By ebfaulkner6a at Wed, 09/16/2009 - 8:18am
I'm always trying something new. Tuesday evening was no different. This image was taken using my new G8 mount, Starlight Xpress ccd SVX-H9, filter wheel, Ha filter, required diagonal to focus, 5x Televue lens. I used the Ha filter to cut the light and allow imaging the planet and moons at the same time. Taken between 11 and 11:45 pm in Whiting, NJ. 261 combined images 0.6 exposures, processed in Adobe and Registax5. The three moons are Io, Europa and Ganymede upper right hand corner. Whew!

Jupiter in ha?
on Thu, 09/17/2009 - 10:24pm
never saw that b4
very kool