Once you can accept the Universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy.

— Albert Einstein

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Categories: Astronomy, NASA

Future Gravitational Wave Observatories Could See the Earliest Black Hole Mergers in the Universe

Universe Today - Tue, 09/17/2024 - 7:46pm

In February 2016, scientists at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) confirmed they made the first-ever detection of gravitational waves (GWs). These events occur when massive objects like neutron stars and black holes merge, sending ripples through spacetime that can be detected millions (and even billions) of light-years away. Since the first event, more than 100 GW events have been confirmed by LIGO, the Advanced VIRGO collaboration, and the Kamioka Gravitational Wave Detector (KAGRA).

Moreover, scientists have found numerous applications for GW astronomy, from probing the interiors of supernovae and neutron stars to measuring the expansion rate of the Universe and learning what it looked like one minute after the Big Bang. In a recent study, an international team of astronomers proposed another application for binary black hole (BBH) mergers: using the earliest mergers in the Universe to probe the first generation of stars (Population III) in the Universe. By modeling how the events evolved, they determined what kind of GW signals the proposed Einstein Telescope (ET) could observe in the coming years.

The study was led by Boyuan Liu, a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Astronomy of Heidelberg University (ZAH) and a member of the Excellence Cluster STRUCTURES program. He was joined by colleagues from the ZAH and the Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik at Heidelberg University, the Cambridge Institute of Astronomy, the Institute for Physics of Intelligence, the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, the Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon, the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), the Kavli Institute for Cosmology, the Weinberg Institute for Theoretical Physics, and multiple universities.

From Cosmic Dark to Dawn

Population III stars are the first to have formed in the Universe, roughly 100 to 500 million years after the Big Bang. At the time, hydrogen and helium were the most plentiful forms of matter in the Universe, leading to stars that were very massive and had virtually no metals (low metallicity). These stars were also short-lived, lasting only 2 to 5 million years before they exhausted their hydrogen fuel and went supernova. At this point, the heavier elements created in their cores (lithium, carbon, oxygen, iron, etc.) dispersed throughout the cosmos, leading to Population II and I stars with higher metallicity content.

Astronomers and cosmologists refer to this period as “Cosmic Dawn” since these first stars and galaxies ended the “Cosmic Dark Ages” that preceded it. As Liu explained to Universe Today via email, the properties of Pop III stars were sensitive to the peculiar conditions of the Universe during Cosmic Dawn, which were very different from the present-day conditions. This includes the presence of Dark Matter Haloes, which scientists believe were vital to the formation of the first galaxies:

“The timing of Pop III star formation reflects the pace of early structure formation, which can teach us about the nature of dark matter and gravity. In the standard cosmology model, cosmic structure formation is bottom-up, starting from small halos, which then grow by accretion and mergers to become larger halos. Pop III stars are expected to be massive (> 10 solar masses, reaching up to 1 million solar masses, while present-day stars have an average mass of ~ 0.5 solar masses). So, many of them will explode as supernovae or become massive black holes (BHs) when they run out of fuel for nuclear fusion.”

These Pop III black holes are further believed to be where the first supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in the Universe came from. As astronomers have demonstrated, SMBHs play an important role in the evolution of galaxies. In addition to assisting in the formation of new stars and encouraging galaxy formation in the early Universe, they are also responsible for shutting down star formation in galaxies ca. 2 to 4 billion years after the Big Bang, during the epoch known as “Cosmic Noon.” The growth of these black holes and the UV radiation emitted by Pop III stars reionized the neutral hydrogen and helium that permeated the early Universe.

This led to the major phase transition that ended the Cosmic Dark Ages (ca. 1 billion years after the Big Bang), allowing the Universe to become “transparent” as it is today. However, as Liu stated, how this process started remains unclear:

“Generally speaking, Pop III stars mark the onset of cosmic evolution from a starless (boring) state to the current state with rich phenomena (reionization, diverse populations of galaxies with different masses, morphologies, and compositions, andquasars powered by accreting supermassive BHs). To understand this complex evolution, it isessential to characterize its initial phase dominated by Pop III stars.”

Probing the Early Universe

The confirmation of gravitational waves (GW) was revolutionary for astronomers, and many applications have since been proposed. In particular, scientists are eager to study the primordial GWs created by the Big Bang, which will be possible with next-generation GW detectors like the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). As Liu explained, existing GW detectors are mostly dedicated to studying binary black hole (BBH) mergers. The same is true of detectors expected to be built in the near future. Said Liu:

“The GW emission from a BH binary is stronger when they are closer. The GW emission carries away energy and angular momentum from the system such that the two BHs will get closer over time and eventually merge. We can only detect the GW signal at the final stage when they are about to merge. The time taken to reach the final stage is highly sensitive to the initial separation of the BHs. Basically, they have to start close (e.g., less than ~ 10% of the earth-sun distance for BHs below 10 solar masses) to merge within the current age of the Universe to be seen by us.”

