Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not.
Both are equally terrifying.

— Arthur C. Clarke

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Updated: 2 hours 37 min ago

Retinol's anti-ageing effects may work by changing your skin microbes

Thu, 07/18/2024 - 2:00pm
Retinol, which is commonly added to anti-ageing skincare products, may improve hydration by interacting with bacteria on the skin
Categories: Astronomy

How to unsnarl a tangle of threads, according to physics

Thu, 07/18/2024 - 1:44pm
A jiggling robot has revealed the ideal vibrating speed to free jumbled fibres
Categories: Astronomy

NASA's cancelled moon rover calls 2026 crewed landing into question

Thu, 07/18/2024 - 12:43pm
The VIPER moon rover was due to launch in 2025 but NASA has suddenly cancelled it, citing budgetary issues, despite the spacecraft being fully built
Categories: Astronomy

Why the UK was so ill prepared for the covid-19 pandemic

Thu, 07/18/2024 - 12:22pm
The UK had no plans for preventing or limiting the spread of a covid-19-like infection because it assumed the next pandemic would be caused by an unstoppable flu virus, an inquiry into the outbreak has revealed
Categories: Astronomy

Is sharing your smartphone PIN part of a healthy relationship?

Thu, 07/18/2024 - 8:57am
Smartphones contain some of our most intimate data, but are you willing to share it with your most intimate partner? A survey has revealed that 51 per cent of people are happy to give their PIN to their partner, but other forms of data sharing are less agreeable
Categories: Astronomy

Many people think AI is already sentient - and that's a big problem

Thu, 07/18/2024 - 7:00am
A survey of people in the US has revealed the widespread belief that artificial intelligence models are already self-aware, which is very far from the truth
Categories: Astronomy

Are animals conscious? We’re finally realising that many species are

Thu, 07/18/2024 - 5:00am
Science is at last confirming what many people have long suspected - that mammals, birds and perhaps some invertebrates have elements of consciousness
Categories: Astronomy

Watch bees defend their nest by slapping ants with their wings

Thu, 07/18/2024 - 4:00am
When ants try to invade their nest, Japanese honeybees flutter their wings and tilt their bodies to beat away their enemies
Categories: Astronomy

Butchered bones hint humans were in South America 21,000 years ago

Wed, 07/17/2024 - 3:00pm
Prehistoric mammal bones found at a construction site in Argentina appear to have been cut with stone tools, suggesting that humans lived in the region much earlier than previously thought
Categories: Astronomy

Tiny jellyfish robots made of ferrofluid can be controlled with light

Wed, 07/17/2024 - 3:00pm
Researchers combined hydrogel with magnetic ferrofluid to make small jellyfish robots that can complete an obstacle course when directed with light
Categories: Astronomy

Blood-thinning drug heparin may stop snakebite victims losing limbs

Wed, 07/17/2024 - 3:00pm
Giving mice the blood-thinning drug heparin after they were injected with venom from two cobra species reduced their risk of tissue death, which can lead to amputations
Categories: Astronomy

How to make a perfect baked Alaska? It's all about thermodynamics

Wed, 07/17/2024 - 2:00pm
Getting this delicious cooked ice-cream dessert right requires a little bit of science know-how to avoid a melted disaster, says Catherine de Lange
Categories: Astronomy

Would you resurrect a dead loved one with AI, asks a new documentary

Wed, 07/17/2024 - 2:00pm
The extraordinary film Eternal You probes the power of "grief technologies" – boosted by AI – to generate credible simulations of the dead, says Simon Ings
Categories: Astronomy

Take a look behind the scenes at the world's largest fusion experiment

Wed, 07/17/2024 - 2:00pm
Photographer Enrico Sacchetti captures the power and potential of ITER, an international nuclear fusion experiment currently under construction in southern France
Categories: Astronomy

An entertaining history of gases shows science at work in daily life

Wed, 07/17/2024 - 2:00pm
From laughing gas and whipped cream to compressed air and bicycles, Mark Miodownik's new book It’s a Gas lives up to its title by revealing just how much science is woven into the everyday
Categories: Astronomy

Could we share dreams by synchronising REM sleep?

Wed, 07/17/2024 - 2:00pm
Time travelling to the middle of the 21st century, Rowan Hooper discovers scientists have developed a method of shared dreaming. Here's how it changes the world
Categories: Astronomy

Do academics really split hairs at work? They certainly do now!

Wed, 07/17/2024 - 2:00pm
Feedback is amazed that researchers have split a single hair from end to end. They think it will help predict who will get split ends from colouring hair and similar treatments
Categories: Astronomy

We are risking a heat disaster for athletes at the Olympics in Paris

Wed, 07/17/2024 - 2:00pm
In the era of climate change, France’s capital is prone to more frequent and extreme warmth. Staging the Olympic games there in the height of summer is wrong, says Madeleine Orr
Categories: Astronomy

Naomi Klein on the rise of misinformation and conspiracy influencers

Wed, 07/17/2024 - 2:00pm
Writer Naomi Klein unpacks her book Doppelganger about the "mirror world" of misinformation, conspiracy influencers and strange alt-right alliances
Categories: Astronomy

In the race to ramp up renewables, we can't ignore heat storage

Wed, 07/17/2024 - 2:00pm
Governments must step up if we are to make good on Thermal Energy Storage's promise as a cheap and easy way to help tackle wind and solar power's intermittency problem
Categories: Astronomy