“...all the past is but a beginning of a beginning, and that all that is and has been is but the twilight of dawn.”

— H.G. Wells


Renewables supply 30 per cent of global electricity for the first time

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 8:01pm
The rapid growth of solar power led to a record-breaking year for clean energy generation in 2023, and the year is expected to mark the start of a long-term decline in fossil fuels
Categories: Astronomy

41,000 Years Ago Earth’s Shield Went Down

Universe Today - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 5:20pm

Earth is naked without its protective barrier. The planet’s magnetic shield surrounds Earth and shelters it from the natural onslaught of cosmic rays. But sometimes, the shield weakens and wavers, allowing cosmic rays to strike the atmosphere, creating a shower of particles that scientists think could wreak havoc on the biosphere.

This has happened many times in our planet’s history, including 41,000 years ago in an event called the Laschamps excursion.

Cosmic rays are high-energy particles, usually protons or atomic nuclei, that travel through space at relativistic speeds. Normally, they’re deflected into space and away from Earth by the planet’s magnetic shield. But the shield is a natural phenomenon and its strength fluctuates, as does its orientation. When that happens, cosmic rays strike the Earth’s atmosphere.

That creates a shower of secondary particles called cosmogenic radionuclides. These isotopes become embedded in sediments and ice cores and even in the structure of living things like trees. There are different types of these isotopes, including ones like Calcium 41 and Carbon 14.

Showers of high-energy particles occur when energetic cosmic rays strike the top of the Earth’s atmosphere. Illustration Credit: Simon Swordy (U. Chicago), NASA.

Some of the isotopes are stable, and some are radioactive. The radioactive ones have half-lives ranging from only 20 minutes (Carbon 11) up to 15.7 million years (Xenon 129.)

When Earth’s shield weakens, more of these isotopes reach the planet’s surface and collect in sediments and ice. By studying these cores and sediments, scientists can determine the magnetic shield’s history. Their observations show that Earth experienced a geomagnetic excursion or reversal 41,000 years ago. It’s called the Laschamps excursion after the Laschamps lava flows in France, where geomagnetic anomalies revealed its occurrence.

Every few hundred thousand years, the Earth’s magnetic poles flip. North becomes South and vice versa. In between those major events are more minor events called excursions. During excursions, the poles shift around for a while without swapping places. The excursions weaken the Earth’s shield and can last from a few thousand to tens of thousands of years. When that happens, more cosmic rays strike the atmosphere, creating more radionuclides that shower down onto Earth.

Scientists often focus on one particular radioactive isotope in paleomagnetic studies. Beryllium 10 has a relatively long half-life of 1.36 million years and tends to accumulate on the soil surface.

Sanja Panovska is a researcher at GFZ Potsdam, Germany, who studies geomagnetism. At the recent European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2024, Panovska presented new research on the Laschamps excursion. She found that during the Laschamps excursion, production of Be 10 was twice as high as normal.

To understand the Laschamps excursion more thoroughly, Panovska combined cosmogenic radionuclide and paleomagnetic data to reconstruct the Earth’s magnetic field at the time. She found that when the field decreased in strength, it also shrank. The transition from normal field to reversed field took about 250 years, and it stayed flipped for about 440 years. During the transition, the Earth’s shield weekend to as little as 5% of its normal strength. When it was fully reversed, it was at about 25% of its regular strength. This weakening allowed more Be 10 and other cosmogenic radionuclides to reach Earth’s surface.

Each map shows the intensity of Earth’s geomagnetic field at different snapshots in time, according to Panovska’s reconstructions that are constrained by both paleomagnetic data and records of cosmogenic beryllium-10 radionuclides. DM stands for Dipole Moment, which is a measure of the field’s polarity or separation of positive and negative. Age [ka BP] is the age measures in thousands of years before the present. Image Credit: Sanja Panovska.

These radionuclides do more than collect in sediments and ice. Some of them are radioactive. The weakening of the shield also weakened the ozone layer, letting more UV radiation reach Earth’s surface. The high-altitude atmosphere also cooled, which changed the wind flows. This could’ve caused drastic changes on the Earth’s surface.

For these reasons, the Laschamps event has been linked to the extinction of the Neanderthals, the extinction of Australian megafauna, and even to the appearance of cave art. Those links haven’t withstood scientific scrutiny, but that doesn’t mean that events like the Laschamps event aren’t hazardous. If it occurred now, it would knock out our power grids. The Earth’s equatorial region would light up with aurorae.

“Understanding these extreme events is important for their occurrence in the future, space climate predictions, and assessing the effects on the environment and on the Earth system,” Panovska said.

