dr. Elisabeth Adams, who is a Senior Scientist at the Planetary Science Institute, regarding the motivation behind the study, significant results, follow-up studies, and the importance of studying orbital decay for UHJs and UHJs, overall. So, what was the motivation behind this study regarding the orbital decay of UHJs? 

“Ever since the first exoplanet, 51 Peg b aka Dimidium, was announced in a 4-day orbit, scientists have been deeply concerned about the long-term stability of these giant planets,” Dr. Adams tells Universe Today. “We’ve known for a while that objects the size of Jupiter can’t exist with orbits shorter than about 19 hours (that’s the Roche limit), but even giant planets with orbits of a few days are unstable over the long term because the tidal forces will inexorably cause their orbits to decay. The big unknown is what ‘long-term’ means: will the planet decay while the star is still on the main sequence, or will the process take so long that the star dies first?”

For the study, the researchers used a combination of ground- and space-based telescopes to conduct stellar photometry and exoplanet light curve analyses of 43 UHJs with orbital periods ranging from 0.67 days (TOI-2109 b) to 3.03 days (TrES-1 b) with the goal of ascertaining their orbital period rate of change (i.e., increasing orbital period or decreasing orbital period (orbital decay)) measured in milliseconds per year (ms/yr). This study consisted of both previously measured and new transit light curve data with the team performing some calculations to determine the orbital period rate of change for each of the 43 UHJs. Additionally, more than half of the 43 UHJs for this study have observational data of more than a decade with one exceeding 20 years of data (WASP-18 b at 32 years). So, what were the most significant results from this study?

Dr. Adams tells Universe Today, “The interesting thing is not only that this study didn’t find any new cases of orbital decay, but also that we are starting to see several orders of magnitude difference in how long orbital decay takes. The two best cases for decaying planets (WASP-12 b and Kepler-1658 b) are decaying at rates that are >10-1000 times faster than the planets that we don’t find decay around (e.g., WASP-18 b, WASP-19b, and KELT-1b); if those latter planets were decaying as fast as WASP-12 b, we definitely would have detected it by now.”

As noted, this comprehensive study helped identify new information regarding the orbital decay of UHJs, specifically pertaining to the lack of orbital decay for most of them, meaning some orbits could potentially be stable for the long-term despite orbiting extremely close to their respective parent stars. Additionally, it helped challenge previous measurements pertaining to orbital decay of certain UHJs, which could help astronomers better understand the formation and evolution of UHJs throughout the universe. Therefore, given the comprehensiveness of the study, what follow-up studies are currently in the works or being planned?

Dr. Adams tells Universe Today, “We’re just going to have to keep looking! This paper is the first one from our survey, and only covers about half the known UHJs, more of which keep being found; among our targets, half of them haven’t been observed long enough, or with enough transits, to say if even very rapid orbital decay is happening. For the others, we may just need another few more years, or maybe a few decades, to observe it. Theorists are also hard at work to explain how the age and structure of the star contribute to different rates of decay, though the high uncertainty between theoretical models is why I like being able to empirically measure the decay rate.”

Studying orbital decay is essential in better understanding both if and when two astronomical objects will collide with each other, including a planet and its satellite (most often a moon), a star and another planet or comet orbiting it (resulting in the latter’s incineration), a star and another star (resulting in gravitational waves or gamma-ray bursts), and any astronomical objects orbiting each other (binary system). For Earth, measuring orbital decay has been vital in learning when artificial satellites could burn up in our planet’s atmosphere. But, regarding exoplanets, what is the importance of studying orbital decay for UHJs, and are they limited to only UHJs?

“Tidal decay is most important for large planets,” Dr. Adams tells Universe Today. “Crazily enough, Earth-sized planets have been found in orbits as short as 4 hours and yet are predicted to be tidally stable for many billions of years. (I have previously published work on these smaller ultra-short period planets.) The bigger the planet and the closer it is to the star, the stronger the tidal effects and the faster the orbit will decay.”

UHJs are unofficially designated as a sub-class of “hot” Jupiters. Like this study, past UHJs have also been examined using a combination of ground- and space-based telescopes. As noted by Dr. Adams, this study examined approximately half of the known UHJs, meaning there are approximately 100 known UHJs populating the cosmos. As also noted, most UHJs are tidally locked with their parent star, meaning one side continuously faces the star throughout its orbit with the searing dayside temperatures causing molecules to break apart and recombine on the night side. These characteristics make UHJs some of the most intriguing and mysterious astronomical objects to be studied. But what is the importance of studying UHJs, overall?

“Ultra-hot Jupiters allow us to measure a fundamental property of stars (the tidal quality factor, which sets the decay rate),” Dr. Adams tells Universe Today. “Modeling their pasts and futures allows us to refine our theories of planet formation and migration. Some of them might also be losing their atmospheres, which we can look for.  They are also some of the easiest planets to observe because they are big and hot and close to their star and make excellent targets for both high-precision observations (e.g., atmospheric studies with JWST) and outreach (they are excellent targets for interested amateurs with decent telescopes).”

This study comes as NASA and other space agencies around the world continue to discover exoplanets at an incredible rate, with NASA listing the number of confirmed exoplanets at 5,630 as of this writing. Of that number, 1,805 are classified as gas giants (Saturn- or Jupiter-sized), with countless numbers of these worlds orbiting their parent stars in just a few days or less. As our understanding of exoplanets continues to expand, so will our understanding of UHJs, including their formation and evolution, along with the formation and evolution of their parent stars.

