It is clear to everyone that astronomy at all events compels the soul to look upwards, and draws it from the things of this world to the other.

— Plato

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SpaceX launches 20 Starlink internet satellites from California (video, photos) - Tue, 09/24/2024 - 6:00pm
SpaceX launched 20 more of its Starlink broadband satellites, including 13 with direct-to-cell capability, from California early Wednesday morning (Sept. 25).
Categories: Astronomy

How a Nearby Supernova Left its Mark on Earth Life

Universe Today - Tue, 09/24/2024 - 5:31pm

When a massive star explodes as a supernova, it does more than release an extraordinary amount of energy. Supernovae explosions are responsible for creating some of the heavy elements, including iron, which is blasted out into space by the explosion. On Earth, there are two accumulations of the iron isotope Fe60 in sea-floor sediments that scientists trace back about two or three million years ago and about five to six million years ago.

The explosions that created the iron also dosed Earth with cosmic radiation.

In new research submitted to the Astrophysical Journal Letters, scientists examine how much energy reached Earth from these explosions and how that radiation may have affected life on Earth. The paper is titled “Life in the Bubble: How a nearby supernova left ephemeral footprints on the cosmic-ray spectrum and indelible imprints on life.” The lead author is Caitlyn Nojiri from UC Santa Cruz.

“Life on Earth is constantly evolving under continuous exposure to ionizing radiation from both terrestrial and cosmic origin,” the authors write. Terrestrial radiation slowly decreases over billions of years. But not cosmic radiation. The amount of cosmic radiation that Earth is exposed to varies as our Solar System moves through the galaxy. “Nearby supernova (SN) activity has the potential to raise the radiation levels at the surface of the Earth by several orders of magnitude, which is expected to have a profound impact on the evolution of life,” they write.

The authors explain that the two million-year-old accumulation is directly from a supernova explosion, and the older accumulation is from when Earth passed through a bubble.

The bubble in the study’s title comes from a particular type of star called OB stars. OB stars are massive, hot, and short-lived stars that usually form in groups. These stars emit powerful outflowing winds that create “bubbles” of hot gas in the interstellar medium. Our Solar System is inside one of these bubbles, called the Local Bubble, which is almost 1,000 light-years wide and was created several million years ago.

An artist’s conception of the hot local bubble. Image Credit: NASA

The Earth entered the Local Bubble about five or six million years ago, which explains the older Fe60 accumulation. According to the authors, the younger Fe60 accumulation from two or three million years ago is directly from a supernova.

“It is likely that the 60Fe peak at about 2-3 Myr originated from a supernova occurring in the Upper Centaurus Lupus association in Scorpius Centaurus (~140 pc) or the Tucana Horologium association (~70 pc). Whereas the ~ 5-6 Myr peak is likely attributed to the Solar System’s entrance into the bubble,” the authors write.

The left panel shows the Local Bubble and nearby stellar associations, while the right panel shows their galactic coordinates. The right panel also shows a new Galactic bubble discovered in 2018. It’s likely the remnant of an SN that exploded in Upper Centaurus Lupus. Image Credit: Nojiri et al. 2024.

The Local Bubble is not a quiet place. It took multiple supernovae to create it. The authors write that it took 15 SN explosions over the last 15 million years to create the LB. “We know from the reconstruction of the LB history that at least 9 SN exploded during the past 6 Myrs,” they write.

The researchers took all the data and calculated the amount of radiation from multiple SNe in the LB. “It is not clear what would the biological effects of such radiation doses be,” they write, but they do discuss some possibilities.

This figure shows the average dose rate experienced at ground level as a function of the distance to the nearby SN. The average dose is calculated over the first 10 kyr (solid line) and over the first 100 kyr (dashed line) after the SN explosion. It’s not enough to trigger an extinction, but it could’ve driven species diversification. Image Credit: Nojiri et al. 2024.

The radiation dosage may have been strong enough to create double-strand breaks in DNA. This is severe damage and can lead to chromosomal changes and even cell death. But there are other effects in terms of the development of life on Earth.

