Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand and I can move the Earth

— Archimedes 200 BC

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ILA 2024 in images – Day 1

ESO Top News - Wed, 06/05/2024 - 8:24am
Categories: Astronomy

Our First Transformer of the Month: Matt Dosberg

NASA - Breaking News - Wed, 06/05/2024 - 8:16am

It is impossible to pinpoint a single, static definition of what makes a “Digital Transformer.” Although Matt Dosberg’s official title is Digital Transformation and IT Innovation Lead for Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), his full contributions to NASA require a lengthier description. He is the nexus for everything under the Digital Transformation (DT) umbrella at GSFC, including digital engineering, AI, data-driven programmatics, data strategy, and more. He serves as liaison to the agency-level DT team and other centers, coordinating across directorates to drive cultural change within the organization, and has sponsored multiple DT events at GSFC, including the center’s first AI Symposium. He strategizes on rolling out proof of concepts and pilots, working toward solutions that address agency-wide barriers to technology readiness and adoption. Dosberg doesn’t just do transformative work—he embodies transformation in an ever-adaptive role.   

In his three and a half years at NASA, Dosberg has impacted the agency beyond quantitative measures. Of course, his formal accomplishments are extensive, including co-leadership positions for the Goddard AI strategy and Goddard Data Strategy Working Group. He works with the GSFC Chief Technologist to co-fund various initiatives for weaving digital technology into next-generation, mission-enabling solutions. However, his commitment to qualitative, ground-level change, impacting the agency through its culture and people, is demonstrated by how he measures success. “You could look at community adoption and engagement,” he says, highlighting his team’s efforts in hosting events and building community around Digital Transformation. “I’m trying to enable teams and empower people to really achieve the best that they can achieve and help transform how we work here at Goddard.”  

Dosberg attributes his team-building skills and service-oriented approach to his experience working at the Department of Homeland Security in US Citizenship and Immigration Services. As a program manager, he led the Digital Innovation & Development team, which worked to transform the asylum and refugee program from paper-based to fully digital processing. “I think that really set me up for success here,” says Dosberg. “That technology background and the experience of going through a successful digital transformation, and the cultural change aspect…all those things are kind of principles and success factors that I brought over to Goddard to lead the DT efforts here.”  

Although Dosberg does not come from explicitly scientific background—he received an undergraduate degree in economics, master’s degree in finance, and MBA—he has always been deeply interested in and curious about technology. In his daily work, he leverages the collaborative capabilities of tools like Microsoft Teams and Mural to aid in brainstorming and soliciting input. When reflecting on the technology he uses to drive transformation within the agency, he highlights his work on DT Catalyst Projects, particularly those aimed at establishing interoperable architecture for managing data. Dosberg sees data as a foundational layer to his work; by developing common tools for accessing, aggregating, and sharing data across the agency, he hopes to strengthen inclusive teaming at an organizational level.  

Dosberg’s dedication is apparent in how thoughtfully he reflects on his past and present experiences as a Digital Transformer. However, his passion truly shines through when he considers the future of Digital Transformation. “There’s real opportunity to transform and change the way that we are working…Jill [Marlowe] and the DT team have done an incredible job on building momentum, getting folks excited, bringing centers together.”  

Although it is difficult to distill the many reasons why Dosberg was selected as the first featured Digital Transformer of the Month, this may be a good place to start: “At the end of the day, I’m just super passionate about the work that NASA does,” he says. “The portfolio is truly inspiring and I’m excited to help position the center to take on new projects, be more efficient, and enable the workforce. That motivates me each day.” 

Categories: NASA

Earth’s atmosphere is trapping twice as much heat as it did in 1993

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Wed, 06/05/2024 - 8:04am
Earth’s energy imbalance, a key measure of global warming, has doubled in the past 20 years, raising concerns about how much heat the oceans are absorbing
Categories: Astronomy

Earth’s atmosphere is trapping twice as much heat as it did in 1993

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Wed, 06/05/2024 - 8:04am
Earth’s energy imbalance, a key measure of global warming, has doubled in the past 20 years, raising concerns about how much heat the oceans are absorbing
Categories: Astronomy

Mathematicians can't agree what 'equals' means, and that's a problem

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Wed, 06/05/2024 - 8:00am
What does "equals" mean? For mathematicians, this simple question has more than one answer, which is causing issues when it comes to using computers to check proofs. The solution might be to tear up the foundations of maths
Categories: Astronomy

