"If you wish to make an apple pie truly from scratch, you must first invent the universe."

— Carl Sagan

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Johnson Celebrates LGBTQI+ Pride Month: Meet Michael Chandler

NASA - Breaking News - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 12:30pm

Michael Chandler has provided configuration and data management support at Houston’s Johnson Space Center for the last 13 years. After roughly seven years supporting the Exploration Systems Development Division, Chandler transitioned to the Moon to Mars Program Office in 2019. He and his team work to ensure that the baseline for Moon to Mars products, like agreements and documents, is appropriately controlled and that configuration and data management processes are integrated across the office’s six programs – Orion, Gateway, EHP, Space Launch System, Human Landing system, and Exploration Ground Systems.

“The most rewarding part of my job is not only the magnitude of what I have the privilege of working on every day, returning humans to the surface of the Moon, but also the experience I get in working with such a diverse group of members of the aerospace community,” said Chandler, a contractor with The Aerospace Corporation. “It’s also so rewarding to work as a team on a common goal and to look forward to the work I do every day!”

Portrait of Michael Chandler onsite at Johnson Space Center. NASA/Noah Moran

Chandler has been an active member of the Out & Allied Employee Resource Group (OAERG) since 2018 and says his involvement with the group led to some groundbreaking life events. “I was very shy and reticent about revealing who I was until I got involved with Out & Allied,” he said. “I now believe that being ‘out’ is a way to support and encourage others to be themselves.”

Chandler learned about OAERG while attending a training about how to be an ally for the LGBTQ+ community. In his first year with the group, he helped organize a panel discussion on allyship and creating safe workplaces. He then became co-chair of OAERG’s Pride Committee, working with ERG colleagues and others to plan the group’s LGBTQ+ Pride Month events and participation in Houston’s annual Pride Parade. “I had a wonderful experience managing events and bringing everyone together for Pride,” he said – efforts that earned him a Trailblazer Award.

Chandler said he has grown personally and professionally through his involvement with OAERG. “I was very shy and kind of uptight at the first meeting that I went to, but everyone was so kind and accepting, and I slowly started taking on responsibilities and planning events,” he said. “These activities helped me grow as a communicator and a leader in my regular work and personal life.”

Michael Chandler (left) stands with fellow Out & Allied Employee Resource Group members, waiting for the Houston Pride Parade to begin. Image courtesy of Michael Chandler

Chandler belongs to other employee resource groups (ERGs) at Johnson to support different communities and find opportunities to collaboratively promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at the center, and he encourages others to do the same. “Even if you only participate when you have time, it can lead to knowledge and ways to support other communities that have the same challenges in this world,” he said.

Chandler has been impressed with agency and center leadership’s involvement in DEI efforts and support for ERGs to date. He suggested that increased communication around DEI initiatives may help to quell anxieties about the political landscape and developments outside of NASA by reassuring team members that their employer supports them for who they are. He believes that every person at Johnson can help create an inclusive environment by being respectful, listening with an open heart, and joining the fight to ensure that everyone can be themselves.

“The most important thing is that everyone needs to be their true self,” he said. “It’s so rewarding and makes life so much more fun!”

Categories: NASA

Hybrid design could make nuclear fusion reactors more efficient

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 12:19pm
Two types of fusion reactor called tokamaks and stellarators both have drawbacks – but a new design combining parts from both could offer the best of both worlds
Categories: Astronomy

Hybrid design could make nuclear fusion reactors more efficient

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 12:19pm
Two types of fusion reactor called tokamaks and stellarators both have drawbacks – but a new design combining parts from both could offer the best of both worlds
Categories: Astronomy

Human Factors Researcher Garrett Sadler

NASA - Breaking News - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 12:12pm

“I graduated in 2008, so that job market was not super great, and I ended up with this very unusual job working for this guy who thought that he had some new theory of physics that he wanted to work on. And so I was responsible for creating little computer simulations, trying to resemble some version of his ideas. His whole thing was like a quasi-spiritual tool, looking toward science as a rationalization of different spiritual beliefs that he had about a collective consciousness and the interconnectedness of things.