The question is, how do two black holes get so close to each other that they will eventually merge? Astronomers currently rely on two evolutionary “channels” (sets of physical processes working together) to model this process: isolated binary stellar evolution (IBSE) and nuclear star cluster-dynamical hardening (NSC-DH). As Liu indicated, the resulting BBH mergers have distinct features in their merger rate and properties, depending on the channel they follow. They contain valuable information about the underlying physical processes.

“Knowledge of evolution channels is necessary to extract such information to fully utilize GWs as a probe for astrophysics and cosmology,” he added.

Modeling BBH Evolution

To determine how black holes come to form binaries that will eventually merge, the team combined both channels into a single theoretical framework based on the semianalytical model Ancient Stars and Local Observables by Tracing Halos (A-SLOTH). This model is the first publicly available code that connects the formation of the first stars and galaxies to observations. “In general, A-SLOTH follows the thermal and chemical evolution of gas along the formation, growth, and mergers of dark matter halos, including star formation and the impact of stars on gas (stellar feedback) at the intermediate scale of individual galaxies/halos,” said Liu.

Current operating facilities in the global network and their planned expansion. Credit: Caltech/MIT/LIGO Lab

They also used the Stellar EVolution for N-body (SEVN) code to predict how stellar binaries evolve into BBHs. They then modeled the orbit of each BBH in their respective dark matter halos and during halo mergers, which allowed them to predict when some BBHs will merge. In other cases, BBHs travel to the center of their galaxies and become part of a nuclear star cluster (NSC), where they are subject to disruptions, ejections, and hardening by gravitational scattering. From this, they followed the evolution of internal binary orbits to the moment of merger or disruption.

Next-Generation Observatories

As Lui explained, their results had significant theoretical and observational implications:

“On the theory side, my work showed that the isolated binary evolution channel dominates at high redshifts (less than 600 million years after the Big Bang) and the merger rate is sensitive to the formation rate and initial statistics of Pop III binary stars. In fact, the majority (> 84%) of BH binaries, especially the most massive ones, are initially too wide to merge within the age of the Universe if they evolve in isolation. But a significant fraction (~ 45 – 64%) of them can merge by dynamical hardening if they fall into NSCs. These predictions are useful for the identification and interpretation of merger origins in observations.”

In terms of observational results, they found that the predicted detection of Pop III BBH mergers is not likely to be discernible by current instruments like LIGO, Advance Virgo, and KAGRA, which generally observe BBH mergers closer to Earth. “[A]ltough Pop III mergers can potentially account for a significant fraction of the most massive BH mergers detected so far (with BHs above 50 solar masses),” said Liu. “It is difficult to learn much about Pop III stars and galaxies in the early Universe from the existing data because the sample size of detected massive mergers is too small.”

However, next-generation detectors like the Einstein Telescope will be more efficient in detecting these distant sources of GWs. Once completed, the ET will allow astronomers to explore the Universe through GWs back to the Cosmic Dark Ages, providing information on the earliest BBH mergers, Pop III stars, and the first SMBHs. “My model predicts that the Einstein Telescope can detect up to 1400 Pop III mergers per year, offering us much better statistics to constrain the relevant physics.”

The paper that describes their findings recently appeared online and is being reviewed for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Further Reading: arXiv

The post Future Gravitational Wave Observatories Could See the Earliest Black Hole Mergers in the Universe appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Astronomy

People hugely underestimate the carbon footprints of the 1 per cent

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Tue, 09/17/2024 - 6:25pm
In a survey of thousands of people, respondents underestimated the massive difference between the carbon footprints of the wealthiest and poorest individuals – and that’s bad for climate policy
Categories: Astronomy

People hugely underestimate the carbon footprints of the 1 per cent

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Tue, 09/17/2024 - 6:25pm
In a survey of thousands of people, respondents underestimated the massive difference between the carbon footprints of the wealthiest and poorest individuals – and that’s bad for climate policy
Categories: Astronomy

Quantum computers teleport and store energy harvested from empty space

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Tue, 09/17/2024 - 6:18pm
A quantum computing protocol makes it possible to extract energy from seemingly empty space, teleport it to a new location, then store it for later use
Categories: Astronomy

Quantum computers teleport and store energy harvested from empty space

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Tue, 09/17/2024 - 6:18pm
A quantum computing protocol makes it possible to extract energy from seemingly empty space, teleport it to a new location, then store it for later use
Categories: Astronomy

Measuring Moon Dust to Fight Air Pollution

NASA - Breaking News - Tue, 09/17/2024 - 4:39pm

3 min read

Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater) While astronaut Gene Cernan was on the lunar surface during the Apollo 17 mission, his spacesuit collected loads of lunar dust. The gray, powdery substance stuck to the fabric and entered the capsule causing eye, nose, and throat irritation dubbed “lunar hay fever.” Credit: NASACredit: NASA

Moon dust, or regolith, isn’t like the particles on Earth that collect on bookshelves or tabletops – it’s abrasive and it clings to everything. Throughout NASA’s Apollo missions to the Moon, regolith posed a challenge to astronauts and valuable space hardware.

