Personally, I don't think there's intelligent life on other planets. Why should other planets be any different from this one?

— Bob Monkhouse

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, August 2 – 11

Sky & Telescope Magazine - Fri, 08/02/2024 - 4:42am

The Perseid meteors ramp up this week to their peak. Saturn is nicely up in the east by late evening. Jupiter and Mars near their conjunction in the morning sky. And there's a story behind Poniatowski's Bull.

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Categories: Astronomy

Does This Mars Rock Show a "Potential Biosignature"? Or Just "Wet Chemistry"?

Sky & Telescope Magazine - Fri, 08/02/2024 - 1:22am

"Leopard spots" on a Mars rock could come from life — or they could simply be a sign of a type of chemical reaction that requires water.

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Categories: Astronomy

August Podcast: Nova Watch in the Northern Crown

Sky & Telescope Magazine - Thu, 08/01/2024 - 2:00am

Let’s go on a night-sky tour of the stars and planets that you’ll see overhead during August. Find a good seat for some great “shooting stars,” watch Saturn climb in the eastern sky in early evening, check out the summer's brightest stars, and start looking for a once-in-your-lifetime star blast. 

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Categories: Astronomy

Reading the Tea Leaves: The Future of the Hubble and Chandra Space Telescopes

Sky & Telescope Magazine - Wed, 07/31/2024 - 4:56pm

Future funding for NASA's remaining Great Observatories — Chandra X-ray Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope — is still up in the air.

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Categories: Astronomy

David Crawford, 1931–2024

Sky & Telescope Magazine - Mon, 07/29/2024 - 5:42pm

A professional astronomer turned dark-sky champion, David L. Crawford became synonymous with the fight against light pollution around the world.

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Categories: Astronomy

Neutron Star Eaten by Small Black Hole (Probably)

Sky & Telescope Magazine - Mon, 07/29/2024 - 3:07pm

Gravitational-wave astronomers have identified ripples in spacetime from the coalescence of a neutron star with what’s likely one of the smallest black holes ever found.

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Categories: Astronomy

This Week's Sky at a Glance, July 26 – August 4

Sky & Telescope Magazine - Fri, 07/26/2024 - 4:40am

Very low in the west in bright twilight, have you picked up Venus yet? Binoculars help. Much tougher will be Mercury and Regulus. Their arrangement changes all week.

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Categories: Astronomy

Astronomers Find 21 “Dark” Neutron Stars Orbiting Sun-like Stars

Sky & Telescope Magazine - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 2:07pm

New analysis has revealed 21 Sun-like stars in mutual orbit around dark objects of neutron star–like masses — rare systems that have escaped destruction by supernova.

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Categories: Astronomy

A Closer Look at a Potential "Eyeball Planet"

Sky & Telescope Magazine - Wed, 07/24/2024 - 8:00am

New James Webb Space Telescope observations of LHS 1140b hint at a temperate water world with a nitrogen-rich atmosphere.

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Categories: Astronomy

Webb Telescope Sees Morning and Evening on a Hot Saturn

Sky & Telescope Magazine - Tue, 07/23/2024 - 9:26am

The James Webb Space Telescope has for the first time detected the difference between the morning and evening of a tidally locked gas giant planet.

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Categories: Astronomy

Star-Mapping Mission Gaia Impacted by Micrometeoroid, Solar Storm

Sky & Telescope Magazine - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 11:36am

Having survived two recent threats — high-velocity space dust and enhanced solar activity — Gaia is now returning better data than ever.

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Categories: Astronomy

This Week's Sky at a Glance, July 19 – 28

Sky & Telescope Magazine - Fri, 07/19/2024 - 5:14am

Scorpius poses at center stage in the south. The Sagittarius Teapot follows behind it. And Rasalhague, the head star of Ophiuchus. turns the Summer Triangle into a big, upright diamond.

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Categories: Astronomy

New Exploration of Titan's Seas

Sky & Telescope Magazine - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 1:08pm

A new look at data from NASA's Cassini mission confirms methane cycles on Saturn's largest moon, Titan, just as water cycles on Earth.

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Categories: Astronomy

NASA Cancels VIPER Lunar Rover Mission

Sky & Telescope Magazine - Wed, 07/17/2024 - 5:48pm

The development of the VIPER lunar rover has been discontinued.

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Categories: Astronomy

Visual Observing vs. Smart Telescopes — Finding Harmony

Sky & Telescope Magazine - Wed, 07/17/2024 - 9:00am

The latest smartscope astrophotography craze opens the door to some incredible opportunities for both beginners and seasoned observers.

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Categories: Astronomy

Explore Norma: The right (angle) constellation for July

Sky & Telescope Magazine - Tue, 07/16/2024 - 11:34am

Little-known Norma, a small constellation in the southern sky, contains several stellar and deep-sky delights.

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Categories: Astronomy

NASA Announces Summer 2023 Hottest on Record

Earth News - Thu, 09/14/2023 - 4:05pm
The summer of 2023 was Earth’s hottest since global records began in 1880, according to scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS) in New York.
Categories: NASA

NASA: El verano de 2023 es el más caluroso en el registro

Earth News - Thu, 09/14/2023 - 12:03pm
El verano boreal de 2023 fue el más caluroso para la Tierra desde que se establecieron registros mundiales de temperaturas en 1880, según un análisis realizado por científicos del Instituto Goddard de Estudios Espaciales (GISS, por sus siglas en inglés) de la NASA en Nueva York.
Categories: NASA