"I never think about the future. It comes soon enough."

— Albert Einstein


Moon Just past first quarter

9 days old, SXVh694 TOA 130 1,000mm fl

Moon Just past first quarter

m 51

M51 galaxy in Canes Venatici, just off the tip of the handle of the Big Dipper. It's way up high in the sky around 9pm this time of year.

Image is a composite of four images, three 50 minutes images in red green and blue and a two hour image in white light. Mount Takahashi NJP, scope Takahashi refractor TOA-130, camera Starligh Xpress SXVH9 guided through a Borg 76ED. 

m 51

Rosette Nebula

Rosette Nebula with Couguar. The nebula is in the constellation Monoceros. This was taken with a CCD camera on Dec 25th 2011. The total exposure through an H-Alpha filter took 1.75 hours.

Rosette Nebula

nebulosity near Sadr (Cygnus)

Two hour h-alpha image of nebulosity near Sadr, the central star in Cygnus TOA-130 at F/7 and SXVH9 camera.

nebulosity near Sadr (Cygnus)


The bubble nebula between Cepheus and Cassiopea this late October. One hour image in H-Alpha light. Twenty minutes each in Red Green and blue light.


the little ghost of Cassiopea

Nebula near Caph in Cassiopea taken one week  before Halloween..

the little ghost of Cassiopea

The Cave

The Cave Nebula last night in Cepheus.

The Cave

Pelican Island

Section of nebulosity between the N. American and the Pelican. 1 hour h-alpha and sixty minutes total combined RGB. 5" f/7 refractor, SXHV9 Starlight camera.

Pelican Island

M27 in Hydrogen Alpha light

M27 as seem in Hydrogen Alpha Light Sept 2nd 2011.

M27 in   Hydrogen Alpha light


Dumbell on Sept 1 & 2 2011.

Blue central star the source of this planetary??