During the Apollo 17 mission, astronaut Harrison Schmitt described his reaction to breathing in the dust as “lunar hay fever,” experiencing sneezing, watery eyes, and a sore throat. The symptoms went away, but concern for human health is a driving force behind NASA’s extensive research into all forms of lunar soil.

The need to manage the dust to protect astronaut health and critical technology is already beneficial on Earth in the fight against air pollution.

Working as a contributor on a habitat for NASA’s Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships (NextSTEP) program, Lunar Outpost Inc. developed an air-quality sensor system to detect and measure the amount of lunar soil in the air that also detects pollutants on Earth. 

Originally based in Denver, the Golden, Colorado-based company developed an air-quality sensor called the Space Canary and offered the sensor to Lockheed Martin Space for its NextSTEP lunar orbit habitat prototype. After the device was integrated into the habitat’s environmental control system, it provided distinct advantages over traditional equipment.

Rebranded as Canary-S (Solar), the sensor is now meeting a need for low-cost, wireless air-quality and meteorological monitoring on Earth. The self-contained unit, powered by solar energy and a battery, transmits data using cellular technology. It can measure a variety of pollutants, including particulate matter, carbon monoxide, methane, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds, among others. The device sends a message up to a secure cloud every minute, where it’s routed to either Lunar Outpost’s web-based dashboard or a customer’s database for viewing and analysis.

The oil and gas industry uses the Canary-S sensors to provide continuous, real-time monitoring of fugitive gas emissions, and the U.S. Forest Service uses them to monitor forest-fire emissions.

“Firefighters have been exhibiting symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning for decades. They thought it was just part of the job,” explained Julian Cyrus, chief operating officer of Lunar Outpost. “But the sensors revealed where and when carbon monoxide levels were sky high, making it possible to issue warnings for firefighters to take precautions.”

The Canary-S sensors exemplify the life-saving technologies that can come from the collaboration of NASA and industry innovations. 

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Categories: NASA

NASA Selects Lunar Relay Contractor for Near Space Network Services

NASA - Breaking News - Tue, 09/17/2024 - 4:32pm
Credit: NASA

NASA has awarded a contract to Intuitive Machines, LLC of Houston, to support the agency’s lunar relay systems as part of the Near Space Network, operated by the agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

This Subcategory 2.2 GEO to Cislunar Relay Services is a new firm-fixed-price, multiple award, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity task order contract. The contract has a base period of five years with an additional 5-year option period, with a maximum potential value of $4.82 billion. The base ordering period begins Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024, through Sept. 30, 2029, with the option period potentially extending the contract through Sept. 30, 2034.

Lunar relays will play an essential role in NASA’s Artemis campaign to establish a long-term presence on the Moon. These relays will provide vital communication and navigation services for the exploration and scientific study of the Moon’s South Pole region. Without the extended coverage offered by lunar relays, landing opportunities at the Moon’s South Pole will be significantly limited due to the lack of direct communication between potential landing sites and ground stations on Earth.

The lunar relay award also includes services to support position, navigation, and timing capabilities, which are crucial for ensuring the safety of navigation on and around the lunar surface. Under the contract, Intuitive Machines also will enable NASA to provide communication and navigation services to customer missions in the near space region.

The initial task award will support the progressive validation of lunar relay capabilities/services for Artemis. NASA anticipates these lunar relay services will be used with human landing systems, the LTV (lunar terrain vehicle), and CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services) flights.

As lunar relay services become fully operational, they will be integrated into the Near Space Network’s expanding portfolio, enhancing communications and navigation support for future lunar missions. By implementing these new capabilities reliance on NASA’s Deep Space Network will be reduced.

NASA’s goal is to provide users with communication and navigation services that are secure, reliable, and affordable, so that all NASA users receive the services required by their mission within their latency, accuracy, and availability requirements.

This is another step in NASA partnering with U.S. industry to build commercial space partners to support NASA missions, including NASA’s long-term Moon to Mars objectives for interoperable communications and navigation capabilities. This award is part of the Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) Program and will be executed by the Near Space Network team at NASA Goddard.