“Double-strand breaks in DNA can potentially lead to mutations and jump in the diversification of species,” the researchers write. A 2024 paper showed that “the rate of virus diversification in the African Tanganyika lake accelerated 2-3 Myr ago.” Could this be connected to SN radiation?

“It would be appealing to better understand whether this can be attributed to the increase in cosmic-radiation dose we predict to have taking place during that period,” the authors tease.

The SN radiation wasn’t powerful enough to trigger an extinction. But it could’ve been powerful enough to trigger more mutations, which could lead to more species diversification.

Radiation is always part of the environment. It rises and falls as events unfold and as Earth moves through the galaxy. Somehow, it must be part of the equation that created the diversity of life on our planet.

“It is, therefore, certain that cosmic radiation is a key environmental factor when assessing the viability and evolution of life on Earth, and the key question pertains to the threshold for radiation to be a favourable or harmful trigger when considering the evolution of species,” the authors write in their conclusion.

Unfortunately, we don’t clearly understand exactly how radiation affects biology, what thresholds might be in place, and how they might change over time. “The exact threshold can only be established with a clear understanding of the biological effects of cosmic radiation (especially muons that dominate at ground level), which remains highly unexplored,” Nojiri and her co-authors write.

The study shows that, whether we can see it in everyday life or not, or even if we’re aware of it or not, our space environment exerts a powerful force on Earth’s life. SN radiation could’ve influenced the mutation rate at critical times during Earth’s history, helping shape evolution.

Without supernova explosions, life on Earth could look very different. Many things had to go just right for us to be here. Maybe in the distant past, supernova explosions played a role in the evolutionary chain that leads to us.

The post How a Nearby Supernova Left its Mark on Earth Life appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Astronomy

'We are close:' SETI astrobiologist Nathalie Cabrol on the search for life - Tue, 09/24/2024 - 4:59pm
Astrobiologist Nathalie Cabrol seeks answers to two key questions: Are we alone in the universe? How did life on Earth begin in the first place?
Categories: Astronomy

Tropical Storm Helene delays SpaceX's Crew-9 astronaut launch to Sept. 28 - Tue, 09/24/2024 - 4:37pm
SpaceX and NASA have delayed the Crew-9 astronaut launch from Thursday (Sept. 26) to no earlier than Saturday (Sept. 28) due to a strengthening tropical storm.
Categories: Astronomy

Astronaut José Hernández Boards Discovery

NASA Image of the Day - Tue, 09/24/2024 - 4:35pm
STS-128 mission specialist José Hernández waits his turn to enter space shuttle Discovery at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. In the background are mission specialists Patrick Forrester (left) and Christer Fuglesang (back to camera).
Categories: Astronomy, NASA

Astronaut José Hernández Boards Discovery

NASA - Breaking News - Tue, 09/24/2024 - 4:33pm
NASA/Jim Grossmann

In this photo from Aug. 7, 2009, Jose Hernandez, mission specialist, smiles at the camera as he waits for his turn to enter the space shuttle Discovery as part of STS-128. It was the 128th Shuttle mission and the 30th mission to the International Space Station. While at the orbital lab, the STS-128 crew conducted three spacewalks.

Hernandez joined NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston in 2001. There, he was a materials research engineer in the Materials & Processes branch; eventually, he became branch chief. In 2004, he was selected as an astronaut candidate, and in 2009, he became a crew member of STS-128.

Get to know some of our Hispanic colleagues, past and present, during Hispanic Heritage Month.

Image credit: NASA/Jim Grossmann

Categories: NASA

US Space Force partners with India to open a microchip factory for next-gen tech - Tue, 09/24/2024 - 4:00pm
The United States is partnering with India to establish a new factory that will manufacture microchips to enable next-generation technologies for the U.S. Space Force.
Categories: Astronomy

NASA Awards Contract Extension for Solar Science Instrument

NASA - Breaking News - Tue, 09/24/2024 - 4:00pm

NASA has awarded a contract extension to Stanford University, California, to continue the mission and services for the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) instrument on the agency’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO).

