I can calculate the motions of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people

— Sir Isaac Newton


M27 in Hydrogen Alpha light

M27 as seem in Hydrogen Alpha Light Sept 2nd 2011.

M27 in   Hydrogen Alpha light

Cederblad 214 in Cepheus

Three hour expousure in H alpha last night. Here hot OB stars associations light up this  molecular cloud, Cederblad 214. This is one of the largest molecular cloud complexes in the Milky Way.  Stellar winds and supernovae driven shock fronts produced by the hot OB stars of the association have expanded an immense 200 light year diameter shell of molecular gas which contacts the surrounding cold molecular cloud.

Cederblad 214 in Cepheus

Lyra's Smoke Ring Nebula

Warm and moonless last night. I took out the Celestron 11" out for a quick spin. I was going to do some visual observing and then collimate the unit and wait for Jupiter. But once out, I saw this old favorite through the 11" and decided to capure the moment. There is a bit more detail in this image than I experienced visually... but not a lot more though.

Lyra's Smoke Ring Nebula

VDB 142

VDB142 (Elephant trunk) Part of IC1396 emission nebula complex in Cepheus.

VDB 142

Flaming star nebula

Warm, temps in the 30's.
Straight overhead and far enough away from the full moon in Auriga.
Two hour shot in pseudo-color and H alpha.

Flaming star nebula

Rosette Close up

After seeing Joe's close up I remember I got one too.

Rosette Close up

Elephant trunk

1.8 hour exposure through tak 102s & starlight Xpress camera H alpha

Elephant trunk

A horse is a horse, of course....

One more shot of the horsehead nebula this early December.
I do not have a Hbeta filter, so the Halpha had to do.

A horse is a horse, of course....

M27 in Ha and OIII

First attempt at narrow band imaging: Makes mince-meat of our light pollution!

M27 in Ha and OIII


Tuesday evening I decided that the clear skies demanded that I participate in astronomy in one form or another.  Tempted to stay in and rest I finally convinced myself I should go outside.  Glad I did. Tracking was right on!

This image of the Pelican Nebula was taken in Ha thru my AstroTech 66mm ED telescope piggybacked on top of my Orion 80ED.  It represents 50 one minute exposure combined, processed in MaxIm DL/CCD and Photoshop.