These earthly godfathers of Heaven's lights, that give a name to every fixed star, have no more profit of their shining nights than those that walk and know not what they are.

— William Shakespeare


And the Winner is…. Astronomy Photographers of the Year 2024 Announced

Universe Today - Thu, 09/12/2024 - 9:04pm

Every year, the “Astronomy Photographer of the Year” competition provides incredible images of our night sky — whether they are stunning views of distant galaxies or dramatic photos of aurorae or other views from our home planet. This year is no different, and the awards were just announced at a special presentation at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich (ROG), England for the incredible 16th year of the competition. The event is sponsored by the ROG, supported by Liberty Specialty Markets and in association with BBC Sky at Night Magazine. For the 2024 competition there were over 3,500 entries from 58 countries.

Above is the overall winner, Ryan Imperio from the USA for his photograph, Distorted Shadows of the Moon’s Surface Created by an Annular Eclipse. This unusual and stunning photo captures the progression of Baily’s beads during the 2023 annular eclipse.

“This is an impressive dissection of the fleeting few seconds during the visibility of the Baily’s beads,” said one of the judges for the competition, meteorologist Kerry-Ann Lecky Hepburn. “This image left me captivated and amazed. It’s exceptional work deserving of high recognition.”

Baily’s beads are an effect that occurs when gaps in the Moon’s rugged terrain allows sunlight to pass through in some places just before the total phase of the eclipse begins and also just as the eclipse is ending. These can be challenging to capture because of how briefly they are visible.

The winning photographer, in a press release about the competition, Ryan Imperio said, “The images selected each year are absolutely astonishing and I am both thrilled and honoured to have my photo among them. I had hoped my image would be shared in some way but never expected to be selected as a winner, let alone Overall Winner!”

Here are the winners in each category:

Aurorae Winner of the Aurorae category: Queenstown Aurora © Larryn Rae (New Zealand)

This stunning photo was captured by Larryn Rae in New Zealand, with this view of the Aurora Australis seen above the mountains in Queenstown. It is a 19-image panorama showing a compilation of all the fast-moving beams that lit up the sky in February 2023. The photographer used an astro-modified camera to capture all the pink hues of the aurora which makes for an incredibly dynamic final image. 

Our Moon Winner of the Our Moon Category: Shadow peaks of Sinus Iridum © Gábor Balázs (Hungary) This picture of the Moon shows Sinus Iridum, also known as the ‘Bay of Rainbows,’ a 260-kilometer diameter bay bordered by several smaller craters. Gábor Balázs from Hungary used a monochrome camera with a filter to capture the area. The crater visible in the upper right corner, Pythagoras. Galaxies Winner of the 2024 Galaxies category: Echoes of the Past © Bence Tóth, Péter Feltóti (Hungary)

Bence Tóth and Péter Feltóti from Hungary combined forces for this image, showing the galaxy NGC 5128 and its surrounding tidal wave system and powerful jets of radiation and particles, which travel close to the speed of light. This galaxy can only be seen from the southern hemisphere, so the photographers traveled to Namibia to capture the image.

People and Space Winner of the 2024 People and Space category: High-Tech Silhouette © Tom Williams (UK)

I never tire of seeing images of the International Space Station (ISS) transiting another solar system body. Here, Tom Williams from the UK, captured the ISS crossing the field-of-view in just 0.2 seconds! The Sun was active and a prominence right next to the station’s transit location can be seen.

Planets, Comets and Asteroids Winner of the 2024 Planets, Comets and Asteroids category: On Approach © Tom Williams (UK)

Here’s another winner by Tom Williams in the UK! This false-color composite shows the phases of Venus on approach to inferior conjunction, which is when Venus and the Earth appear close on the same side of the Sun. Tom used ultra-violet and infrared filters, enabling view of the intricate cloud structure within Venus’ upper atmosphere to be revealed. Williams explained that despite Venus’s rotation period being many months long, the atmosphere is far from stationary, circling the planet in around four days. This makes UV imaging of Venus particularly interesting as the planet is much more dynamic than it otherwise would be if viewed in the visible spectrum.

Skyscapes Winner of the 2024 Skyscapes category: Tasman Gems © Tom Rae (New Zealand)

Another stunner from the dark skies of New Zealand! Tom Rae shot this photograph of the rugged peaks of the Tasman Valley, showcasing the incredible features of the southern hemisphere summer night sky. It includes the hydrogen clouds of the Gum Nebula (central red region) and various other regions of active star formation stretched throughout the fainter arms of the Milky Way. This part of the night sky that tends to be less photographed, due to the faintness of the Milky Way band.

