"When beggars die, there are no comets seen; The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes."
— William Shakespeare Julius Cæsar
Pelican nebula monochrome h alpha filter.
50 mins.
! hr? Nice tracking Nice signal - It can use more ;) I prefer the B&W to monochrome Can yu upload the B&W too?
You could give Adrien competition.....hehehe. I'm glad you found a way to control that guiding....makes me jealous....GREAT SHOT!
Astrophotography equipment
Sky Watcher Star Adventurer 2i Pro Pack – Motorized DSLR Night Sky Tracker Equatorial Mount for Portable Nightscapes, Time-Lapse and Panoramas Wi-Fi App Camera Control – Long Exposure (S20512)
50 mins.
on Wed, 09/23/2009 - 10:15pm
50 mins.
How long?
on Sun, 09/20/2009 - 7:53pm
! hr?
Nice tracking
Nice signal - It can use more ;)
I prefer the B&W to monochrome
Can yu upload the B&W too?
Great shot !
on Sun, 09/20/2009 - 7:21pm
You could give Adrien competition.....hehehe. I'm glad you found a way to control that guiding....makes me jealous....GREAT SHOT!