Oh, would it not be absurd if there was no objective state?
What if the unobserved always waits, insubstantial,
till our eyes give it shape?

— Peter Hammill

Stargazing at Jenny Jump

Event Date: 
Sat, 05/26/2018 - 8:00pm - 10:30pm

C-14 TelescopeThe NJAG will be at the UACNJ Observatory in Jenny Jump State Forest. This is a free public program. An astronomy presentation begins at 8 p.m. in the lecture hall regardless of the weather. 


The guest speaker on May 26 will be Bill Murray from the Amateur Astronomers Association of Princeton. His topic will be "The Life and Legacy of Charles Messier."


 This will be followed by stargazing with the 14-inch telescope at NJAG-MMAS joint observatory and other telescopes at UACNJ until 10:30 p.m., weather permitting. 


For information and directions see: UACNJ.org. Parking is limited; carpooling is encouraged.