Stars and Nebulae Winner of the Stars and Nebulae category: SNR G107.5-5.2, Unexpected Discovery (The Nereides Nebula in Cassiopeia) © Marcel Drechsler, Bray Falls, Yann Sainty, Nicolas Martino, Richard Galli (Germany, USA, France, France, France)

This incredible photo came as the result of a group effort of several amateur astronomers around the world, who collected 3,559 frames, from 260 hours of exposure time with telescopes on three continents. The team worked to explore and photograph a previously unknown gigantic supernova remnant (SNR) in the center of the famous constellation Cassiopeia. The team was led by Professor Robert Fesen from the USA. The fact that amateurs have made such a discovery is a testament to how important their role has become in today’s astronomy.

Sir Patrick Moore Prize for Best Newcomer Winner of the 2024 Sir Patrick Moore Prize for Best Newcomer: SH2-308: Dolphin Head Nebula © Xin Feng, Miao Gong (China)

Two new photographers from China teamed up to capture SH2-308 (the Dolphin Head Nebula). This target poses a challenge because is at a low angle in the sky and can only be shot for five hours a day. This image took ten days of shooting and post-processing with PixInsight

Young Astrophotographer Winner for the 2024 Young Astrophotographer category: NGC 1499, A Dusty California © Daniele Borsari (Italy), aged 14

I love this category every year and have never failed to be impressed with the up-and-coming amateur astrophographers! 14-year-old Daniele Borsari from Italy captured image of California Nebula, NGC 1499, an emission nebula in the constellation of Perseus. It’s located at a distance of about 1,000 light years from Earth and it’s visible thanks to the ionization of gases by the blue giant star ??Persei (Menkib). Annie Maunder Prize for Image Innovation Winner of the 2024 Annie Maunder Prize for Image Innovation: Anatomy of a Habitable Planet © Sergio Díaz Ruiz (Spain)

Alien world? Nope, this is planet Earth, as you’ve never seen it.  This incredibly creative image was made by mixing the 16 bands monitored by the GOES-18 weather satellite to encode land masses, oceans and atmospheric features as different colors.

Nancy’s Personal Favorite From the 2024 People and Space category, Highly Commended: Big Brother is Watching You © Matt Jackson (USA)

This image is my own personal favorite of this year’s competition. Matt Jackson from Montana in the USA set up a timelapse for just one hour, and you can see the trails of all the satellites that flew over the field of view in that short time. The photographer said he chose this subject matter to highlight his concerns related to privacy and the power that comes from controlling technology — not to mention the ‘pollution’ of the night sky with the growing prevalence of Earth-orbiting satellites.

See all the winners, runners-up and highly commended photos on the ROG website.

If you happen to be in the UK, there will be an exhibition of all the images opening at the National Maritime Museum on Friday September 13, 2024.

If you are impressed — or inspired — by these images, consider joining next year’s Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition!

The post And the Winner is…. Astronomy Photographers of the Year 2024 Announced appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Astronomy

Blood test could diagnose ALS with up to 97 per cent accuracy

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Thu, 09/12/2024 - 9:00pm
ALS, the most common form of motor neuron disease, can take a long time to diagnose, but a blood test could help doctors spot the condition sooner
Categories: Astronomy

Blood test could diagnose ALS with up to 97 per cent accuracy

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Thu, 09/12/2024 - 9:00pm
ALS, the most common form of motor neuron disease, can take a long time to diagnose, but a blood test could help doctors spot the condition sooner
Categories: Astronomy

Ig Nobel prizes 2024: The unexpected science that won this year

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Thu, 09/12/2024 - 7:00pm
From drunk worms to mammals that breath through their anuses, founder Marc Abrahams on the winners of this year's Ig Nobel prizes, for research that "makes people laugh, then think"
Categories: Astronomy

Ig Nobel prizes 2024: The unexpected science that won this year

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Thu, 09/12/2024 - 7:00pm
From drunk worms to mammals that breath through their anuses, founder Marc Abrahams on the winners of this year's Ig Nobel prizes, for research that "makes people laugh, then think"
Categories: Astronomy

See a First-Person View of the First Private Spacewalk

Universe Today - Thu, 09/12/2024 - 6:54pm

On Tuesday, September 10th, at 5:23 a.m. EST (03:23 p.m. PST), the Polaris Dawn mission launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, carrying a crew of four to Low Earth Orbit (LEO). This mission is the first of three that comprise the Polaris Program, a private spaceflight program organized by entrepreneur and private astronaut Jared Isaacman and financed by SpaceX. Since launching, the Resilience Crew Dragon spacecraft has flown higher than any crewed mission since the Apollo Era and passed through parts of the Van Allen radiation belt.

