"For the sage, time is only of significance in that within it the steps of becoming can unfold in clearest sequence."

— I Ching

Public Telescope Night - canceled

Event Date: 
Thu, 10/26/2023 - 7:30pm - 9:00pm


Due to the poor weather forecast, we are canceling tonight's Telescope Night. We are planning another event for November. Details will be announced soon. 


At Montclair State University, 1 Normal Ave, Montclair NJ        

WHEN: 7:30 - 9:00 PM

 Telescopes will be set up on campus in front of the Center for Environmental and Life Sciences (CELS) building. Visitors can park in the Red Hawk Deck, or in the metered spots in Lot 19 behind Blanton Hall. Montclair State University is located at 1 Normal Ave, Montclair, NJ. Parking map: https://buff.ly/3ogQydV

WHAT: Join us for FREE stargazing including Constellations, the Moon, Planets, Star clusters, Double stars, Nebulae, Galaxies, and more!

Our telescopes cannot see through clouds! Public Telescope Nights will be cancelled if the weather is cloudy (it's considered "clear" if you can see the moon or at least 10 stars clearly). In the event it is cloudy or raining, we will make an announcement if we are canceling or postponing.


(Postponed from 10/19)