I can calculate the motions of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people

— Sir Isaac Newton

Stargazing at Wallisch Homestead

Event Date: 
Sat, 12/03/2016 - 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Wallisch HomesteadStargazing at Wallisch Homestead

Saturday, December 3, 6-9 PM

Wallisch Homestead, 65 Lincoln Ave, West Milford, NJ


Friends of Wallisch Homestead is again teaming up with the North Jersey Astronomical Group (NJAG) for their 4th visit to the Homestead.

 The public is encouraged to visit as NJAG members set up their telescopes to view the heavens. Among the objects we are planning to view: the crescent moon, and the planets Venus (sets early), Mars, Uranus, & Neptune.

After moonset ( ~8PM) , the sky will be dark enough to view deep sky objects such as the Andromeda galaxy, the Ring and Dumbbell Nebulae, Globular cluster M 15, the Perseus Double cluster, Pleiades star cluster, the Crab Nebula supernova remnant and finally the Great Orion Nebula rising in the East at the end of the evening.

Students, Teachers, amateur astronomers and the general public are encouraged to attend. The sights will amaze you!

(This is a weather permitting event and cloud cover will cancel the event. )


The Friends of Wallisch Homestead, Inc is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of the Wallisch Homestead for use by the community for open space, education and recreation. Please visit their web site at wallischhomestead.org.