Earlier today, the crew carried out the first private spacewalk in the history of spaceflight!

SpaceX and the Polaris Dawn crew have completed the first commercial spacewalk!

“SpaceX, back at home we all have a lot of work to do, but from here, Earth sure looks like a perfect world.” — Mission Commander @rookisaacman during Dragon egress and seeing our planet from ~738 km

— Polaris (@PolarisProgram) September 12, 2024

Footage of the spacewalk was taken from Isaacman’s helmet camera and shared via the Polaris Program’s X account. The footage shows mission commander Jared Isaacman egressing from the spacecraft’s forward hatch. Then, amid the raucous cheers from the mission controllers, we see Isaacman looking down on planet Earth from an altitude of about 738 km (~460 mi). He can be heard in the video recording saying, “SpaceX, back at home, we all have a lot of work to do, but from here, Earth sure looks like a perfect world.”

The footage then switched to the spacecraft’s nosecone camera, which shows Isaacman emerging from the forward hatch against the background of Earth.

In addition to Isaacman, the crew included mission pilot Scott Poteet, a retired pilot from the United States Air Force (USAF); mission specialist and SpaceX senior space operations engineer Sarah Gillis; and mission specialist and medical officer Anna Menon, SpaceX’s lead space operations engineer and mission director. This was the first flight for all crewmembers, except for Isaacman, who is returning to space for a second time after the successful Inspiration4 mission – the first all-civilian space mission that flew from September 16th to 18th in 2021.

In addition to performing the first commercial spacewalk and testing the SpaceX-designed Extravehicular Activity (EVA) spacesuits – an upgraded version of the intravehicular (IVA) suit – the mission’s main objective is to better understand the effects of spaceflight and space radiation on human health. To this end, the spacecraft is orbiting through parts of the Van Allen radiation belt while multiple sensors actively monitor the crew’s health. Upon their return, they will also submit biological samples, which will be analyzed and kept in a long-term Biobank.

The crew will also test Starlink’s laser-based communications in orbit to provide data for future space communications systems. All of this research is intended to advance our understanding of the hazards of long-duration spaceflight and develop the necessary technologies to enable extended missions to the Moon and Mars in the coming decades. The Polaris Dawn mission will return to Earth on September 15th after spending five days in space.

The post See a First-Person View of the First Private Spacewalk appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Astronomy

The deepfakes of Trump and Biden that you are most likely to fall for

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Thu, 09/12/2024 - 6:00pm
Experiments show that viewers can usually identify video deepfakes of famous politicians – but fake audio and text are harder to detect
Categories: Astronomy

The deepfakes of Trump and Biden that you are most likely to fall for

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Thu, 09/12/2024 - 6:00pm
Experiments show that viewers can usually identify video deepfakes of famous politicians – but fake audio and text are harder to detect
Categories: Astronomy

Groundbreaking New Maps of the Sun’s Coronal Magnetic Fields

Universe Today - Thu, 09/12/2024 - 3:43pm

If you enjoyed this summer’s display of aurora borealis, thank the Sun’s corona. The corona is the Sun’s outer layer and is the source of most space weather, including aurorae. The aurora borealis are benign light shows, but not all space weather produces such harmless displays; some of it is dangerous and destructive.

In an effort to understand space weather and the solar corona, the National Science Foundation aimed the world’s most powerful solar telescope, the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope, at the corona to map its magnetic fields.

Space weather affects Earth’s magnetosphere, ionosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere. It includes solar flares, coronal mass ejections (CME), and the solar wind.

Solar flares are powerful bursts of electromagnetic energy that can damage satellites and disrupt radio communications and are frequently associated with sunspots. CMEs are ejections of plasma from the corona that collide with the magnetosphere, causing geomagnetic storms and aurorae and, when powerful enough, disrupting power grids. The solar wind is a constant stream of charged particles that streams from the solar corona and causes aurorae. Since the solar wind never stops, it can also change the orbit of satellites.