For information about NASA and agency programs, visit:



Joshua Finch
Headquarters, Washington

Tiernan Doyle
Headquarters, Washington

Share Details Last Updated Sep 17, 2024 LocationNASA Headquarters Related Terms
Categories: NASA

Record-Breaking Rainfall in Carolinas and Europe Explained

Scientific American.com - Tue, 09/17/2024 - 4:20pm

On opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean, Central Europe and North Carolina have both been drenched by torrential rains

Categories: Astronomy

NASA Selects Lockheed Martin to Develop Lightning Mapper for NOAA

NASA - Breaking News - Tue, 09/17/2024 - 4:05pm
Credit: NASA

NASA, on behalf of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has selected Lockheed Martin Corp. of Littleton, Colorado, to develop a lightning mapping instrument as part of NOAA’s Geostationary Extended Observations (GeoXO) satellite program.

This cost-plus-award-fee contract is valued at approximately $297.1 million. It includes the development of two flight instruments as well as options for two additional units. The anticipated period of performance for this contract includes support for 10 years of on-orbit operations and five years of on-orbit storage, for a total of 15 years for each flight model. The work will take place at Lockheed Martin’s facilities in Sunnyvale, California, and Littleton, Colorado, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

The GeoXO Lightning Mapper will detect, locate, and measure the intensity, duration, and extent of lightning flashes. The instrument will continue critical observations provided by the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites-R (GOES-R) Series Geostationary Lightning Mapper. Data from Lightning Mapper will be used to analyze severe storms, increase warning lead time for hazardous weather, and provide earlier indications of impending lightning strikes to the ground. The data will also be used for hurricane intensity prediction, wildfire detection and response, precipitation estimation, and to mitigate aviation hazards.

Forecasters need lightning information from geostationary orbit because the data are available where other sources are more limited, especially over oceans and in mountainous and rural areas. The data are also available more frequently than local radar and fill in radar coverage gaps.

The contract scope includes the tasks and deliverables necessary to design, analyze, develop, fabricate, integrate, test, verify, and evaluate the lightning mapper instrument in addition to supporting the launch; supplying and maintaining the instrument ground support equipment; and supporting mission operations at the NOAA Satellite Operations Facility in Suitland, Maryland.

The GeoXO Program is the follow-on to the GOES-R Series Program. The GeoXO satellite system will advance Earth observations from geostationary orbit. The mission will supply vital information to address major environmental challenges of the future in support of weather, ocean, and climate operations in the United States. The advanced capabilities from GeoXO will help address our changing planet and the evolving needs of the nation’s data users. Both NASA and NOAA are working to ensure these critical observations are in place by the early 2030s when the GOES-R Series nears the end of its operational lifetime.

Together, NOAA and NASA oversee the development, launch, testing, and operation of all the satellites in the GeoXO Program. NOAA funds and manages the program, operations, and data products. On behalf of NOAA, NASA and commercial partners develop and build the instruments and spacecraft and launch the satellites.

For more information on the GeoXO program, visit:



Liz Vlock
Headquarters, Washington

Jeremy Eggers
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.

John Leslie
NOAA’s National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service

Share Details Last Updated Sep 17, 2024 EditorJessica TaveauLocationNASA Headquarters Related Terms
Categories: NASA

SpaceX launches 2 European navigation satellites, lands rocket (video)

Space.com - Tue, 09/17/2024 - 4:00pm
A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched two European navigation satellites tonight (Sept. 17) and then landed safely, acing its 22nd mission.
Categories: Astronomy

NASA Marshall to Present 2024 Small Business Awards Sept. 19

NASA - Breaking News - Tue, 09/17/2024 - 3:42pm

2 min read

Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater) Credit: NASA

NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, invites media to its annual Small Business Industry and Advocate Awards ceremony on Thursday, Sept. 19. The awards recognize small businesses and small business champions from government and industry for their outstanding achievements in fiscal year 2024.

The ceremony will take place during the 38th meeting of Marshall’s Small Business Alliance, from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. CDT at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center’s Davidson Center for Space Exploration. The event will also highlight new opportunities for small businesses to take part in NASA’s procurement processes. Afterward, attendees will have the open opportunity to network with NASA officials, prime contractors, and other members of Marshall’s small business community. Exhibitors will provide valuable information to support their business.

NASA speakers include:

  • Dwight Deneal, assistant administrator, Office of Small Business Programs, NASA Headquarters
  • Joseph Pelfrey, center director, NASA Marshall
  • John Cannaday, director, Office of Procurement, NASA Marshall
  • Davey Jones, strategy lead, NASA Marshall
  • David Brock, small business specialist, Office of Small Business Programs, NASA Marshall

Media interested in covering the event should contact Molly Porter at molly.a.porter@nasa.gov or 256-424-5158 by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 18.

About the Marshall Small Business Alliance

For 17 years, the Marshall Small Business Alliance has aided small businesses in pursuit of NASA procurement and subcontracting opportunities. Its primary focus is to inform, educate, and advocate on behalf of the small business community. At each half day meeting, businesses will gain valuable insight to guide them in their marketing endeavors.

