Watch the stars and from them learn. To the Master's honor all must turn, Each in its track, without a sound, Forever tracing Newton's ground

— Albert Einstein

October Meeting

Event Date: 
Tue, 10/08/2024 - 8:00pm - 10:00pm

Light PollutionMonthly meeting of NJAG free & open to the public. The guest speaker will be Steve Mariconda from DarkSky International and his topic will be Light Pollution and Responsible Outdoor Lighting Practices.


 The Monthly meetings are held at Montclair State University, in the Center for Environmental and Life Sciences or CELS Building, Room 110. This is located off the large lounge area at the back of the building. Room 110 is on your left. For direction to campus see:


The presentation will also be available on Zoom. To register see: