Oh, would it not be absurd if there was no objective state?
What if the unobserved always waits, insubstantial,
till our eyes give it shape?

— Peter Hammill


Constellation Canes Venatici

While attempting to image M106 this hour long exposure also shows NGC4220 and NGC4111. I was'nt sure if NGC4111 was an actual object until I found another image of the same area which had shown the same object in the same location.   Next attempt to image M106 will be a guided image thru my CPC11.

Wide Field image shows more


Constellation Canes Venatici


119 minutes combined 1 min images taken with Orion 80ed on Friday May 10 9:30 - 11:40 pm from Whiting NJ .



Having so many features to operate the telescope, I decided not to take the CPC
11 out on Thursday evening. Instead I took the Orion 80ED and the Vixen mount
out to do some imaging. Not having used it since November of 07, I initially
left out one of the setup procedures. (Hehehe). Realizing that every object I
went to did not fit in the eyepiece, I did the setup all over again with the
weight and telescope attached (normally a no-no). But after redoing the
alignment the mount and scope worked flawlessly, all objects near the center of the



Ha image
