These earthly godfathers of Heaven's lights, that give a name to every fixed star, have no more profit of their shining nights than those that walk and know not what they are.

— William Shakespeare

NJAG Meeting: Student Research Showcase

Event Date: 
Tue, 05/09/2023 - 8:15pm - 10:00pm

observatoryThe May meeting of the North Jersey Astronomical Group (NJAG) will feature our annual research showcase where college students from Montclair State, NJIT and the University of Scranton will present their research projects. The speakers and their topics are:

  • Eric Swanson, Quantitative Analysis of Proton Content in Deuterated Poly(methyl methatcrylate) for Thin Neutron Window Material Selection in Ultra-cold Neutron Experiments, (Advisor: Kent Leung)
  • Michael Eibl, Leak Checking on Deuterated-PMMA films, using a Helium-Mass-Spectrometer-Based Spray-Mode Leak Detection Apparatus, (Advisor: Kent Leung)
  • Michael Camilo, Understanding Matter at Super-Nuclear Density Using Gravitational Waves and X-Ray Astronomy, (Advisor: Shaon Ghosh)

  • Michael Giarratana, Eccentric Corrections to the Mass and Spin of a Black Hole Merger Remnant, (Advisor: Marc Favata)
  • Stephanie Montoya, Characterization of a Commercial Faraday Isolator at 2 Micron Wavelength, (Advisor: Rodica Martin)
  • Diego Sanchez, Climatology of Large Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed with Amateur Radio Networks, (Advisor: Mary Lou West)
  • Shaaf Sarwar, Structure of the Milky Way Galaxy Using Cold Hydrogen Radio Data, (Advisor: Mary Lou West)


The meeting will be held at Montclair State University, in the Center for Environmental and Life Sciences or CELS Building, Room 110. This is located off the large lounge area at the back of the building. Room 110 is on your left.

Note: If there is class still in progress in room 110 when you arrive please do not disturb the class; you can wait in the lobby area outside until the class has finished.

The presentation will also be on Zoom starting at around 8:30 pm. Registration Link: