I can calculate the motions of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people

— Sir Isaac Newton



M 37 almost overhead this time of year, in Auriga.



M35 in Gemini, looks much better in the eyepiece than it does in pictures.


Flaming star nebula

Warm, temps in the 30's.
Straight overhead and far enough away from the full moon in Auriga.
Two hour shot in pseudo-color and H alpha.

Flaming star nebula


Balmy temps in the upper 20's lured me out to do some imaging.
This one is  a one hour combined exposure in false color.



An image of the cone nebula taken one of the coldest evening I have ever been out (1F)
Total combined exposure 100 minutes (10 minx 10 img) with FS102 & SXHV .
Stars are trailded noticeably.


New Year's Eve Conjuction of Venus and the moon

Just finished shoveling snow, 6:40 pm New Years Eve 2008, 18F and 30 miles an hour wind gusts. Brrrr...... Cold here on Earth, but cool show in the heavens.

New Year's Eve Conjuction of Venus and the moon

New Year's Eve conjunction

New Years eve 2008 Venus and Luna 7:00pm

New Year's Eve conjunction


NGC-2244 the cluster in the center of the Rosette Nebula taken last evening.
The Rosette is a big object. I could only fit the core at FL-800. 


Elephant trunk

1.8 hour exposure through tak 102s & starlight Xpress camera H alpha

Elephant trunk


Caught sight of last Monday December first conjunction of the Moon, Venus and Jupiter at dusk.
It was a pretty sight and even my neighbor went "Coool !".
I could not have agreed with him more.
