Once you can accept the Universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy.

— Albert Einstein


Lyra's Smoke Ring Nebula

Warm and moonless last night. I took out the Celestron 11" out for a quick spin. I was going to do some visual observing and then collimate the unit and wait for Jupiter. But once out, I saw this old favorite through the 11" and decided to capure the moment. There is a bit more detail in this image than I experienced visually... but not a lot more though.

Lyra's Smoke Ring Nebula


10 minutes exposure through 5" tak refractor.



m2 tak toa 130 fl 1000mm


M 13 this summer

Tak TOA 103 1000mm fl

M 13 this summer


M106 0ne and one half hour exposure in one minute increments. Full moon rising. Closest Seyfert type galaxy with a black hole at the center and jets.


m51 again

80 minutes on IC-4277 (spiral galaxy edge on, bottom left) and IC-4277 (Irregular galaxy, bottom center) and M51 (the big thingy in middle of the picture)

m51 again


M51 one hour may 20th.


m101 may 21

M101 0n the clear nights we have had this week. This is one hour in one minute stacks. Processed in Photoshop.

m101 may 21

Sunflower galaxy

Had some clear sky overhead last night. Took a one hour exposure of the Sunflower Galaxy (M63) in Canes Venatici, sixty one minute combined exposures through the TOA 130.

Sunflower galaxy

M81 last night

Just checking out the new Tak-130. First image through it. Thirty minutes total exposure.

M81 last night