Watch the stars and from them learn. To the Master's honor all must turn, Each in its track, without a sound, Forever tracing Newton's ground

— Albert Einstein

Astronomy Cast

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Updated: 1 hour 39 min ago

Ep. 716: The God**** Particle – Remembering Peter Higgs

Mon, 04/22/2024 - 5:00pm

Last week, we learned about the death of Peter Higgs, a physicist and discoverer of the particle that bears his name. The Large Hadron Collider was built to find and describe the particle. Today, we’ll look back at the life of Peter Higgs and his particle.

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Categories: Astronomy

Ep. 715: Total Eclipse of the Science: Experiments During the Eclipse

Mon, 04/08/2024 - 5:00pm

The next great eclipse is upon us, with viewers across North America witnessing the moon passing in front of the Sun. It’s an amazing experience, but also an opportunity to do science. Let’s talk about what we can learn from this momentous event.

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Categories: Astronomy

Ep. 714: Orbital Resonances

Mon, 04/01/2024 - 5:00pm

Several of the planets and moons in the Solar System are in orbital resonance, orbiting in a geometric lockstep. And not just the Solar System, astronomers have found the same resonances in other star systems.


Categories: Astronomy