I can calculate the motions of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people

— Sir Isaac Newton


Colon Cancer Linked to Mouth Bacteria

Scientific American.com - Mon, 04/15/2024 - 7:30am

Genomic research of Fusobacterium nucleatum isolated from colon cancer tumors may help researchers develop future screening tests and cancer vaccines

Categories: Astronomy

If Alien Life Is Found, How Should Scientists Break the News?

Scientific American.com - Mon, 04/15/2024 - 7:00am

At a recent workshop, researchers and journalists debated how to announce a potential discovery of extraterrestrial life

Categories: Astronomy

AI Recruiters Have Joined the Job Search. Who Are They Helping?

Scientific American.com - Mon, 04/15/2024 - 6:45am

Small start-ups and big professional platforms are using AI to find and recruit new hires—but these tools can reinforce bias

Categories: Astronomy

Where Is Planet Nine? Its Hiding Places Are Running Out

Scientific American.com - Mon, 04/15/2024 - 6:30am

The search for a mysterious planetary body beyond Neptune has narrowed down its possible location—if it exists at all

Categories: Astronomy

Do Sperm Whales Have Culture?

Scientific American.com - Mon, 04/15/2024 - 6:00am

As hard as it is to study these denizens of the deep, researchers have found some intriguing evidence to support the idea that “sperm whale culture” exists.

Categories: Astronomy

<p><a href="https://apod.nasa.gov/apod

APOD - Sun, 04/14/2024 - 8:00pm

How does a comet tail change?

Categories: Astronomy, NASA