The cost-reimbursement, no fee contract extension provides for support, operation, and calibration of the HMI instrument, which is one of three main instruments on SDO. In addition, the extension provides for operating and maintaining the Joint Science Operations Center – Science Data Processing facility at Stanford as well as the HMI team’s support for Heliophysics System Observatory science.

The period of performance for the extension runs Tuesday, Oct. 1, through Sept. 30, 2027. The extension increases the total contract value for HMI services by about $12.5 million — from $173.84 million to $186.34 million.

SDO’s mission is to help advance our understanding of the Sun’s influence on Earth and near-Earth space by studying how the star changes over time and how solar activity is created. Understanding the solar environment and how it drives space weather is vital to protecting ground and space-based infrastructure as well as NASA’s efforts to establish a sustainable presence on the Moon with Artemis. The study of the Sun also teaches us more about how stars contribute to the habitability of planets throughout the universe.

The SDO mission launched in February 2010 with science operations beginning in May of that year. The HMI instrument on SDO studies oscillations and the magnetic field at the solar surface, or photosphere.

For information about NASA and agency programs, visit:

Jeremy Eggers
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.

Categories: NASA

NASA Relaunches Art Program with Space-Themed Murals

NASA - Breaking News - Tue, 09/24/2024 - 3:48pm

3 min read

Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater) The inaugural murals for the relaunched NASA Art Program appear side-by-side at 350 Hudson Street, Monday, Sept. 23, 2024, in New York City. The murals, titled “To the Moon, and Back,” were created by New York-based artist team Geraluz and WERC and use geometrical patterns to invite deeper reflection on the exploration, creativity, and connection with the cosmos. NASA/Joel Kowsky

NASA launched the next phase of its art program with two new space-themed murals in New York’s Hudson Square neighborhood in Manhattan. The vision of the reimagined NASA Art Program is to inspire and engage the Artemis Generation with community murals and other art projects for the benefit of humanity. 

“To continue pushing the boundaries of discovery and exploration we’ll need future generations to think critically and use creativity and ingenuity to solve some of our biggest challenges, and art is essential in preparing young minds for this task,” said NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy. “I am thrilled that NASA’s Art Program is returning with such an impactful project that will inspire the next generation – the Artemis Generation – to be curious, dream big, and hopefully join us in our work at NASA someday.”

For its inaugural project NASA collaborated with the Hudson Square Business Improvement District on an open call for New York-based artists to design and install a large-scale mural inspired by NASA’s work and missions.

The two side-by-side murals, titled To the Moon, and Back, are located at 350 Hudson Street and were created by New York-based artist team Geraluz and WERC. The team received a small award for design fees, materials, labor, and equipment, with a portion of funds provided by NASA and matched by Hudson Square Business Improvement District.

The piece illustrates a cosmic future with a universe of possibilities expressed through the dreams and aspirations of children. The use of geometrical patterns invites deeper reflection on the exploration, creativity, and our connection with the cosmos.

“We are thrilled to partner with NASA on this visionary project, bringing together the exciting world of space exploration and the vibrant, creative energy of Hudson Square. This installation is not just a celebration of NASA’s incredible mission, but a continuation of our commitment to transforming the public realm through groundbreaking public art,” said Samara Karasyk, president of Hudson Square Business Improvement District. “It will inspire the next generation, ignite curiosity about space exploration, and strengthen our neighborhood’s identity as a limitless hub for creativity, mirroring the infinite possibilities of outer space. We can’t wait to see how this installation captivates both locals and visitors alike.”

NASA has long used art to tell the story of its awe-inspiring missions. Soon after its inception, the agency started a formal program commissioning artists to develop inspiring pieces like portraits and paintings that highlighted an unexpected side of the agency. In 1962, NASA’s then Administrator James Webb tasked staffer and artist James Dean with implementing the new program, and with the help of the National Gallery of Art, Dean laid the framework to artistically capture the inspiration of NASA’s Apollo program. As the NASA Art Program continues to evolve, the agency remains focused on inspiring and engaging the next generation of explorers – the Artemis Generation – in new and unexpected ways, including through art.

