Nothing is the bridge between the future and the further future. Nothing is certainty. Nothing is any definition of anything.

— Peter Hammill

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Keto diet may accelerate organ ageing

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Fri, 05/17/2024 - 3:00pm
In mice, a ketogenic diet increases the build-up of zombie-like cells in the heart, kidney, lungs and brain, which can accelerate organ ageing and lead to health problems
Categories: Astronomy

Keto diet may accelerate organ ageing

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Fri, 05/17/2024 - 3:00pm
In mice, a ketogenic diet increases the build-up of zombie-like cells in the heart, kidney, lungs and brain, which can accelerate organ ageing and lead to health problems
Categories: Astronomy

US Space Force is launching more missions than ever. Lawmakers worry America's spaceports can't keep up - Fri, 05/17/2024 - 3:00pm
The House Armed Services Committee has raised concerns about whether Space Force's two main coastal ranges can keep up with rising launch demands.
Categories: Astronomy

There Is Too Much Trash in Space

Scientific - Fri, 05/17/2024 - 3:00pm

Debris from spacecraft threatens the burgeoning space economy. We need a global agreement to keep space clean

Categories: Astronomy

Slow Response to Bird Flu in Cows Worries Scientists

Scientific - Fri, 05/17/2024 - 2:30pm

The H5N1 virus is a long way from becoming adapted to humans, but limited testing and tracking mean we could miss danger signs

Categories: Astronomy

China launches new mystery Shiyan satellite (video) - Fri, 05/17/2024 - 2:00pm
China launched the latest in its secretive Shiyan satellite series on May 12 atop a Long March 4C rocket. China's space agency says the satellite will be used for "space environment monitoring."
Categories: Astronomy

Not All Black Holes are Ravenous Gluttons

Universe Today - Fri, 05/17/2024 - 1:50pm

Some Supermassive Black Holes (SMBHs) consume vast quantities of gas and dust, triggering brilliant light shows that can outshine an entire galaxy. But others are much more sedate, emitting faint but steady light from their home in the heart of their galaxy.

Observations from the now-retired Spitzer Space Telescope help show why that is.

It appears that every large galaxy has an SMBH at its heart. This is true of our Milky Way galaxy and of our closest galactic neighbour, Andromeda (M31.) Like all black holes, SMBHs draw material towards them that gathers in an accretion disk. As the material in the disk rotates and heats up, it emits light before it falls into the hole.

It turns out that both of those SMBHs are among the quiet eaters in the black hole population. Others are much more ravenous, consuming large amounts of matter in clumps and shining brightly for periods of time. Astrophysicists wonder what’s behind the difference.

Recent research published in The Astrophysical Journal has determined what’s happening in these different black holes. The title is “The Accretion Mode in Sub-Eddington Supermassive Black Holes: Getting into the Central Parsecs of Andromeda.” The lead author is Christian Alig, a post-doc student at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics.

Andromeda (M31) is a close neighbour in cosmic terms. It’s about 780 kiloparsecs away, or about 2.5 million light years. It’s a sub-Eddington SMBH, meaning that it hasn’t reached the theoretical maximum accretion rate. Its proximity makes it an excellent target for observing and studying large-scale galactic structure, especially the nucleus. The nucleus is where most of the action is, dominated by an SMBH and containing a dense population of stars and a network of gas and dust. This research focuses on the gas and dust.

“This paper investigates the formation, stability, and role of the network of dust/gas filaments surrounding the M31 nucleus,” the authors write in their research. “The proximity of M31, 780 kpc, allows us to visualize in great detail the morphology, size, and kinematics of the filaments in ionized gas and dust.”

The researchers worked with images from the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes. Using different filters, the telescope images revealed the shape and other characteristics of the network of gas and dust. “The appearance of the central region of M31 varies dramatically in the different mid-infrared bands, from a smooth, featureless bulge dominated by the old stellar population at 3.6 ?m to the distinct spiral dust filament structure that dominates the 8 ?m image,” the authors explain.

These images from the research show how different telescopes and filters can work together to reveal structure. The top row is Spitzer images of M31 at different wavelengths. Structure emerges successively with each image. The bottom right image is the 8 ?m image minus the 4.5 ?m image, which basically removes starlight. The middle right bottom image is a Hubble image showing H-alpha and ionized nitrogen. The bottom left image is a Hubble UV image, and the middle left is the same image with starlight removed. Image Credit: Alig et al. 2024.