“My motto for studying exoplanets is to expect the unexpected,” Dr. Adams tells Universe Today. “Even after three decades of observations we keep finding planets in unexpected places doing strange things, and then we learn a lot about the universe by figuring out what they are doing and why. Definitely keeps you on your toes!”

What new discoveries will researchers make about ultra-hot Jupiters in the coming years and decades? Only time will tell, and this is why we science!

As always, keep doing science & keep looking up!

The post Maybe Ultra-Hot Jupiters Aren’t So Doomed After All appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Astronomy

Sols 4193-4194: Stay Overnight? No, Touch-and-Go!

NASA - Breaking News - Wed, 05/22/2024 - 4:46pm

4 min read

Sols 4193-4194: Stay Overnight? No, Touch-and-Go! This image was taken by Left Navigation Camera onboard NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 4192 (2024-05-22 06:36:49 UTC).NASA/JPL-Caltech

Earth planning date: Wednesday, May 22, 2024

One of the biggest challenges that comes with operating a rover on another planet is that we don’t always know exactly what we’re going to have in front of us when we park after driving. The science teams and our rover planners (who actually plan out the drives) do their best of what we have available, consisting of a combination of high-resolution imagery from the HiRISE camera onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and images from Curiosity looking off in our planned drive direction. 

Ultimately though, we don’t know what we’re going to be dealing with on any given planning day until we actually get there. Sometimes that’s because the drive “faults” and ends early, something that happens when driving over rocky or sandy terrain that causes the rover’s mobility systems to exceed their maximum allowable limits. That wasn’t the case today, as the 30 metre drive further towards the Gediz Vallis channel crossing that we planned on Monday executed perfectly. Instead, our “workspace” (the area in front of the rover that is reachable by the arm) was not as exciting as we had anticipated, consisting mostly of sand and smaller rocks. 

Consequently, it was decided to convert today from a “contact science” plan where we unstow the arm on the first sol for a lengthy list of activities before driving away on the second sol, to a “touch and go” plan where we mostly focus on remote sensing and a more limited list of contact science activities (the “touch”) and drive away on the first sol (the “go”). From the environmental science side, these kinds of major plan reorganizations can be a bit stressful as they often involve lots of last-minute shuffling around of our pre-planned activities, but the transition today was thankfully fairly straightforward.

The decision to convert the plan ended up being a good decision anyway, as we parked with our left front wheel on top of a pile of small rocks, which limited the kinds of arm activities we could safely perform regardless of how interesting the workspace was. Moving the drive from the second to the first sol also means that we’ll be able to get more useful data down to Earth before planning for the long weekend begins on Friday.

Despite the less interesting workspace (and setting aside the fact that calling any part of the surface of another planet “less interesting” feels a little crazy), we’re still fitting a decent amount of science into this plan. The first sol kicks off with our remote sensing, beginning with ChemCam LIBS on “Lake Catherine” and two ChemCam RMI mosaics, one on the Kukenán butte that’s filled up our eastern view for many months now and another on “Echo Ridge,” a feature near the rover that we’re currently driving towards in the hopes of understanding its origin. Mastcam then performs its documentation of the LIBS target and takes a couple of images of “Evelyn Lake” and “Emerson Lake,” two of the slightly larger rocks that lie just outside of the current workspace. 

We wrap this remote sensing session up with some environmental science, including a Mastcam tau to monitor the amount of dust in the atmosphere, a dust devil movie, and Navcam monitoring of the dust and sand on the rover deck. Before we drive, we briefly unstow the arm to take some MAHLI observations of Lake Catherine. Curiosity finishes its first sol in this plan by driving away, followed by our standard suite of post-drive images to help us with planning on Friday, including another Navcam deck monitoring mosaic to see if the drive moved around any of the sand and dust.

Because we’ll be in a new location, the second sol of this plan is all untargeted remote sensing. ChemCam will use AEGIS to autonomously search for a LIBS target in our new location, then we’ll take a series of short Navcam movies to look for dust devils around the rover and a Navcam 3×1 line-of-sight mosaic to determine the amount of dust currently in the atmosphere within Gale. Shortly after noon, Curiosity will call it a day (or sol, really) and head back to sleep for the rest of this plan, occasionally waking up to phone home with the data it has gathered. As always, DAN, REMS, and RAD remain hard at work in the background, RAD particularly so given the high solar activity that has been seen recently.

Written by Conor Hayes, Graduate Student at York University

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APOD - Wed, 05/22/2024 - 4:00pm

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Categories: Astronomy, NASA

NASA Announces Summer 2023 Hottest on Record

Earth News - Thu, 09/14/2023 - 4:05pm
The summer of 2023 was Earth’s hottest since global records began in 1880, according to scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS) in New York.
Categories: NASA

NASA: El verano de 2023 es el más caluroso en el registro

Earth News - Thu, 09/14/2023 - 12:03pm
El verano boreal de 2023 fue el más caluroso para la Tierra desde que se establecieron registros mundiales de temperaturas en 1880, según un análisis realizado por científicos del Instituto Goddard de Estudios Espaciales (GISS, por sus siglas en inglés) de la NASA en Nueva York.
Categories: NASA