For more information on the NASA missions that will inspire future projects:

Share Details Last Updated Sep 24, 2024 Related Terms Explore More 4 min read Educational Activities in Space Article 10 hours ago 2 min read Station Science Top News: September 20, 2024 Article 1 day ago 2 min read NASA Ames Stars of the Month: September 2024 Article 1 day ago Keep Exploring Discover Related Topics


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Categories: NASA

Sols 4314-4315: Wait, What Was That Back There?

NASA - Breaking News - Tue, 09/24/2024 - 3:44pm
Curiosity Navigation

3 min read

Sols 4314-4315: Wait, What Was That Back There? A view of the right-middle wheel of NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity, one of the rover’s six well-traveled wheels. Curiosity acquired this image using its Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI), located on the turret at the end of the rover’s robotic arm, on Sept. 22, 2024, sol 4312 (Martian day 4,312) of the Mars Science Laboratory Mission, at 18:37:41 UTC. NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

Earth planning date: Monday, Sept. 23, 2024

After a busy weekend of activities, Curiosity is ready for another week of planning. One of the activities over the weekend was our periodic check-in on our wheels to see how they are holding up on the rough terrain. The image shows the MAHLI view of the right-middle (RM) wheel, which is still holding up well despite taking some of the worst abuse from Mars.

We are planning contact science with APXS and MAHLI on “Burst Rock,” which is a target that has an interesting texture and has bright-toned clasts and a gray coating. It is part of the Gediz Vallis Ridge channel deposits and will help out understanding of the channel. Unfortunately, it was too rough to brush, but it is clean enough that we can still get good science data.

We are doing a lot of imaging and remote science today. We are taking Mastcam mosaics of multiple targets. “Log Meadow” is a target designed to get a look at the distribution of the white stones in the channel. “Grand Sentinel” is a target on the opposite side of our previous workspace, allowing us to document it from a different angle. “Tunnel Rock” and “Tombstone Ridge” are sedimentary rocks that may have ripple-like layers; examining the layer contours helps inform how rocks were formed. Lastly, “Gravel Ridge” is a target in “Arc Pass” where we are continuing to examine clasts and sedimentary layers. We also take a ChemCam LIBS observation of Log Meadow and a long-distance RMI image of “Chanbank,” another area of white stones. We round it off with a Navcam mosaic of the rover to monitor dust on the deck. 

After wrapping up the targeted and contact science, we’re ready to drive. As the science team had time to look a bit more at the data collected in that region, they discovered this target that was worth going back for. We are driving back to the area of the white stones to do more contact science on rocks that look similar to the elemental sulfur we saw earlier this year. Planning ahead, I got to scout this drive on Friday, laying out the safest path and looking for parking spots that were both good for communications as well as for doing contact science. The target “Sheep Creek” is about 50 meters (about 164 feet) to the northeast, which makes the drive a challenge — the resolution of our imagery at that range makes it harder to pinpoint these small rocks. We do have really good imaging in that direction, and the terrain isn’t super scary, so the Rover Planners are going to try to make it in one drive. During the drive, we will be taking a MARDI “sidewalk” movie (a series of images looking below the rover for the entire length of the drive), which will help document the channel. On the second sol of the plan, we do some additional atmospheric and untargeted science. We have a Navcam suprahorizon movie (looking at the crater rim to evaluate dust in the atmosphere) and a dust devil movie. We also have a ChemCam AEGIS observation, where the rover will autonomously select a target to image. Overnight, CheMin does an “empty cell” analysis to confirm that the system is cleaned out and ready for the next sampling campaign.

Written by Ashley Stroupe, Mission Operations Engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory



Last Updated

Sep 24, 2024

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Categories: NASA

Julie Rivera Pérez Bridges Business, STEM to ‘Make the Magic Happen’

NASA - Breaking News - Tue, 09/24/2024 - 3:06pm

Senior Resource Analyst Julie Rivera Pérez ensures finances and assets are in place to enable missions’ engineering and science “magic” can happen. As a former intern, she also reaches out to current students to ensure a diverse and inclusive future workforce.