To learn more about Marshall’s small business initiatives, visit:


Molly Porter
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.

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Categories: NASA

Could You Find What A Lunar Crater Is Made Of By Shooting It?

Universe Today - Tue, 09/17/2024 - 3:23pm

Americans are famously fond of their guns. So it should come as no surprise that a team of NASA scientists has devised a way to “shoot” a modified type of sensor into the soil of an otherworldly body and determine what it is made out of. That is precisely what Sang Choi and Robert Moses from NASA’s Langley Research Center did, though their bullets are miniaturized spectrometers rather than hollow metal casings. 

First, let’s look at the miniaturized spectrometers. Spectrometers have been a workhorse of space exploration for decades. They analyze everything from the surface of Enceladus to stars. However, they almost all use a type of spectroscopy known as Fraunhofer diffraction. Drs. Choi and Moses decided to use a different physical phenomenon in their invention, known as Fresnel’s diffraction.

In Fresnel diffraction, a spectral graph becomes very clear at much smaller distances than those created by Fraunhofer diffraction. Since the necessary distance between a “grating” and the sensor required by a spectrometer using Fraunhofer diffraction is one of the system’s design constraints, most spectrometers in use today are prohibitively large.

Fraser discusses the importance of the lunar south pole – which includes many permanently shadowed craters

Fresnel diffraction, however, allows for the creation of much smaller spectrometers. In the case of Dr. Choi and Moses’s invention, all of the necessary power, signaling, and analysis electronics can fit into a small cylindrical tube only slightly larger than a traditional bullet.

That was likely where the idea for shooting these sensors into the ground came from. If the “micro-spectrometers” were surrounded by regolith, whether the Moon, an asteroid’s, or Mars’, it would allow quick analysis of the composition of the soil wherever it is embedded. Since these sensors are easily deployed, if multiple of them were spread throughout a lunar crater, a single astronaut (or rover) could characterize the soil makeup of an entire area without hand-digging a space for each sample area.

This is where the “gun” comes in—a rover, or even an astronaut, could be fitted with a tube that “fires” the cylindrical micro-spectrometer into the ground, embedding it where it can do the best science. A single rover or astronaut could then distribute enough of these to collect data on an entire area, such as the permanently shadowed regions of a lunar crater.

Image of a prototype micro-spectrometer
Credit – Choi and Moses

Such a system could also be used on asteroids from an orbiter or even Mars. It could use telemetry back to a central connection point—potentially also carried by the astronaut or rover. Unfortunately, at least in the current iteration, it couldn’t be reused, though that could change in new designs.

This invention, which NASA has patented, could also be used on Earth if a mining or petroleum company wants to quickly sample an area’s geological makeup. But it is also useful in space—so much so that we might someday find astronauts shooting what look to be bullets but are actually miniaturized sensors directly into the ground.

Learn More:
Sang H Choi – Lunar, Mars, and Asteroid Exploration for Space Resources
Choi & Moses – Micro-Spectrometer for Resource Mapping in Extreme Environments
UT – The Darkest Parts of the Moon are Revealed with NASA’s New Camera
UT – Absorption Spectroscopy

Lead Image:
Depiction of the “bullets” being deployed in a lunar crater.
Credit – NASA

The post Could You Find What A Lunar Crater Is Made Of By Shooting It? appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Astronomy

There are Plenty of Uses for Powerful Lasers in Space. But Where Should We Put Them?

Universe Today - Tue, 09/17/2024 - 3:07pm

Is it time for space lasers yet? Almost.

As time passes, ideas that were once confined to the realm of science fiction become more realistic. It’s true of things like using robots to explore other worlds. Space lasers are a well-used element in science fiction, and we’re approaching the time when they could become a reality.

Where would we put them, and what could we use them for?

In science fiction, lasers are predominantly used as powerful weapons. While some countries have investigated the idea of using lasers as space weapons, an international treaty limits their use.

A more realistic use for lasers is for deflecting incoming asteroids or as propulsion systems for spacecraft. In a new paper, a researcher examines where a giant laser array could be positioned in space to be of most use to humanity while at the same time minimizing risk.

The research is “Minimum Safe Distances for DE-STAR Space Lasers.” The paper is in pre-print, and Adam Hibberd from the Initiative for Interstellar Studies in London, UK, is the sole author.

While space lasers could also be used to utilize resources or in satellite laser ranging systems to control space traffic, Hibberd’s focus is on using them to protect Earth from impacts.

DE-STAR stands for Directed Energy Systems for Targeting of Asteroids and exploRation. Of all the space laser ideas that have been discussed, DE-STAR is probably the most well-studied and developed. It would consist of a modular phased array of lasers powered by solar cells. It could heat the surface of potentially hazardous objects (PHO) to approximately 3,000 Kelvin. That’s hot enough to melt all known constituents of PHOs. DE-STAR could also be used to propel spacecraft.

