We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

— Oscar Wilde


Triangulum Color

 adding previous Luminance to 2 hour RGB (40 min exp each) in Photoshop.  Note Blue star cloud IC 143, and IC 604 and other emission nebula

Triangulum Color

Triangulum Galaxy

Last night I was out in the first COOL night that was absolutely clear. No wind at 7:30. This image taken thru Astro-Tech 111EDT 2 hour 5min exposures combined in MaximDL, DD processing, slightly adjusted in Photoshop6.  Initially I wanted to do color imaging, but having camera connection problems early on cancelled that out.   Magitude 5.5 galaxy in Triangulum, some 5 million Ly away. There is a video on the net located at Deepskyvideos.com which shows images and a video of M33, and an explanation about it. Very interesting. 

Triangulum Galaxy


M33 taken with SXVF_H18 2x2 5X15 for a 75min Luminance from Whiting, NJ. on November 2, 2011 at 5:59 pm.



M33 the Triangulum Galaxy aka NGC589, this combined 100 min image is a combined 40 Lum, 20 R, 20 G, 20 B .  It was a very clear and "cool" evening but I stayed out until the temperature dropped to 30 degrees and a slight wind.  Color images combined in MaxIm DL/CCD.    No levels, curves, darks or any other processing done.  Orion was well on its way up when I closed at 11 pm.