“As I worked for him longer and met a bunch of other people who were trying to put various spiritual beliefs on scientific footing, I got interested [and thought] maybe this could be studied as a cultural thing. What’s going on here with the desire to scientifically explain spiritual beliefs that they have? What’s the dynamic going on there? That’s what led me into eventually going to grad school for anthropology. I studied the way that science gets conceptualized and interpreted to rationalize spiritual and religious beliefs.

“I had this sort of unconventional trajectory [to NASA]. I didn’t really set a target on something to pursue it. The other thing that might be surprising is that I’ve been insecure about it at every single stage. You know, there’s the whole impostor syndrome thing, and I didn’t feel like I was qualified to be here because I didn’t have some sort of traditional path or because my educational background looks different than that of most of my colleagues. But I’m now at a place where I’ve come to understand that’s true for everyone.”

– Garrett Sadler, Human Factors Researcher, NASA’s Ames Research Center

Image Credit: NASA/Bradon Torres
Interviewer: NASA/Tahira Allen

Check out some of our other Faces of NASA. 

Categories: NASA

Hubble Captures a Cosmic Fossil

NASA Image of the Day - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 12:10pm
This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image features the globular cluster NGC 2005. It’s not an unusual globular cluster in and of itself, but it is a peculiarity when compared to its surroundings. NGC 2005 is located about 750 light-years from the heart of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), which is the Milky Way’s largest satellite galaxy some 162,000 light-years from Earth.
Categories: Astronomy, NASA

Hubble Captures a Cosmic Fossil

NASA - Breaking News - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 12:07pm
ESA/Hubble & NASA, F. Niederhofe

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image features the globular cluster NGC 2005. It’s not an unusual globular cluster in and of itself, but it is a peculiarity when compared to its surroundings. NGC 2005 is located about 750 light-years from the heart of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), which is the Milky Way’s largest satellite galaxy some 162,000 light-years from Earth. Globular clusters are densely-packed groups of stars that can hold tens of thousands or millions of stars. Their density means they are tightly bound by gravity and therefore very stable. This stability contributes to their longevity: globular clusters can be billions of years old, and are often comprised of very old stars. Studying globular clusters in space can be a little like studying fossils on Earth: where fossils give insights into the characteristics of ancient plants and animals, globular clusters illuminate the characteristics of ancient stars.

Current theories of galaxy evolution predict that galaxies merge with one another. Astronomers think the relatively large galaxies we observe in the modern universe formed when smaller galaxies merged. If this is correct, then we would expect to see evidence that the most ancient stars in nearby galaxies originated in different galactic environments. Because globular clusters hold ancient stars, and because of their stability, they are an excellent laboratory to test this hypothesis.

NGC 2005 is such a globular cluster, and its very existence provides evidence that supports the theory of galaxy evolution via mergers. Indeed, what makes NGC 2005 a bit peculiar from its surroundings, is the fact that its stars have a chemical composition that is distinct from the stars around it in the LMC. This suggests that the LMC underwent a merger with another galaxy somewhere in its history. That other galaxy has long-since merged and otherwise dispersed, but NGC 2005 remains behind as an ancient witness to the long-past merger.

Text Credit: European Space Agency (ESA)

Categories: NASA

Did rock art spread from one place or was it invented many times?

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 12:00pm
Rock art is a truly global phenomenon, with discoveries of cave paintings and etchings on every continent that ancient humans inhabited – but how many times was it invented over human history?
Categories: Astronomy

Did rock art spread from one place or was it invented many times?

