"The large-scale homogeneity of the universe makes it very difficult to believe that the structure of the universe is determined by anything so peripheral as some complicated molecular structure on a minor planet orbiting a very average star in the outer suburbs of a fairly typical galaxy."

— Steven Hawking

NJAG Observatory at Jenny Jump

Event Date: 
Sat, 07/16/2022 - 8:00pm - 10:30pm

ObservatoryThe NJAG's observatory will be open at Jenny Jump State Forest on July 9 and July 16. This is part of the UACNJ's free public programs which are supported by NJAG members. These start at 8 p.m. with an astronomy presentation. After the presentation, weather permitting, the telescopes, including NJAG's 14-inch telescope, will be open to the public.

For more information see the United Astronomy Clubs of NJ at: http://uacnj.org/
The Skylands Observatory is a joint project between the NJAG and the Skylands Stargazers.