There are many worlds and many systems of Universes existing all at the same time, all of them perishable.

— Anaximander 546 BC


Pac man Nebula

The pacman nebula, NGC 281 in Cassipea last night.
Real high in the sky around 11pm. Two hour exposure.
Notice the globules in the upper left section of the nebula.

Pac man Nebula

bubble nebula

The bubble nebula in Cepheus from tonight clear sky and last sunday. Three hours through H-alpha.

bubble nebula

Cederblad 214 in Cepheus

Three hour expousure in H alpha last night. Here hot OB stars associations light up this  molecular cloud, Cederblad 214. This is one of the largest molecular cloud complexes in the Milky Way.  Stellar winds and supernovae driven shock fronts produced by the hot OB stars of the association have expanded an immense 200 light year diameter shell of molecular gas which contacts the surrounding cold molecular cloud.

Cederblad 214 in Cepheus

Pelican wide field

The pelican in Cygnus, last night.  Wide field two hours exposure at f5 through a 5" refractor.

Pelican wide field

North america nebula

The mexican section of the North America Nebula. Taken last night through somewhat hazy skies. One hour exposure (six exposures of ten minutes each.) Cygnus, where the nebula is located, was getting low in the West..... summer is over and fall is here.

North america nebula

Cocoon Nebula

Taken 9-16-09  Cocoon Nebula using color filter wheel, ccd filters  R30 X B31 X G20 = 80 min's combined in MaxIm DL/CCD.  Don't know why this image is so dark, original is ok.

Cocoon Nebula

pelican b+w

some like it plain.

pelican b+w

NGC 6960

Out last night (Saturday 19th) for about an hour, dew came in to visit.  Took one hour combined images to take NGC 6960, using H-a filter, in Cygnus with my Orion 80ED on  the G8 mount.  Combined in MaxIm DL/CCD.

NGC 6960

Pelican h alpha

Pelican nebula monochrome h alpha filter.

Pelican h alpha

Lyra's Smoke Ring Nebula

Warm and moonless last night. I took out the Celestron 11" out for a quick spin. I was going to do some visual observing and then collimate the unit and wait for Jupiter. But once out, I saw this old favorite through the 11" and decided to capure the moment. There is a bit more detail in this image than I experienced visually... but not a lot more though.

Lyra's Smoke Ring Nebula