Behold, directly overhead, a certain strange star was suddenly seen...
Amazed, and as if astonished and stupefied, I stood still.

— Tycho Brahe

Winter Solstice Celebration

Event Date: 
Tue, 12/12/2023 - 8:00pm - 9:30pm

Winter solstice sunDecember Meeting - Winter Solstice Celebration

 At the December NJAG meeting, on Tuesday, Dec. 12, members and their guests will gather for the annual Winter Solstice Celebration. This is a "potluck" style event - bring a snack or dish to share!



The meeting will be held at Montclair State University, in the Center for Environmental and Life Sciences or CELS Building, Room 110. This is located off the large lounge area at the back of the building. Room 110 is on your left. For directions to campus see:

Montclair State University is located at 1 Normal Avenue in Montclair, NJ.