The researchers found a circumnuclear dust ring around the galactic nucleus that measures between 0.5 and 1 kpc from the center (1,630 to 3,260 light-years.) Filaments of dust emanate from this ring, forming a spiral inside it. “Inside the ring, the dust filaments follow circularized orbits around the center, ending in a nuclear spiral in the central hundred parsecs,” the authors explain.

These images from the research successive zoom-ins at different wavelengths. In the middle image, a dotted white line outlines the circumnuclear ring in M31. The third image “… is a pure dust map of the central kiloparsec of M31,” the authors write. In the third image, an arrow shows the filament used as a reference in simulations. Image Credit: Alig et al. 2024.

After identifying structures in the telescope images, the researchers turned to simulations. They used hydrodynamical simulations to see what initial conditions made filaments and streamers of flowing gas move nearer to the SMBH. “By predicting the orbit and velocity of the filaments, we aim to infer the role of the nuclear spiral as a feeder of the M31 BH,” they explain.

The hydrodynamical simulations cover a wide area of the nucleus, from 900 parsecs to 6 parsecs from the SMBH in M31. The starting point for the simulations is the brightest and longest dust filament the team found in the images. In the image above, it’s marked with a white arrow. “The filament curves progressively toward the center as it approaches,” the researchers write. “It is also seen in the ionized gas <H-alpha and NII> though more diffuse, in the central few hundred parsecs.”

The simulations assume that the dust filament is made of dust infalling from the circumnuclear ring, though the researchers didn’t investigate how the dust made its way into the ring in the first place. The simulation began by injecting gas into the ring. The team let the simulation fun for millions of years to see how the gas behaves. “In the end, we needed about 200 Myr of simulation time to arrive at a configuration that best reproduces the observations,” the authors explain.

This figure shows snapshots from the simulation at different intervals from 17.5 million years to 156 million years. (a) and (b) don’t deviate much from an N-body simulation, but eventually, a ring takes shape. In (b,) the freshly injected material collides with the uppermost arc. That heats up the gas, creating a hot surrounding atmosphere shown in blue/pink. The stream crosses itself repeatedly after that and experiences friction from the atmosphere. (d) through (f) shows how the gas eventually circularizes into a ring shape. Image Credit: Alig et al. 2024.

“Friction at the inner edge of an elongated ring structure that forms in (e) causes thin filaments to spiral inward, eventually forming a small disk in the inner 100 pc, visible in (f),” the authors explain.

All of the team’s simulations arrived at similar results, even though they began with different parameters like initial angles, velocities, distances, and angle of injection. “Interestingly, due to the relatively good radial symmetry of the M31 potential in the inner 1 kpc, all simulations lead to very similar results,” the researchers explain.

The observations and images of M31’s inner region are in line with what astronomers find in other quiet galaxies. Those surveys “… reveal a common pattern in the dust morphology, formed by narrow, long dust filaments ending in a spiral in the central few hundred parsecs,” the authors write. The majority of low-luminosity galaxies in a 2003 study also have nuclear spirals that span several hundred parsecs.

Interestingly, high-accreting galaxies different than M31 also show a network of dust lanes and filaments, but their morphology is less organized. It often consists of one long filament that runs right across the nucleus. This could be the critical difference between the sedate SMBH in M31 and galaxies with much brighter black holes.

M31 and its ilk are fed a slow, steady diet of gas, which means their brightness is steady. But other galaxies are fed matter in larger clumps, which makes their brightness reach brilliant peaks, outshining all the stars in their galaxy. That’s the difference between gluttonous SMBHs and well-behaved ones.

“The hydrodynamical simulations show that the role of these filaments <in M31> is to transport matter to the center; however, the net amount that they transport to the center is small—a consequence of their extensive interaction with themselves, their surrounding atmosphere, and the ISM over a timescale of several million years,” the authors conclude. “We postulate that when dust/gas filaments in the central hundred parsecs of galaxies get to settle in a nuclear spiral configuration, a low accretion mode of the central BH will result.”