Mathematicians can't agree what 'equals' means, and that's a problem

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Wed, 06/05/2024 - 8:00am
What does "equals" mean? For mathematicians, this simple question has more than one answer, which is causing issues when it comes to using computers to check proofs. The solution might be to tear up the foundations of maths
Categories: Astronomy

Why Autistic People Seek AI Companionship

Scientific - Wed, 06/05/2024 - 8:00am

AI apps can help autistic people practice social skills. But algorithms are no substitute for human relationships, experts say

Categories: Astronomy

EarthCARE on cloud nine after smooth start to mission

ESO Top News - Wed, 06/05/2024 - 8:00am

ESA’s EarthCARE mission has completed its important ‘Launch and Early Orbit Phase’ and is ready to begin the commissioning of its four scientific instruments. The data they gather will improve our understanding of the role that clouds and aerosols play in Earth’s radiation balance and benefit both climate modelling and weather forecasting.

Categories: Astronomy

First detection of negative ions on the Moon

ESO Top News - Wed, 06/05/2024 - 7:38am

The first ESA instrument to land on the Moon has detected the presence of negative ions on the lunar surface produced through interactions with the solar wind.

Categories: Astronomy

Europe’s largest ground segment updated with no user impact

ESO Top News - Wed, 06/05/2024 - 7:30am

Over 200 dedicated professionals from ESA, EUSPA and European industry across four Galileo centres and seven external entities have seamlessly upgraded Galileo’s massive ground segment. In a remarkable feat of coordination and precision involving the deployment of 400 items, and after five months of rehearsals, Galileo’s ground segment, the largest in Europe, has transitioned seamlessly to System Build 2.0.

Categories: Astronomy

An already dead star is dying for a second time

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Wed, 06/05/2024 - 7:20am
A pulsar, the spinning remnants of a star that blew up in a supernova, has been spotted rotating at a comparatively slow rate of once every 54 minutes. That means it may be about to cross the "death-line" - the first time we have seen one of these stars die a second death
Categories: Astronomy

An already dead star is dying for a second time

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Wed, 06/05/2024 - 7:20am
A pulsar, the spinning remnants of a star that blew up in a supernova, has been spotted rotating at a comparatively slow rate of once every 54 minutes. That means it may be about to cross the "death-line" - the first time we have seen one of these stars die a second death
Categories: Astronomy

How bats pick out their own calls when flying in enormous swarms

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Wed, 06/05/2024 - 7:00am
Researchers trained a hawk outfitted with microphones to fly through a swarm of 600,000 bats, revealing how they can hear their own voice in a crowd
Categories: Astronomy

How bats pick out their own calls when flying in enormous swarms

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Wed, 06/05/2024 - 7:00am
Researchers trained a hawk outfitted with microphones to fly through a swarm of 600,000 bats, revealing how they can hear their own voice in a crowd
Categories: Astronomy

H5N1 Bird Flu Isn’t a Human Pandemic—Yet

Scientific - Wed, 06/05/2024 - 7:00am

Americans don’t like being told what to do, and many don’t trust government. These stubborn attitudes might turn H5N1 bird flu into a pandemic

Categories: Astronomy

Glasses coated in lithium could let us see in the dark

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Wed, 06/05/2024 - 6:47am
A film made of lithium niobate and gratings of silicon dioxide converts infrared light into visible light better than the other leading compound, potentially allowing nighttime vision
Categories: Astronomy

Glasses coated in lithium could let us see in the dark

New Scientist Space - Space Headlines - Wed, 06/05/2024 - 6:47am
A film made of lithium niobate and gratings of silicon dioxide converts infrared light into visible light better than the other leading compound, potentially allowing nighttime vision
Categories: Astronomy

New ‘FLiRT’ COVID Variants Could Be Driving an Uptick in Cases. Here’s How to Avoid Them

Scientific - Wed, 06/05/2024 - 6:45am

COVID numbers are low, but some evidence suggests they could be rising. Here’s how to protect yourself this summer, according to experts

Categories: Astronomy

Empathetic Parenting Benefits Teens into Adulthood

Scientific - Wed, 06/05/2024 - 6:45am

A 25-year study shows that teens who receive empathy from their parents give more empathy to their peers and, later, their own children

Categories: Astronomy

Starship launch 4: What time is the SpaceX flight tomorrow?

New Scientist Space - Cosmology - Wed, 06/05/2024 - 6:01am
SpaceX is getting ready to launch its massive Starship rocket tomorrow and we have all the details on the mission
Categories: Astronomy