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 12:00pm
Rock art is a truly global phenomenon, with discoveries of cave paintings and etchings on every continent that ancient humans inhabited – but how many times was it invented over human history?
Categories: Astronomy

To calibrate telescopes on Earth, NASA's launching an 'artificial star' to orbit

Space.com - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 12:00pm
In 2029, the Landolt satellite launched into Earth's orbit will serve to calibrate telescopes on Earth.
Categories: Astronomy

Soviet-era cosmonaut Vyacheslav Zudov, who survived only Soyuz splashdown, dies

Space.com - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 11:00am
Soviet-era cosmonaut Vyacheslav Zudov, whose failed Soyuz 23 docking with Russia's Salyut 5 space station ended with the first and only emergency splashdown on board a Soyuz spacecraft, has died.
Categories: Astronomy

NASA delays landing of Boeing's 1st Starliner astronaut mission to June 22

Space.com - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 10:27am
The return of Boeings 1st crewed Starliner mission has been delayed to June 22.
Categories: Astronomy

Warp Drives Could Generate Gravitational Waves

Universe Today - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 10:09am

Will future humans use warp drives to explore the cosmos? We’re in no position to eliminate the possibility. But if our distant descendants ever do, it won’t involve dilithium crystals, and Scottish accents will have evaporated into history by then.

Warp drives have their roots in one of the most popular science fiction franchises ever, but they do have a scientific basis. A new paper examines the science behind them and asks if a warp drive containment failure would emit detectable gravitational waves.

The paper is titled “What no one has seen before: gravitational waveforms from warp drive collapse.” The authors are Katy Clough, Tim Dietrich, and Sebastian Khan, physicists from institutions in the UK and Germany.

There’s room for warp drives in General Relativity, and Mexican physicist Miguel Alcubierre described how they could theoretically work in 1994. He’s well-known in space and physics circles for his Alcubierre Drive.

Everyone knows that no object can travel faster than the speed of light. But warp drives may offer a workaround. By warping spacetime itself, a spacecraft with a warp drive wouldn’t be breaking the faster-than-light (FTL) rule.

“Despite originating in science fiction, warp drives have a concrete description in general relativity, with Alcubierre first proposing a spacetime metric that supported faster-than-light travel,” the authors write.

There are clear scientific barriers to actually making a warp drive. But it’s possible to simulate how one would work and how they may be detectable via gravitational waves in the event of a failure. Warp drives distort spacetime itself, just like binary mergers of compact objects like black holes and neutron stars. It’s theoretically possible that they emit a gravitational wave signal in the same vein as mergers. “To search for such signals and to correctly identify them in the measured data, it is important to understand their phenomenology and properties,” the authors explain.

It begins with understanding how warp drives might work, and for that, we have to delve deeply into physics.

“The principle idea behind a warp drive is that instead of exceeding the speed of light directly in a local reference frame, which would violate Lorentz invariance, a “warp bubble” could traverse distances faster than the speed of light (as measured by some distant observer) by contracting spacetime in front of it and expanding spacetime behind it,” the paper states.

The first barrier is that warp drives require a Null Energy Condition (NEC). Physics states that a region of space cannot have a negative energy density. There are theoretical workarounds for that, but for now, none of them are practical.

“Other issues with the warp drive metric include the potential for closed time-like curves and, from a more practical perspective, the difficulties for those in the ship in controlling and deactivating the bubble,” the authors explain. This is because there would be no way for the crew to send signals to the front of the ship. It’s difficult for events inside the bubble to influence events outside the warp bubble, as this paper explains.

“From the perspective of simulating the warp drive dynamically, the key challenge is stability,” the authors explain. Equations show that the Alcubierre Drive can initiate a warp bubble using the Einstein Equation, but no known equations can sustain it. “There is (to our knowledge) no known equation of state that would maintain the warp drive metric in a stable configuration over time. Therefore, whilst one can require that initially, the warp bubble is constant, it will quickly evolve away from that state, and, in most cases, the warp fluid and spacetime deformations will disperse or collapse into a central point.”

Though instability is a prime obstacle to warp drives, it’s also what could make them detectable. If an Alcubierre Drive achieves a constant velocity, it’s not detectable. It generates no gravitational waves and has no ADM mass. ADM stands for Arnowitt–Deser—Misner, named for three physicists. I’ll leave it to curious readers to read more about ADM mass.