Name: Julie Rivera Pérez
Formal Job Classification: Senior Resources Analyst
Organization: Systems Review Office/Resource Management Office, Office of the Chief Financial Officer (Code 159.2)

Julie Rivera Pérez is a senior resources analyst at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. Photo courtesy of Julie Rivera Pérez

What do you do and what is most interesting about your role here at Goddard?

I work in Goddard’s Systems Review Office (SRO), which plays a critical role in NASA’s mission gate reviews, also known as system review boards (SRBs). As the lead senior resources analyst, I provide financial expertise relating to budget planning and funds execution in support of all life-cycle reviews for Goddard missions. These reviews occur during key milestones in the progression of a mission through the various stages until launch. A mission cannot proceed with its work unless it passes the gate reviews, like the preliminary design review (PDR), critical design review (PDR), system integration review (SIR), operational readiness review (ORR), among others. It is great to support these reviews and make sure that key panel members like engineering, science, cost/schedule, and programmatic subject matter experts are planned for and funded to hold these SRB reviews. It is exciting to be able to contribute to Goddard missions!

What is your educational background?

In 2010, I graduated from the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, with a bachelor’s degree in business administration. My major was in human resources, and my minor was in marketing.

Why did you come to Goddard?

I first came to Goddard in 2008, as a summer intern. I will never forget the team of recruiters that visited my university and shared Goddard’s opportunities for business majors. I dreamed to contribute to the NASA mission! I took a chance and signed up to be interviewed. Three months later, I was offered an internship, and here I am, nearly 15 years later and thriving!

Where have you worked at Goddard? What was a pivotal moment for you?

In 2009, I had the opportunity to intern with the Office of Human Capital Management, the Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity, and the Office of Education.

After graduating in 2010, I joined Goddard as a procurement analyst in the Small Business Office. In 2013, I became the Contracting Officer for the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) system.

In 2015, I was selected as a participant in the NASA FIRST Program, a very prestigious NASA leadership program, which was pivotal for me. I learned about different roles at NASA including the important roles of business professionals. This inspired me to transition into the world of resources and finance!

In 2017, I became a senior resources analyst for the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS). My procurement background helped me understand the underlying contractual mechanics in the world of resources. I was very excited to continue to grow in my NASA career! In 2018, I served as a contract resources analyst of the Ground Systems and Missions Operations 2 contract for the Space Science Mission Operations Division. Presently, I serve as the lead senior resources analyst for the Systems Review Office within the Safety and Mission Assurance Business Branch of the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO).

It has been an amazing journey! I have had the opportunity to work in multiple flagship missions, mission operations, interagency collaborations, procurement, finance, and resources. I am excited for what the future will bring in my NASA career!

What are your responsibilities in your current role?

My key responsibility is serving as the financial liaison between the Systems Review Office (SRO) and program or project offices. I collaborate with program managers, deputy program managers for resources, and financial managers from other NASA centers to ensure the proper coordination of system review boards’ funding requirements. This includes preparing program, planning, budget, and execution (PPBE) inputs, labor projections, continuing resolution funding requirements, and phasing plans for all SRB missions.

As the SRO lead senior resources analyst, I also oversee the daily functions and activities of the SRO staff members, providing them with appropriate guidance, direction, knowledge sharing, and mentorship.

What are you most thankful about in your career?

I have had many opportunities from the moment I started working at Goddard as an intern. I have always been encouraged to continue growing as a professional through several significant work opportunities. One of them being the NASA FIRST leadership program for the 2015 cohort. It was a joy when I was accepted into this life-changing and unique opportunity! Throughout my career at Goddard, I have learned about many different aspects and the importance of being a business professional to help achieve the NASA mission.

Who is your mentor and what is their advice?