The solar corona is made of plasma, and though it’s quite dim, it’s very hot.

This image shows the Sun’s layers in false colour for clarity. Solar prominences are precursors to CMEs, though not all prominences escape the corona to become CMEs. Image Credit: By Kelvinsong – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Scientists know the large role the solar corona plays in space weather, but they don’t understand how the Sun’s magnetic fields drive it. However, the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) has successfully mapped the corona’s magnetic field for the first time. Understanding the magnetic field is critical for understanding and predicting space weather.

The results are in a new paper titled “Mapping the Sun’s coronal magnetic field using the Zeeman effect.” It’s published in the journal Science Advances, and the lead author is Thomas Schad, an associate astronomer at the National Solar Observatory, the organization that operates the DKIST.

“This breakthrough promises to significantly enhance our understanding of the solar atmosphere and its influence on our solar system.”

Thomas Schad, NSO

Thomas Schad is the lead author of the new paper but has been working with the DKIST for several years. In a 2023 paper, Schad and his co-authors explained that “The possibility of measuring coronal magnetic fields from the Zeeman-effect-induced circular polarization has been a generational goal for understanding the Sun’s outer atmosphere.”

The National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope is a four-meter solar telescope on the island of Maui, Hawai’i. It’s the largest solar telescope in the world. Image Credit: National Solar Observatory.

To do this, DKIST relies on one of its primary instruments, the Cryogenic Near-Infrared Spectropolarimeter (cryo-NIRSP). The Cryo-NIRSP is uniquely suited for polarimetric observations of the solar corona. In 2023, Schad and his co-authors explained that “One of the main Cryo-NIRSP goals is to routinely and sensitively measure coronal intensities, velocities, densities, and magnetic fields with unprecedented temporal, spatial, and polarimetric resolution.”

The Zeeman effect allows the DKIST to measure the fields by observing spectral line splitting. Spectral lines are like ‘fingerprints,’ and they result from either the absorption or emission of light by specific atoms or molecules. In the presence of a static magnetic field, spectral lines are split. The splitting gives researchers insight into the Sun’s magnetic properties.

Astronomers have attempted to study the Zeeman effect and spectral line splitting in the past, but the observations lacked detail and regularity. The DKIST has changed that.

The problem with observing the Sun’s corona is its faintness compared to the rest of the Sun. The corona is about one million times fainter than the solar disk, and the corona was only observable during a solar eclipse. The DKIST uses coronagraphy to create artificial eclipses, bringing the corona into view. That lets the telescope see the extremely faint polarized signals, which are a staggering one billion times fainter than the disk.

“The Inouye’s achievement in mapping the Sun’s coronal magnetic fields is a testament to the innovative design and capabilities of this trailblazing unique observatory,” said Schad. “This breakthrough promises to significantly enhance our understanding of the solar atmosphere and its influence on our solar system.”

This figure illustrates some of the research’s results. The top panel is a composite image from the Solar Dynamics Observatory and its Atmospheric Image Assembly, and the bottom panel is from DKIST. The black dotted lines show solar radii. Together, the images show that polarization amplitude increases inside the dense coronal structures above the surface of the corona. ?B stands for Bohr magneton, a way of expressing the strength of a magnetic field in units. DN/s stands for Data Numbers per second, a way of measuring changes in solar activity over time. Image Credit: Schad et al. 2024.

Coronal Mass Ejections are the most dangerous type of space weather. Earth’s magnetosphere has a protective effect, but CMEs can slam into it and overwhelm it, creating a geomagnetic storm. The most powerful geomagnetic storm we know of is the Carrington Event of 1859. At that time, the USA’s telegraph was new, and the storm disabled parts of it. It also started fires and injured some people.

In our modern satellite age, a storm that powerful could be devastating. If we can predict them, we can harden our satellites and power grids and minimize the effects. By understanding how the Sun’s coronal magnetic fields work, scientists hope to be able to anticipate when a powerful CME is coming our way.

“Just as detailed maps of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere have enabled more accurate weather prediction, this thrillingly complete map of the magnetic fields in the sun’s corona will help us better predict solar storms and space weather,” said Dr. Carrie Black, NSF program director for the NSO. “The invisible yet phenomenally powerful forces captured in this map will propel solar physics through the next century and beyond.”

