Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car could go upwards.

— Fred Hoyle

star cluster


M 37 almost overhead this time of year, in Auriga.



M35 in Gemini, looks much better in the eyepiece than it does in pictures.


Lagoon Nebula

Sagittarius has many open clusters and a few nebula of which this is one, the Lagoon Nebula.  Sunday night was a 10 out of 10 for seeing, especially for imaging.  This image is only 23 minutes long.  I have a 66 mm scope mounted on top of the Orion 80ed and was viewing the Lagoon Nebula while taking images.  I could not believe my eyes as to the clarity and beauty this nebula shows in a dark sight.  The dark areas could not be illuminated by the stars and appear darker than the background.  Approximately 5,000 light years away and 50 light y

Lagoon Nebula