I have had several amazing mentors throughout my career at Goddard. Dan Krieger was key in my recruitment and has always supported me through my journey. Veronica Hill has continuously provided her guidance and wisdom. Janine Dolinka welcomed me to Goddard as my first mentor and further inspired me grow at NASA. Jennifer Perez took me under her wing and taught me the importance and roles of the Small Business Office. Currently, I am under the mentorship of Rich Ryan (deputy program director for business, Mars Sample Return) and Kevin Miller (chief of Resources Management Office). All in all, my mentors have always reminded me to always be my authentic self. It sounds so simple, yet it is such powerful advice. I want to thank each and every one of them for fueling the desire to make a difference for the NASA mission and to continue bringing my talents to the workforce!

What is important to you about your role on the Hispanic Advisory Committee for Employees (HACE)?

A very fulfilling part of the work I do at NASA Goddard is my voluntary service as the co-chair for the Hispanic Advisory Committee for Employees (HACE) resource group. I am in a unique position to provide advice, guidance, and recommendations to center management, the Office of STEM Engagement, and the Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity on initiatives regarding recruitment, outreach, retention, cultural awareness, and professional development of minorities and Hispanics at Goddard. I also serve as the recruitment and outreach co-lead for the committee. As co-chair, I am a voice representing the interests of the GSFC Hispanic community.

I also develop key initiatives in student recruitment and outreach to build a pipeline of Hispanic interns for NASA. Every summer, I coordinate intern presentations to center management, as well as provide training to the Hispanic interns on how to write a federal résumé and apply for a federal job within NASA.

It is my wish to pay it forward. I once was an intern. I want to encourage others to join the NASA community and make a positive impact with diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. Así Se HACE!

In 2021, you were a panel speaker at the Women of Color conference. What did you talk about?

It was such an honor to be invited as a panel speaker with a financial professional background for a STEM event. I served as a bridge between STEM and the business world and how both come together to make the magic happen. I have a deep understanding of how the business world and the engineering and science come together to bring missions to life. While I may not have a STEM degree, I am a STEM advocate. This event was an opportunity to tell my story as a Hispanic woman in resources and finance working at NASA. As a business professional, it is important that the money and the assets are in place so all the engineering and science can happen. It was equally important to highlight the value of embracing yourself and what you bring you the table because that is where your strength lies and how you can make a difference.

What do you do for fun?

I have a passion for singing! Since my early teens, I studied music and singing at the Music Conservatory of Puerto Rico. In college, I was accepted into the very competitive University of Puerto Rico classical choir. I continued to pursue my love for music through the Goddard Music and Drama Club (MAD). I even starred in two musicals produced by MAD!

I love spending time with my husband and two children, as well as watching movies with family and friends, spending time at the beach, reading, walking, listening to true crime podcasts, and watching the occasional Spanish telenovela.

What is your favorite life quote?

This Gandhi quote speaks to the power of perseverance and means a lot to me: “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”

What is your “six-word memoir”? A six-word memoir describes something in just six words.


Conversations With Goddard is a collection of Q&A profiles highlighting the breadth and depth of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center’s talented and diverse workforce. The Conversations have been published twice a month on average since May 2011. Read past editions on Goddard’s “Our People” webpage.

Share Details Last Updated Sep 24, 2024 EditorMadison OlsonContactRob Garnerrob.garner@nasa.govLocationGoddard Space Flight Center Related Terms Explore More 6 min read Childhood Snow Days Transformed Linette Boisvert into a Sea Ice Scientist Article 2 weeks ago 5 min read Rob Gutro: Clear Science in the Forecast Article 7 days ago 8 min read Rob Garner: Editing Goddard’s Story to Fit the Space Article 1 week ago
Categories: NASA

'Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2' brings glory to the Emperor (review) - Tue, 09/24/2024 - 3:00pm
Space Marine 2 reminds us how good third-person action games can be.
Categories: Astronomy

Pain relief from the placebo effect may not actually involve dopamine

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Tue, 09/24/2024 - 3:00pm
Dopamine was long thought to play a part in the placebo effect for pain relief, but a new study is questioning its true role
Categories: Astronomy

Pain relief from the placebo effect may not actually involve dopamine

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Tue, 09/24/2024 - 3:00pm
Dopamine was long thought to play a part in the placebo effect for pain relief, but a new study is questioning its true role
Categories: Astronomy