The overplotted lines in this figure from the research show the direction of linear polarization in the Sun’s corona. The scale on the right shows the percentage of polarized amplitudes of the magnetic lines. Image Credit: Schad et al. 2024.

“Reconstructing the 3D distribution of coronal plasma and its embedded magnetic stresses remains essential for understanding coronal energetics,” the authors explain in their research. “These first reported maps of the coronal Zeeman effect, made possible by DKIST, unveil the wealth of information that polarimetric diagnostics provide for the solar corona, particularly for its key driver: the magnetic field.”

These results go beyond just the Sun and local space weather. This detailed knowledge will build our understanding of stars in general.

“Mapping the strength of the magnetic field in the corona is a fundamental scientific breakthrough, not just for solar research, but for astronomy in general,” said NSO Director Christoph Keller. “This is the beginning of a new era where we will understand how the magnetic fields of stars affect planets, here in our own solar system and in the thousands of exoplanetary systems that we now know about.”

The post Groundbreaking New Maps of the Sun’s Coronal Magnetic Fields appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Astronomy

SpaceX's Starship won't be licensed to fly again until late November, FAA says - Thu, 09/12/2024 - 3:30pm
SpaceX's Starship likely won't be able to fly again until late November at the earliest, because the FAA and partner agencies need more time for licensing reviews.
Categories: Astronomy

Mega El Niños may have played a part in the Permian mass extinction

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Thu, 09/12/2024 - 3:00pm
Extreme weather events lasting more than a decade could have killed off forests 250 million years ago, contributing to Earth's worst ever mass extinction
Categories: Astronomy

Mega El Niños may have played a part in the Permian mass extinction

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Thu, 09/12/2024 - 3:00pm
Extreme weather events lasting more than a decade could have killed off forests 250 million years ago, contributing to Earth's worst ever mass extinction
Categories: Astronomy

Greenland landslide caused freak wave that shook Earth for nine days

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Thu, 09/12/2024 - 3:00pm
Seismologists were mystified by a strange signal that persisted for nine days in 2023 – now its source has been identified as a standing wave caused by a landslide in Greenland
Categories: Astronomy

Greenland landslide caused freak wave that shook Earth for nine days

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Thu, 09/12/2024 - 3:00pm
Seismologists were mystified by a strange signal that persisted for nine days in 2023 – now its source has been identified as a standing wave caused by a landslide in Greenland
Categories: Astronomy

Testing Europa Clipper's Solar Arrays

NASA Image of the Day - Thu, 09/12/2024 - 2:58pm
NASA's Europa Clipper is seen here on Aug. 21, 2024, in a clean room at the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The photo was taken as engineers and technicians deployed and tested the spacecraft's giant solar arrays, each of which measures about 46.5 feet (14.2 meters) long and about 13.5 feet (4.1 meters) high.
Categories: Astronomy, NASA

Sun fires off X-class solar flare, increasing aurora viewing chances into weekend - Thu, 09/12/2024 - 1:03pm
The sun unleashed an X1.3-class solar flare on Thursday (Sept. 12), increasing the likelihood of widespread auroras this weekend.
Categories: Astronomy

SpaceX's private Polaris Dawn astronauts talk US flag and kids' books from orbit on historic spaceflight (videos) - Thu, 09/12/2024 - 12:30pm
The Polaris Dawn crew called down to Earth to honor the anniversary of 9/11, and to do a book-reading event to support St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Categories: Astronomy

Another extreme low for Antarctic sea ice signals a permanent shift

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Thu, 09/12/2024 - 12:00pm
An area of missing Antarctic sea ice twice the size of Texas adds to concerns that the ice has seen a lasting “regime shift”, with consequences for ecosystems and global ocean circulation
Categories: Astronomy

Another extreme low for Antarctic sea ice signals a permanent shift

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Thu, 09/12/2024 - 12:00pm
An area of missing Antarctic sea ice twice the size of Texas adds to concerns that the ice has seen a lasting “regime shift”, with consequences for ecosystems and global ocean circulation
Categories: Astronomy

Polaris Dawn: World's 1st commercial spacewalk was history's 20th stand-up EVA - Thu, 09/12/2024 - 11:00am
Two private astronauts conducting the first commercial spacewalk did not so much float out of their spacecraft as they did "stand up."
Categories: Astronomy