Scientists are learning that the magnetic shield isn’t static. There are anomalies. One of them is the South Atlantic Anomaly, a region where the magnetic field is weakest near Earth. When satellites pass over this region, they’re exposed to higher levels of ionizing radiation. The anomaly is likely caused by a reservoir of dense rock inside Earth, illustrating how complex the magnetic shield is.

The ‘South Atlantic Anomaly’ refers to an area where Earth’s protective magnetic shield is weak. Image Credit: By Christopher C. Finlay, Clemens Kloss, Nils Olsen, Magnus D. Hammer, Lars Tøffner-Clausen, Alexander Grayver & Alexey Kuvshinov – “The CHAOS-7 geomagnetic field model and observed changes in the South Atlantic Anomaly”, Earth, Planets and Space, Volume 72, Article number 156 (2020), https://earth-planets-space.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40623-020-01252-9, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=99760567

Scientists are uncertain about what effect the cosmic rays have on life when the magnetic shield is weak. It’s tempting to correlate extinctions with events like the Laschamps excursion when they line up temporally. But the poles have shifted, weakened, and reversed many times and life is still here and still thriving.

If humanity lasts long enough, we’ll go through one of these reversals. Then we’ll know.

The post 41,000 Years Ago Earth’s Shield Went Down appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Astronomy

Fall Into a Black Hole With this New NASA Simulation

Universe Today - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 5:05pm

No human being will ever encounter a black hole. But we can’t stop wondering what it would be like to fall into one of these massive, beguiling, physics-defying singularities.

NASA created a simulation to help us imagine what it would be like.

Jeremy Schnittman is an astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and he created the visualizations. “People often ask about this, and simulating these difficult-to-imagine processes helps me connect the mathematics of relativity to actual consequences in the real universe,” he said. “So I simulated two different scenarios, one where a camera — a stand-in for a daring astronaut — just misses the event horizon and slingshots back out, and one where it crosses the boundary, sealing its fate.”

In one, the viewpoint plunges directly into the black hole like a free-falling astronaut, with explanatory text to guide us through what we’re seeing. The other is a 360-degree view of the black hole.

Schnittman created them with a NASA supercomputer called Discover in only five days, generating about 10 terabytes of data. The computer used only about 0.3% of its power. The same visualization would’ve taken more than a decade to create on an average laptop computer.

The black hole in the visualization is the same size as Sagittarius A star, the supermassive black hole (SMBH) at the heart of the Milky Way. It has 4.3 million solar masses and dominates the galaxy’s inner regions. Its event horizon reaches about 25 million km (16 million miles). That’s about 17% of the distance from Earth to the Sun. The event horizon is surrounded by an accretion disk, a swirling disk of superheated material drawn in by the black hole’s overpowering gravity.

Another type of black hole, the stellar-mass black hole, is much less massive. Schnittman says that if you’re going to fall into a black hole, you’d rather fall into the supermassive one.

“If you have the choice, you want to fall into a supermassive black hole,” Schnittman explained. “Stellar-mass black holes, which contain up to about 30 solar masses, possess much smaller event horizons and stronger tidal forces, which can rip apart approaching objects before they get to the horizon.”

Powerful gravity is the reason. The SMBH’s gravity is so strong that it pulls harder on the end of the object nearest it. That stretches the object and elongates it. Stephen Hawking was the first to call this ‘spaghettification,’ and the name has stuck. Presumably, you’d get a better look if you fall into an SMBH.

In the movies, the camera begins at a distance of 640 million km (400 million miles.) Since space-time is warped around a black hole, so are the images of the sky, the black hole’s disk, and the photon ring. It takes the camera three hours of real-time to fall into the event horizon, and it completes almost two 30-minute orbits as it falls. A distant observer would never see an object ever reach the black hole. From a distance, the object would freeze at the event horizon.

When a falling object reaches the event horizon, it and space-time itself reach the speed of light. After crossing the horizon, the object and the space-time around it surge toward the singularity, a point of infinite density and gravity. “Once the camera crosses the horizon, its destruction by spaghettification is just 12.8 seconds away,” Schnittman said.

In the second video, the camera never crosses the event horizon and instead escapes. But the powerful black hole still has an effect. Imagine if the camera were an astronaut, and they flew this six-hour roundtrip while a separate astronaut stayed far away from the SMBH. The astronaut would return and be 36 minutes younger than the astronaut who never approached the black hole.

“This situation can be even more extreme,” Schnittman noted. “If the black hole were rapidly rotating, like the one shown in the 2014 movie ‘Interstellar,’ she would return many years younger than her shipmates.”

The bottom line is, don’t fall into a black hole. In fact, resist your fascination and don’t even approach one.

Leave them for the physicists.