So galaxies with spiral patterns of gas in their nuclei have low accretion modes and lower, steadier luminosity. Galaxies without these patterns accrete more matter irregularly, and their luminosity surges.

One of the interesting things about this research is that it didn’t rely on new observations from new, powerful telescopes like the JWST. Instead, it relied on images from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, which ended its mission in January 2020. It illustrates how modern telescopes and observatories generate massive amounts of data that scientists can utilize in different ways long after the telescope’s mission has ended.

“This is a great example of scientists reexamining archival data to reveal more about galaxy dynamics by comparing it to the latest computer simulations,” said study co-author Almudena Prieto, an astrophysicist at the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands and the University Observatory Munich. “We have 20-year-old data telling us things we didn’t recognize in it when we first collected it.”

The post Not All Black Holes are Ravenous Gluttons appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Astronomy

Proposed Plastics Law Could Slash Wasteful Packaging

Scientific - Fri, 05/17/2024 - 1:00pm

A law proposed in New York State seeks to reduce plastic packaging, ban certain plastic chemicals and mandate that producers of packaged consumer goods fund the recycling or disposal of what they sell

Categories: Astronomy

Everything we know about Dune: Prophecy — Release date, plot, cast, & more - Fri, 05/17/2024 - 12:59pm
Their plans are measured in centuries — here's everything we know about Dune: Prophecy, the prequel series that will explore the past of the Bene Gesserit.
Categories: Astronomy

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches Starlink satellites on record 21st flight - Fri, 05/17/2024 - 12:00pm
A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched for the 21st time tonight (May 17), setting a new reusability record for the company.
Categories: Astronomy

Orchids feed their young through underground fungal connections

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Fri, 05/17/2024 - 12:00pm
A common species of orchid seems to pass food packages to nearby seedlings, in a kind of plant parental care
Categories: Astronomy

Orchids feed their young through underground fungal connections

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Fri, 05/17/2024 - 12:00pm
A common species of orchid seems to pass food packages to nearby seedlings, in a kind of plant parental care
Categories: Astronomy

How Does ChatGPT ‘Think’? Psychology and Neuroscience Crack Open AI Large Language Models

Scientific - Fri, 05/17/2024 - 12:00pm

Researchers are striving to reverse-engineer artificial intelligence and scan the “brains” of LLMs to deduce the how any why of that they are doing

Categories: Astronomy

Food 'addiction' should be treated like drug abuse, claim doctors

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Fri, 05/17/2024 - 11:20am
A group of doctors and scientists is getting behind the controversial idea that people can be addicted to certain trigger foods, in the same way as drugs and alcohol. The team says this addiction should be treated with abstinence, which goes against mainstream medical advice
Categories: Astronomy

Food 'addiction' should be treated like drug abuse, claim doctors

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Fri, 05/17/2024 - 11:20am
A group of doctors and scientists is getting behind the controversial idea that people can be addicted to certain trigger foods, in the same way as drugs and alcohol. The team says this addiction should be treated with abstinence, which goes against mainstream medical advice
Categories: Astronomy

Week in images: 13-17 May 2024

ESO Top News - Fri, 05/17/2024 - 11:20am

Week in images: 13-17 May 2024

Discover our week through the lens

Categories: Astronomy

NASA, ESA join forces on life-hunting ExoMars rover - Fri, 05/17/2024 - 11:00am
NASA and ESA have signed an agreement to team up on the ExoMars rover mission, which aims to launch a life-hunting robot toward the Red Planet in 2028.
Categories: Astronomy

What time is Blue Origin's private NS-25 astronaut launch on May 19? - Fri, 05/17/2024 - 10:00am
A Blue Origin rocket will launch its first private astronaut spaceflight since 2022 this weekend. Here's what time to watch.
Categories: Astronomy

Scientists are mapping Earth's rivers from space before climate change devastates our planet - Fri, 05/17/2024 - 10:00am
New maps of Earth's rivers are documenting our planet before climate change worsens.
Categories: Astronomy

Junk from a SpaceX Dragon 'trunk' may have crashed into a Canadian farmer's field (photos) - Fri, 05/17/2024 - 9:00am
A farmer in rural Saskatchewan found a charred chunk of debris during planting season in late April. The piece might have come from a SpaceX Crew Dragon, according to a re-entry track.
Categories: Astronomy