The idea originated in 2013 when a group of researchers published a paper titled “DE-STAR: Phased-Array Laser Technology for Planetary Defense and Other Scientific Purposes.” In their paper, they outlined the idea for DE-STAR, a stand-off laser array. In 2016, some of the same authors published another paper titled “Directed Energy Missions for Planetary Defense.” It expanded on DE-STAR and added DE-STARLITE, a stand-on system that would be sent to the vicinity of an approaching object to ward it off with lasers.

This artist’s illustration shows DE-STARLITE firing its lasers at a hazardous object. Image Credit: Lubin et al. 2016.

In either case, the system would be based on the Sun’s energy. “DE-STAR is a square modular design which exploits the energy created by banks of solar cells in space to generate and amplify the power of a laser beam,” Hibberd explains in his new paper. In literature, DE-STAR is typically referred to as DE-STAR n, where n is usually between 0 and 4 and denotes the size of the bank of lasers. The larger the array, the more powerful it is. The more powerful DE-STAR is, the more effective it will be at deflecting asteroids from greater distances.

While the merit of this idea is immediately clear, the problems follow soon after. A bank of powerful space lasers is every supervillain’s dream. Its destructive power could be immense. “With a DE-STAR 4
structure (10 km × 10 km square) capable of generating a laser beam on the order of tens of gigawatts,
clearly, there is the potential for such an asset to be deployed as a weapon by targeting locations on Earth,” Hibberd writes.

How can this risk be mitigated so that the system can be used to protect Earth rather than as a weapon?

The simple solution is to not deploy them in Earth’s orbit. The lasers lose energy with range, so they could be deployed at distances where they pose no threat. “Results indicate that given they should lie 1 au from
the Sun, there are feasible locations for DE-STAR 0-2 arrays where there is no danger to Earth,” Hibberd writes.

This table from the paper shows the specs adopted in this paper for different-sized DE-STAR arrays. The clip ratio affects beam quality, energy efficiency, how well it propagates through space, and how well it handles heat generation. Smaller is generally better, and 0.9 is the ratio adopted by other researchers. Optimizing the clip ratio is an important part of designing an effective array. Image Credit: Hibberd 2024.

Of course, the more lasers there are in the array, the greater the safe minimum distance.

For DE-STAR 4 or even 5, that distance wouldn’t be enough. Instead, these lasers would need to be much further away or at positions in the Solar System with no direct line of sight to Earth. These systems would need to correct their positions regularly with an on-board propulsion system “or preferably using push-back from the laser itself,” Hibberd explains.

The minimum safe distance also changes depending on the wavelength of the DE-STAR system. Hibberd defines minimum safe distance as a single laser with a maximum intensity on Earth’s surface of 100 Wm-2. “Or on the order 10 % of the Solar Constant at Earth (1 au from the Sun),” Hibberd writes. For an infrared system, the minimum safe distance is just beyond geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO). At the more powerful end of the scale, a UV laser would need to be beyond cis-lunar space.

This figure from the research shows the Dependence of the Minimum Safe Distance of any Unphased DE-STAR Array with the Wavelength of the Laser. Image Credit: Hibberd 2024.

There’s another factor to consider. Since DE-STAR gets its energy from the Sun, its power decreases the further away from the Sun it is. “This reduction is a consequence of the decrease in solar flux intensity on the photovoltaic cells, where an inverse square law is followed,” Hibberd explains.

This figure shows how the laser’s power diminishes with distance from the Sun for four different array sizes. “We find that a DE-STAR n at 90 au from the Sun is approximately equivalent to a DE-STAR n-1 at 10 au and a DE-STAR n-2 at 1 au,” Hibberd writes. Image Credit: Hibberd 2024.

For DE-STAR 1 and 2 Arrays, the minimum safe distances are not that great. Hibberd points out that for a DE-STAR 2 Array, Sun/Earth Lagrange 4 and 5 points would be suitable and require no propulsion. L4 and L5 are about 400,000 km from Earth.

These figures show the minimum safe distance for DE-STAR 1 and 2 Arrays by wavelength. Image Credit: Hibberd 2024.

However, as the arrays become larger, the minimum safe distance quickly increases. Conversely, the available solar energy decreases.

A DE-STAR 3 would have to be placed somewhere beyond the asteroid belt. If it were ultraviolet, it would have to be beyond Jupiter.

A DE-STAR 4 phased array would have to be much further away. It would have to be about 30 ? 40 au away, and even further for an ultraviolet system, about 70 au from the Sun.

These figures show the minimum safe distance for DE-STAR 3 and 4 Arrays by wavelength. Image Credit: Hibberd 2024.

