The space of night is infinite,
The blackness and emptiness
Crossed only by thin bright fences
Of logic

— Kenneth Rexroth
"Theory of Numbers"

NJAG Monthly Meetings 2015

Event Date: 
Repeats every month on the second Wednesday until Thu Dec 31 2015 .
Wed, 09/09/2015 - 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Wed, 10/14/2015 - 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Wed, 12/09/2015 - 8:00pm - 10:00pm

Monthly meetings of the NJAG are free and open to the public - all are welcomed. Meetings usually feature a presentation about astronomy or space science by an amateur or professional astronomer. Click "Read More" below for details!

Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month (except August); light refreshments will be served. Meeting will be held at Montclair State University in Center for Environmental and Life Sciences (CELS) in room 207 on the second floor. For directions, click on 'Directions' at top of the page.


NOTE: Location change!

Note also the change in location: NJAG meetings for October, November and December will be held at the Center for Environmental and Life Sciences (CELS). This is the new large white building next to Richardson Hall and Science Hall. NJAG will be meeting in room 207 on the second floor.



Star of Bethlehem



The North Jersey Astronomical Group (NJAG) will have a Winter Solstice celebration at the next meeting on Wed. Dec 9 at 8 pm. We will also have a brief presentation by Carol Hyde: "What Was the Star of Bethlehem." The celebration and presentation will be held in the CELS building at Montclair State University, second floor in room 207. All are welcome.

Presentation about the Solar Wind at November meeting

Solar Wind



Earth Voyage: Sailing the Seas of the Solar Wind

Our guest speaker for the November NJAG meeting will be Kevin Urban from NJIT's Center for Solar Terrestrial Research.

Space is not empty, but filled with torrents of plasma. From gentle breezes to tidal waves and fierce plasma hurricanes, how does Earth stay afloat in the seas of the solar wind? We will explore the origins and effects of this "solar wind" during this presentation.


SUMMER STARGAZING at October rmeeting

Summer Star Parties Remembered: members of the North Jersey Astronomical Group will share their summer experiences at star parties in NY, VT, and Canada. Our guest speakers will be Mark  Zdziarski, Jan Krakora,  Kevin Conod, Joe Sardina, and Mary Lou West, NJAG.