Scientists Nuke an Asteroid in a Lab Mock-Up

Scientific - Tue, 09/24/2024 - 2:30pm

Experiment shows that a nuclear explosion could save the planet from a deadly asteroid impact

Categories: Astronomy

NASA Ames Welcomes Latvian President, Talks Aeronautics Research 

NASA - Breaking News - Tue, 09/24/2024 - 2:22pm
NASA/Brandon Torres Navarrete

President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs observes simulated visuals of an airport and its air traffic, consisting of commercial aircraft and electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft, at NASA’s FutureFlight Central on Sept. 18, 2024, during a visit to NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley. 

FutureFlight Central provides high-fidelity simulation of air traffic management scenarios and is dedicated to solving the present and emerging challenges of the nation’s air traffic management system. President Rinkēvičs and representatives of Latvian business visited Ames to learn about the center’s technical capabilities and areas of research in aeronautics.  

Categories: NASA

SpaceX Recovers the Super Heavy Booster from Flight 4

Universe Today - Tue, 09/24/2024 - 2:06pm

On June 6th, 2024, the fourth orbital test flight of the Starship successfully lifted off at 07:50 a.m. CT (08:50 a.m. EDT; 06:50 PDT) from SpaceX’s Starbase in Texas. This test was the first time the Starship (SN29) and Super Heavy (BN11) prototypes reentered Earth’s atmosphere and landed successfully. While the SN29 conducted a powered vertical landing before splashing down in the Indian Ocean, the BN11 executed a similar powered landing before splashing down in the Gulf of Mexico. In a recent tweet, Elon Musk shared a photo of the BN11 booster being pulled out of the sea.

Starship Super Heavy Booster Flight 4

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 23, 2024

News of the retrieval was posted via Elon Musk’s X account, where he hinted at the possibility of refurbishment and reuse, writing, “Fixer upper.” In addition to being the first flight test in which both vehicles made it back in one piece, this flight was also the first time that a Super Heavy booster simulated a landing at a “virtual tower.” In the future, SpaceX intends to retrieve its boosters by “catching” them with the Orbital Launch Mount tower at their Starbase facility. This is expected to occur for the first time during the fifth integrated flight test, scheduled for no earlier than late November 2024.

The flight test was originally scheduled for September but was delayed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) until November due to environmental complaints and the licensing process. According to statements by the FAA and SpaceX, the company was already authorized to conduct multiple flights using the same mission profile they followed for the fourth flight test. However, adding an attempted “catch” has led the FAA to conduct a more thorough review of the flight and the launch facility.

The post SpaceX Recovers the Super Heavy Booster from Flight 4 appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Astronomy

SpaceX stacks Starship megarocket ahead of 5th test flight (photos) - Tue, 09/24/2024 - 2:00pm
SpaceX has stacked and tested its Starship megarocket ahead of the vehicle's fifth flight, which isn't expected to launch until late November.
Categories: Astronomy

Florida Surgeon General Spreads COVID Misinformation in Booster Guidelines

Scientific - Tue, 09/24/2024 - 2:00pm

Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo told Floridians to avoid mRNA vaccines, citing false safety concerns

Categories: Astronomy

Arctic Sea Ice Near Historic Low; Antarctic Ice Continues Decline

NASA - Breaking News - Tue, 09/24/2024 - 1:02pm

4 min read

Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater) This image, taken from a data visualization, shows Arctic sea ice minimum extent on September 11, 2024. The yellow boundary shows the minimum extent averaged over the 30-year period from 1981 to 2010. Download high-resolution video and images from NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio:’s Scientific Visualization Studio/Trent L. Schindler

Arctic sea ice retreated to near-historic lows in the Northern Hemisphere this summer, likely melting to its minimum extent for the year on Sept.11, 2024, according to researchers at NASA and the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). The decline continues the decades-long trend of shrinking and thinning ice cover in the Arctic Ocean.