The tables above assume a direct line of sight to Earth. But there are locations where there is no direct line, and they could be used as locations for powerful arrays. Hibberd explains that the Earth/Moon Lagrange 2 point and the Sun/Earth Lagrange 3 point both lack direct lines of sight but, unfortunately, are unstable. “In both cases, the instability of these points will result in the DE-STAR wandering away and potentially becoming visible from Earth, so an on-board propulsion would be needed to prevent this,” Hibberd writes. It’s possible that an array could be built that is physically prevented from pointing at Earth, but the author doesn’t tackle that aspect of the problem.

Sun-Earth Lagrange Points. Credit: Xander89/Wikimedia Commons

Nobody’s building a DE-STAR phased array, but that doesn’t mean it’s too soon to think about it. This type of technology is on the horizon, and it’s difficult to predict which nation or nations might be the first to build one. Treaties are in place to prevent the weaponization of space, but not everybody signed them. Some nations are known to sign treaties and then break them, in any case. Also, an argument could be made that this isn’t a weapon.

It likely won’t be long before serious talk about such a system begins to surface in wider public discussions. That will surely generate a lot of political difficulty and wrangling as nations argue over what constitutes a weapon and what doesn’t.

If civilization is to survive, we will eventually need a way to protect the entire globe from asteroid strikes, whether it’s phased laser arrays or some other system.

The post There are Plenty of Uses for Powerful Lasers in Space. But Where Should We Put Them? appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Astronomy

Johnson Space Center Ignites STEM Passion at Houston’s Japan Festival 

NASA - Breaking News - Tue, 09/17/2024 - 3:05pm

From Sept. 6-7, 2024, NASA’s Johnson Space Center brought the excitement of space exploration to the annual Japan Festival at Hermann Park in Houston.  

The lively cultural event featured traditional food, dance, martial arts, and more, while Johnson’s booth attracted attendees with interactive space exhibits and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) activities.  

Johnson Space Center volunteers share NASA’s mission and student opportunities at the annual Japan Festival in Houston. NASA

Johnson employees passed along information about High School Aerospace Scholars (HAS), a NASA-unique program offering Texas high school juniors an opportunity to explore STEM fields.  

The program kicks off with an online course and, for top performers, culminates in an on-site summer experience at Johnson, where students can learn from NASA scientists and engineers. Program graduates may also apply for NASA internships and scholarships, including the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo™ and Rotary National Award for Space Achievement scholarships. 

Attendees enjoy Johnson Space Center’s exhibit booth at Hermann Park in Houston. NASA/Johnnie Joseph

Festival attendees explored interactive displays, including models of the Space Launch System and Orion spacecraft, space food samples, and a real spacesuit glove and helmet. Johnson volunteers distributed NASA meatball stickers, mission stickers, and Artemis bookmarks with QR codes, offering students and space enthusiasts opportunities to dive deeper into STEM education and NASA’s missions. 

Johnson volunteers share NASA’s mission and student opportunities to festival attendees. NASA/Johnnie Joseph

NASA’s long-standing partnership with Japan was front and center as JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) set up a neighboring booth. JAXA astronaut Satoshi Furukawa delighted festival-goers by posing for photos, signing autographs, and visiting NASA’s booth to greet Johnson employees.  

The event highlighted the collaborative spirit of space exploration between NASA and its international partners, who are working together on missions around the Moon and beyond as part of the Artemis campaign. Japan, alongside other global partners, has committed to supporting the International Space Station through 2030. 

Festival attendees explore NASA’s booth, captivated by the space exhibits.NASA/Johnnie Joseph
Categories: NASA

Our reality seems to be compatible with a quantum multiverse

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Tue, 09/17/2024 - 3:00pm
Even though the strange behaviour we observe in the quantum realm isn’t part of our daily lives, simulations suggest it is likely our reality could be one of the many worlds in a quantum multiverse
Categories: Astronomy

Our reality seems to be compatible with a quantum multiverse

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Tue, 09/17/2024 - 3:00pm
Even though the strange behaviour we observe in the quantum realm isn’t part of our daily lives, simulations suggest it is likely our reality could be one of the many worlds in a quantum multiverse
Categories: Astronomy

A 'primordial' black hole may zoom through our solar system every decade

Space.com - Tue, 09/17/2024 - 2:59pm
If microscopic black holes born a fraction of a second after the Big Bang exist, then at least one may fly through the solar system per decade, generating tiny gravitational distortions that scientists can detect.
Categories: Astronomy

Ocean Science Missions and Projects

NASA - Breaking News - Tue, 09/17/2024 - 2:53pm

5 min read

Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater) Back to Ocean Science Landing Page

Internet of Animals

The Internet of Animals project combines animal tracking tags with remote sensing, to better understand habitat use and movement patterns. This kind of research enables more informed ecological management and conservation efforts, and broadens our understanding of how different ecosystems are reacting to a changing climate.

