Once you can accept the Universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy.

— Albert Einstein

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Strangely Shaped Bubbles Tell the Story of Ice’s Formation and Composition

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/14/2024 - 9:00am

Bubbles shaped like teardrops, flattened eggs and worms reveal ice’s inner life

Categories: Astronomy

Book Review: Imagining a Radical New Relationship with the Mississippi River

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/14/2024 - 9:00am

The Mississippi River has been manipulated for decades. A new book considers alternative forms of control

Categories: Astronomy

Asbestos Is Finally Banned in the U.S. Here’s Why It Took So Long

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/14/2024 - 9:00am

The carcinogenic effects of asbestos have been known for decades. We should have banned it long ago

Categories: Astronomy

Lifting the Veil on Near-Death Experiences

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/14/2024 - 9:00am

What the neuroscience of near-death experiences tells us about human consciousness

Categories: Astronomy

Readers Respond to the February 2024 Issue

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/14/2024 - 9:00am

Letters to the editors for the February 2024 issue of Scientific American

Categories: Astronomy

Revolutionary Genetics Research Shows RNA May Rule Our Genome

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/14/2024 - 9:00am

Scientists have recently discovered thousands of active RNA molecules that can control the human body

Categories: Astronomy

Book Review: Your Life Is Ruled by Games You Don’t Even Know You’re Playing

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/14/2024 - 9:00am

Our overreliance on the simplicity of game logic explains why capitalism got out of control

Categories: Astronomy

After Brewing Beer, Yeast Can Help Recycle Metals from E-waste

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/14/2024 - 9:00am

This beer-making by-product could offer a sustainable way to isolate metals for recycling electronic waste

Categories: Astronomy

We Learn and Make Connections Better When Information Comes from People We Like

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/14/2024 - 9:00am

The way we’re “wired” to learn may divide us

Categories: Astronomy

Why Insects Are Lured to Lights in the Night

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/14/2024 - 9:00am

Moths and other insects aren’t drawn to nighttime illumination for the reasons we think they are

Categories: Astronomy

Adolescent Anxiety Is Hard to Treat. New Drug-Free Approaches May Help

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/14/2024 - 9:00am

Research on the developing brain points to new ways to help young people with anxiety disorders

Categories: Astronomy

Contributors to Scientific American’s June 2024 Issue

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/14/2024 - 9:00am

Writers, artists, photographers and researchers share the stories behind the stories

Categories: Astronomy

Is Cold-Water Swimming Good for You?

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/14/2024 - 9:00am

Though sometimes overstated, the benefits of cold-water swimming are slowly becoming clearer

Categories: Astronomy

Humans Are Driving a New Kind of Evolution in Animals

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/14/2024 - 9:00am

Anthropogenic evolution is affecting species across the planet

Categories: Astronomy

Poem: ‘Chrysalis’

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/14/2024 - 9:00am

Science in meter and verse

Categories: Astronomy

Grizzly Bears Will Finally Return to Washington State. Humans Aren’t Sure How to Greet Them

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/14/2024 - 9:00am

After decades of debate, grizzlies will be reintroduced to the North Cascades

Categories: Astronomy

Stolen Bacterial Genes Helped Whiteflies to Become the Ultimate Pests

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/14/2024 - 9:00am

Rather than relying on bacteria, whiteflies cut out the middleman and acquired their own genes to process nitrogen

Categories: Astronomy

Patients Fare Better When They Get Palliative Care Sooner, Not Later

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/14/2024 - 9:00am

Supportive care is often started late in an illness, but that may not be the best way

Categories: Astronomy

Book Review: Rats, Gardens, and Stories from a "Post-Impact" Future

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/14/2024 - 9:00am

Rats as you’ve never seen them; the journey of restoring a garden; stories from a “post-Impact” future

Categories: Astronomy

June 2024: Science History from 50, 100 and 150 Years Ago

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/14/2024 - 9:00am

Walking barefoot on hot stones; what makes bluebirds blue

Categories: Astronomy