But the warp drive is only undetectable if it’s constant and stable. Once it breaks down, accelerates or decelerates, it could be detectable. In their work, the authors allow the warp drive bubble to collapse. “Physically, this could be related to a breakdown in the containment field that the post-warp civilization (presumably) uses to support the warp bubble against collapse,” they write.

In their formulations, the nature of the ship itself isn’t important. Only the warp bubble and the warp fluid inside are significant.

The researchers simulated the breakdown of the warp bubble. They found that the collapse generated gravitational waves with characteristics different from those generated by mergers. “The signal comes as a burst, initially having no gravitational wave content, followed by an oscillatory period with a characteristic frequency of order 1/[R],” they write. “Overall, the signal is very distinct from the typical compact binary coalescences observed by gravitational wave detectors and more similar to events like the collapse of an unstable neutron star or the head-on collision of two black holes.”

The authors point out that though the warp drive creates a GW signal, it’s outside the frequency range of our current ground-based detectors. “Proposals for higher frequency detectors have been made, so in the future, one may be able to put bounds on the existence of such signals,” they write.

The ship itself could also send some type of multimessenger signal, but it’s difficult to know how the ship’s matter would interact with regular matter. “Since we do not know the type of matter used to construct the warp ship, we do not know whether it would interact (apart from gravitationally) with normal matter as it propagates through the Universe,” the researchers explain.

This is a fun thought experiment. It’s possible that some type of workaround to FTL travel will exist one day in the distant future. If it does, it may be related to a better understanding of dark matter and dark energy. If any ETIs exist, they may be in a position to exploit fundamental knowledge of the Universe that we don’t yet possess.

If they’ve figured out how to construct and use a warp drive, even with all of its seeming impossibilities, their activities might create gravitational waves that our future observatories could detect, even in other galaxies. But for now, it’s all theoretical.

“We caution that the waveforms obtained are likely to be highly specific to the model employed, which has several known theoretical problems, as discussed in the Introduction,” the authors write in their conclusion. “Further work would be required to understand how generic the signatures are and properly characterize their detectability.”

Without a doubt, some curious physicists will continue to work on this.

The post Warp Drives Could Generate Gravitational Waves appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Astronomy

How China's Chang'e 6 minirover snapped its epic photo on the moon's far side

Space.com - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 10:00am
China has revealed details about a miniature rover tucked away on the country's pioneering Chang'e 6 lunar far side sample-return mission.
Categories: Astronomy

Boeing's Starliner astronaut taxi spotted at ISS (satellite photo)

Space.com - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 9:00am
Maxar's WorldView-3 satellite captured a striking image of Boeing's Starliner capsule docked to the ISS on June 7, a day after the vehicle arrived at the orbiting complex.
Categories: Astronomy

UK election: How can the next government get climate goals on track?

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 9:00am
The UK’s journey to net zero has stalled – whoever wins the 4 July election will need to get it moving again, but many climate scientists are frustrated with what the main parties are offering
Categories: Astronomy

UK election: How can the next government get climate goals on track?

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 9:00am
The UK’s journey to net zero has stalled – whoever wins the 4 July election will need to get it moving again, but many climate scientists are frustrated with what the main parties are offering
Categories: Astronomy

UK election: How can next government get climate goals back on track?

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 9:00am
The UK’s journey to net zero has stalled – whoever wins the 4 July election will need to get it moving again, but many climate scientists are frustrated with what the main parties are offering
Categories: Astronomy

UK election: How can next government get climate goals back on track?

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 9:00am
The UK’s journey to net zero has stalled – whoever wins the 4 July election will need to get it moving again, but many climate scientists are frustrated with what the main parties are offering
Categories: Astronomy

Dodge Summer Germs with Tips from a Microbiologist

Scientific American.com - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 9:00am

From hiking to barbecuing and gardening to swimming, the opportunities for summer fun can also pose health risks. Here’s how to stay safe this summer

Categories: Astronomy

China's Chang'e 6 spacecraft finds long-sought particles on far side of the moon

Space.com - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 8:48am
A European experiment aboard China's Chang'e 6 mission has recorded certain charged particles previously undetected on the moon's surface.
Categories: Astronomy