The post Fall Into a Black Hole With this New NASA Simulation appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Astronomy

Next-gen satellites will paint a clearer picture of a changing Earth

Space.com - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 5:00pm
From tracking hazards in the ocean to predicting the strength of hurricanes, NOAA's GeoXO series continues on the legacy of the GOES-R series — but with exciting upgrades.
Categories: Astronomy

Could alien life be hiding in the rings of Saturn or Jupiter?

Space.com - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 3:00pm
The rings that circle gas giants like Saturn are composed mostly of water-ice particles. Could life exist in these beautiful and enigmatic structures?
Categories: Astronomy

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot

NASA Image of the Day - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 2:15pm
This image of Jupiter’s iconic Great Red Spot and surrounding turbulent zones was captured by NASA’s Juno spacecraft. The color-enhanced image is a combination of three separate images taken on April 1, 2018, as Juno performed its 12th close flyby of Jupiter. At the time the images were taken, the spacecraft was 15,379 miles (24,749 kilometers) to 30,633 miles (49,299 kilometers) from the tops of the clouds of the planet.
Categories: Astronomy, NASA

James Webb Space Telescope suggests supermassive black holes grew from heavy cosmic 'seeds'

Space.com - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 2:00pm
The mystery of how early universe supermassive black holes grew so quickly may be solved, with the James Webb Space Telescope finding the first evidence of "heavy seeds."
Categories: Astronomy

'God's Hand' interstellar cloud reaches for the stars in new Dark Energy Camera image (video)

Space.com - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 12:59pm
The Dark Energy Camera has imaged a ghostly hand claw reaching out to grab a distant galaxy. There's nothing supernatural about this structure known as "God's Hand," but it's awe-inspiring nonetheless.
Categories: Astronomy

The Force is strong with new 'Star Wars: The Acolyte' trailer (video)

Space.com - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 12:00pm
Disney+ releases a new trailer for its upcoming series "Star Wars: The Acolyte" that delves into the High Republic era and seems to depict a deep awakening of the Sith.
Categories: Astronomy

Sperm whale clicks could be the closest thing to a human language yet

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 12:00pm
Analysis of thousands of exchanges between the intelligent cetaceans suggests they combine short click patterns – similar to letters of the alphabet - into longer sequences
Categories: Astronomy

Sperm whale clicks could be the closest thing to a human language yet

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 12:00pm
Analysis of thousands of exchanges between the intelligent cetaceans suggests they combine short click patterns – similar to letters of the alphabet - into longer sequences
Categories: Astronomy

Scientists Warn against Treating Forests as Carbon Commodities

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 12:00pm

Using forests to prop up carbon markets can lead to “perverse effects” on land management, such as cutting out local communities

Categories: Astronomy

Why we are finally within reach of a room-temperature superconductor

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 12:00pm
A practical superconductor would transform the efficiency of electronics. After decades of hunting, several key breakthroughs are inching us very close to this coveted prize
Categories: Astronomy

Why we are finally within reach of a room-temperature superconductor

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 12:00pm
A practical superconductor would transform the efficiency of electronics. After decades of hunting, several key breakthroughs are inching us very close to this coveted prize
Categories: Astronomy

See the sun's corona revealed in all its glory during 2024 total solar eclipse (photo)

Space.com - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 11:00am
Astrophotographer Miguel Claro explains how taking a high resolution solar image like this one represents an enormous amount of personal and professional effort and months of planning.
Categories: Astronomy

See this galaxy's bright center? It's home to a voracious supermassive black hole

Space.com - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 10:29am
To launch Black Hole Week, NASA released this new Hubble image of spiral galaxy NGC 4951.
Categories: Astronomy

Hackers can steal data by messing with a computer's processor

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 10:23am
Software that has been blocked from connecting to the internet should be secure from hacking attempts, but now researchers have found a way to sneak data out by varying the speed of the computer's processor
Categories: Astronomy

Hackers can steal data by messing with a computer's processor

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 10:23am
Software that has been blocked from connecting to the internet should be secure from hacking attempts, but now researchers have found a way to sneak data out by varying the speed of the computer's processor
Categories: Astronomy

‘Protest Paradigm’ Shows What’s Wrong with Media Coverage of Student Activism

Scientific American.com - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 10:00am

Media coverage of university students speaking up against the war in Gaza, just like coverage of other protest movements, has fallen prey to some serious weaknesses

Categories: Astronomy

Black hole collision 'alerts' could notify astronomers within 30 seconds of detection

Space.com - Tue, 05/07/2024 - 9:59am
Astronomers will be alerted to gravitational waves faster than ever before as LIGO and other detectors "listen" to a universal symphony.
Categories: Astronomy