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Updated: 3 hours 48 min ago

Fungus lost to science for 42 years found again in Chilean mountains

Wed, 05/22/2024 - 11:00am
The big puma fungus hasn't been seen since it was discovered in 1982 in Chile’s Nahuelbuta mountains – now an expedition has finally rediscovered these tiny, elusive mushrooms
Categories: Astronomy

Will we get to net zero fast enough, and how will the climate respond?

Wed, 05/22/2024 - 11:00am
To avoid the worst effects of climate change, the world must balance carbon emissions with carbon sinks by 2050. But even if we hit the target, a lot depends on how much we emit in the meantime
Categories: Astronomy

Early humans took northern route to Australia, cave find suggests

Wed, 05/22/2024 - 10:00am
An excavation on Timor reveals humans first settled on the island 44,000 years ago, long after the earliest occupation of Australia – suggesting migration to the latter took another route
Categories: Astronomy

Cattle used for cuddling therapy may prefer women over men

Wed, 05/22/2024 - 9:00am
Cattle seem to be more willing to lick and accept food from women, and are more likely to act aggressively around men
Categories: Astronomy

Cows used for cuddling therapy may prefer women over men

Wed, 05/22/2024 - 9:00am
Cows seem to be more willing to lick and accept food from women, and are more likely to act aggressively around men
Categories: Astronomy

X-ray laser fires most powerful pulse ever recorded

Wed, 05/22/2024 - 7:00am
The Linac Coherent Light Source in California fired an X-ray pulse that lasted only a few hundred billionths of a billionth of a second but carried nearly a terawatt of power
Categories: Astronomy

Why we still don't know exactly how bird flu is spreading between cows

Tue, 05/21/2024 - 3:15pm
Early evidence suggests that a bird flu virus called H5N1 may be infecting dairy cows through contaminated milking equipment – but poor surveillance has made it nearly impossible to rule out other possibilities
Categories: Astronomy

What are fractals and how can they help us understand the world?

Tue, 05/21/2024 - 2:00pm
Fractals are common in nature because of the surprisingly simple way they are made. Mathematically, they also help us make sense of complexity and chaos – and maybe even quantum weirdness
Categories: Astronomy

What is artificial general intelligence, and is it a useful concept?

Tue, 05/21/2024 - 1:00pm
The world's biggest AI companies have made artificial general intelligence, or AGI, their goal. But it isn't always clear what AGI means, and there is debate about whether it is a valuable idea
Categories: Astronomy

What neurodiversity means for psychiatrists and the people they help

Tue, 05/21/2024 - 12:00pm
Neurodiversity reframes neurodevelopmental conditions such as ADHD as differences to be embraced rather than treated – but that doesn’t mean abandoning diagnosis and intervention altogether
Categories: Astronomy

Snow and rising sea levels may have triggered Japan's earthquake swarm

Tue, 05/21/2024 - 11:00am
In an ongoing swarm of earthquakes that began hitting Japan in 2020, the shifting weight of surface water may have spurred the shaking
Categories: Astronomy

Quantum biology: New clues on how life might make use of weird physics

Tue, 05/21/2024 - 11:00am
With tentative evidence for long-lasting quantum phenomena inside cells, researchers are beginning to rethink what we need to look for to find clinching evidence of quantum biology
Categories: Astronomy

Ships could store their CO2 emissions in the ocean

Tue, 05/21/2024 - 9:00am
Researchers have designed a new system to capture carbon dioxide from shipping exhaust after studying how limestone naturally dissolves in the ocean
Categories: Astronomy

OpenAI’s chatbot shows racial bias in advising home buyers and renters

Tue, 05/21/2024 - 8:00am
ChatGPT often suggests lower-income neighbourhoods to people who are Black, showing prejudices reflecting generations of housing discrimination in the US
Categories: Astronomy

Solar-powered floating islands could help to regrow coral reefs

Tue, 05/21/2024 - 6:00am
A trio of hexagonal islands could generate solar electricity to power a process that accelerates coral growth, with space for a research lab and a garden
Categories: Astronomy

Acne-causing bacteria can treat dandruff by resetting scalp microbiome

Tue, 05/21/2024 - 2:00am
An acid produced by an acne-causing bacterium reduced the severity of people's dandruff by adjusting their scalp's microbiome
Categories: Astronomy

To rescue biodiversity, we need a better way to measure it

Mon, 05/20/2024 - 2:00pm
There are all kinds of different ways to measure biodiversity. But if we are to arrest its alarming decline, biologists must agree on a method that best captures how it changes over time
Categories: Astronomy

Quantum diamond sensor measured heart signals from a living rat

Mon, 05/20/2024 - 1:00pm
For the first time, a quantum sensor has been used to record magnetic signals from the heart of a living animal, opening the door for future uses of quantum technology in medical settings
Categories: Astronomy

How indefinite causality could lead us to a theory of quantum gravity

Mon, 05/20/2024 - 1:00pm
Experiments show that effect doesn’t always follow cause in the weird world of subatomic particles, offering fresh clues about the quantum origins of space-time
Categories: Astronomy

World’s only lungless frog species actually does have lungs after all

Mon, 05/20/2024 - 12:00pm
The rare Bornean flat-headed frog was thought to be the only frog with no lungs, but we now know it has very, very tiny ones
Categories: Astronomy