"When beggars die, there are no comets seen;
The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes."

— William Shakespeare
Julius Cæsar

July Meeting

Event Date: 
Tue, 07/11/2023 - 8:15pm - 10:00pm

Antenna GalaxiesThe July meeting of the North Jersey Astronomical Group (NJAG) will take place Tue July 11. This presentation is free and open to the public.

Our guest speaker is Dr. Mary Lou West who will lead an interactive discussion on “What Do YOU See in this Image?” There will be a few dozen images to look at. Do you recognize the object? More importantly, can you notice any important details which tell about its structure or history? What kind of equipment would be needed to acquire this image? How many individuals are in this group? How often does this sort of thing happen? What is its likely mass? Does it have a magnetic field? What is its likely temperature? What is providing the energy to light this object up?

The meeting will be held at Montclair State University, in the Center for Environmental and Life Sciences or CELS Building, Room 110. This is located off the large lounge area at the back of the building. Room 110 is on your left.