I can calculate the motions of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people

— Sir Isaac Newton


NGC 2264

124 X 60 seconds
LX200 14 @ F/2
QHY8 camera
Astronomik LPS

NGC 2264

NGC 7635 The Bubble Nebula

96 X 60 seconds = 1.5 hours
Camera: QHY8
LPS Filter
Scope:  LX200 14 GPS @ F/2

NGC 7635 The Bubble Nebula

Elephant trunk

1.8 hour exposure through tak 102s & starlight Xpress camera H alpha

Elephant trunk

The bubble ????

One of my favourite objects to image.
This is what I see.....
Now go back to the previous picture and see what you see..

The bubble ????

The bubble

One of my favourite objects to image.
This is what the camera sees.....

The bubble

The bubble

The Bubble has always been my favorite deep sky object.
Here it is in a one hour exposure.

The bubble

A horse is a horse, of course....

One more shot of the horsehead nebula this early December.
I do not have a Hbeta filter, so the Halpha had to do.

A horse is a horse, of course....


108 one minute combined image of NGC6822 in Sagittarius thru Orion 80ED and Orion Ha filter from southern New Jersey.


Elephant Trunk region

Taken in August '08  one hour combined image of the Elephant Trunk region processed in Photoshop, false color adds something to it, not sure what! Hehehe.  Shot from Whiting, NJ thru Ha filter.

Elephant Trunk region

IC 1318

IC 1318