FATE: dFAD Trajectory Tool

FATE will quantify dFAD (drifting fish aggregating devices) activity in relation to ocean currents, fish biomass, and animal telemetry at Palmyra Atoll, which is a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) National Wildlife Refuge and is part of the U.S. Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument (PRIMNM) in the central Pacific Ocean. This innovative decision support tool will use NASA observations and numerical models to predict future dFAD trajectories and inform resource managers whether they should deploy tactical resources (boats, personnel) to monitor, intercept, or retrieve dFADs that have entered the MPA.


SeaSTAR aims to provide multi-spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD) and aerosol optical properties using a custom-built robotic sun/sky photometer. The instrument is designed to operate from a ship and is planned to deploy aboard the NOAA research vessel RV Shearwater in September 2024 to support the PACE-PAX airborne campaign.

PACE Validation Science Team Project: AirSHARP

Airborne asSessment of Hyperspectral Aerosol optical depth and water-leaving Reflectance Product Performance for PACE

The goal of AirSHARP is to provide high fidelity spatial coverage and spectral data for ocean color and aerosol products for validation of the PACE Ocean Color Instrument (OCI). Coastal influences on oceanic waters can produce high optical complexity for remote sensing especially in dynamic waters in both space and time. Dynamic coastal water features include riverine plumes (sediments and pollution), algal blooms, and kelp beds. Further, coastal California has a range of atmospheric conditions related to fires. We will accomplish validation of PACE products by combined airborne and field instrumentation for Monterey Bay, California.


Watersheds, Water Quality, and Coastal Communities in Puerto Rico

Water2Coasts is an interdisciplinary island landscape to coastal ocean assessment with socioeconomic implications. The goal of Water2Coasts is to conduct a multi-scale, interdisciplinary (i.e., hydrologic, remote sensing, and social) study on how coastal waters of east, and south Puerto Rico are affected by watersheds of varying size, land use, and climate regimes, and how these may in turn induce a variety of still poorly understood effects on coastal and marine ecosystems such as coral reefs and seagrass beds.

US Coral Reef Task Force (USCRTF)

The USCRTF was established in 1998 by Presidential Executive Order to lead U.S. efforts to preserve and protect coral reef ecosystems. The USCRTF includes leaders of Federal agencies, U.S. States, territories, commonwealths, and Freely Associated States. The USCRTF helps build partnerships, strategies, and support for on-the-ground action to conserve coral reefs. NASA ARC scientists are members of the Steering Committee, Watershed Working Group, and Disease and Disturbance Working Group, and lead the Climate Change Working Group to assist in the use of NASA remote sensing data and tools for coastal studies, including coral reef ecosystems. Data from new and planned hyperspectral missions will advance research in heavily impacted coastal ecosystems.


Cyanobacteria and surface phytoplankton biodiversity of the Cape freshwater systems

The diversity of phytoplankton is also found in freshwater systems. In Southern Africa, land use change and agricultural practices has hindered hydrological processes and compromised freshwater ecosystems. These impacts are compounded by increasingly variable rainfall and temperature fluctuations associated with climate change posing risks to water quality, food security, and aquatic biodiversity and sustainability. The goal of CyanoSCape is to utilize airborne hyperspectral data and field spectral and water sample data to distinguish phytoplankton biodiversity, including the potentially toxic cyanobacteria.

mCDR: Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal

The goals of this effort are to conduct literature review, analysis, and ocean simulation to provide scientifically vetted estimates of the impacts, risks, and benefits of various potential mCDR methods.

Ocean modeling Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in a changing climate

The goals of this project are to build scientific understanding of the AMOC physics and its implications for biogeochemical cycles and climate, to assess the representation of AMOC in historical global ocean state estimates, and evaluate future needs for AMOC systems in a changing climate.

Elucidating the role of the ocean circulation in changing North Atlantic Ocean nutrients and biological productivity

This project will conduct analysis of NASA’s ECCO-Darwin ocean biogeochemical state estimate and historical satellite ocean color observations in order to understand the underlying causes for the sharp decline in biological productivity observed in the North Atlantic Ocean.

Integrated GEOS and ECCO Earth system modeling and data assimilation to advance seasonal-to-decadal prediction through improved understanding and representation of air-sea interactions

This analysis will build understanding of upper ocean, air-sea interaction, and climate processes by using data from the SWOT mission and ultra-high-resolution GEOS-ECCO simulations.

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Humans in Space

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Categories: NASA

FAA plans to fine SpaceX $630,000 for alleged launch violations

Space.com - Tue, 09/17/2024 - 2:11pm
The FAA has proposed fining SpaceX more than $630,000 for allegedly failing to comply with regulations on two launches in 2023.
Categories: Astronomy