The amount of frozen seawater in the Arctic fluctuates during the year as the ice thaws and regrows between seasons. Scientists chart these swings to construct a picture of how the Arctic responds  over time to rising air and sea temperatures and longer melting seasons. Over the past 46 years, satellites have observed persistent trends of more melting in the summer and less ice formation in winter.

This summer, Arctic sea ice decreased to a its minimum extent on September 11, 2024. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center this is the 7th lowest in the satellite record). The decline continues the long-term trend of shrinking ice cover in the Arctic Ocean.
Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center

Tracking sea ice changes in real time has revealed wide-ranging impacts, from losses and changes in polar wildlife habitat to impacts on local communities in the Arctic and international trade routes.

This year, Arctic sea ice shrank to a minimal extent of 1.65 million square miles (4.28 million square kilometers). That’s about 750,000 square miles (1.94 million square kilometers) below the 1981 to 2010 end-of-summer average of 2.4 million square miles (6.22 million square kilometers). The difference in ice cover spans an area larger than the state of Alaska. Sea ice extent is defined as the total area of the ocean with at least 15% ice concentration.

Seventh-Lowest in Satellite Record

This year’s minimum remained above the all-time low of 1.31 million square miles (3.39 million square kilometers) set in September 2012. While sea ice coverage can fluctuate from year to year, it has trended downward since the start of the satellite record for ice in the late 1970s. Since then, the loss of sea ice has been about 30,000 square miles (77,800 square kilometers) per year, according to NSIDC.

Scientists currently measure sea ice extent using data from passive microwave sensors aboard satellites in the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, with additional historical data from the Nimbus-7 satellite, jointly operated by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Today, the overwhelming majority of ice in the Arctic Ocean is thinner, first-year ice, which is less able to survive the warmer months. There is far, far less ice that is three years or older now,

Nathan Kurtz

Chief, NASA's Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory

Sea ice is not only shrinking, it’s getting younger, noted Nathan Kurtz, lab chief of NASA’s Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory at the agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

“Today, the overwhelming majority of ice in the Arctic Ocean is thinner, first-year ice, which is less able to survive the warmer months. There is far, far less ice that is three years or older now,” Kurtz said.

Ice thickness measurements collected with spaceborne altimeters, including NASA’s ICESat and ICESat-2 satellites, have found that much of the oldest, thickest ice has already been lost. New research out of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California shows that in the central Arctic, away from the coasts, fall sea ice now hovers around 4.2 feet (1.3 meters) thick, down from a peak of 8.8 feet (2.7 meters) in 1980.

Another Meager Winter Around Antarctica

Sea ice in the southern polar regions of the planet was also low in 2024. Around Antarctica, scientists are tracking near record-low sea ice at a time when it should have been growing extensively during the Southern Hemisphere’s darkest and coldest months.

Ice around the continent is on track to be just over 6.6 million square miles (16.96 million square kilometers). The average maximum extent between 1981 and 2010 was 7.22 million square miles (18.71 million square kilometers).

The meager growth so far in 2024 prolongs a recent downward trend. Prior to 2014, sea ice in the Antarctic was increasing slightly by about 1% per decade. Following a spike in 2014, ice growth has fallen dramatically. Scientists are working to understand the cause of this reversal. The recurring loss hints at a long-term shift in conditions in the Southern Ocean, likely resulting from global climate change. 

“While changes in sea ice have been dramatic in the Arctic over several decades, Antarctic sea ice was relatively stable. But that has changed,” said Walt Meier, a sea ice scientist at NSIDC. “It appears that global warming has come to the Southern Ocean.”

In both the Arctic and Antarctic, ice loss compounds ice loss. This is due to the fact that while bright sea ice reflects most of the Sun’s energy back to space, open ocean water absorbs 90% of it. With more of the ocean exposed to sunlight, water temperatures rise, further delaying sea ice growth. This cycle of reinforced warming is called ice-albedo feedback.

Overall, the loss of sea ice increases heat in the Arctic, where temperatures have risen about four times the global average, Kurtz said.

About the AuthorSally YoungerSenior Science Writer

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