The forces of rotation caused red hot masses of stones to be torn away from the Earth and to be thrown into the ether, and this is the origin of the stars.

— Anaxagoras 428 BC

NGC6888_Crescent Nebula

NGC6888_Crescent Nebula

 First image in over a year since my open heart surgery.  First successful setup with new mount, iOptron 45 with 48" pier.  Thursday was an exceptional night, no wind, great seeing the Milky Way overhead.   This is a 121 min LRGB image taken thru Astro-Tech 111EDT from Whiting, NJ. between 9:30 pm - 12 am, guided with Starlight Lodestar X2 imaged with SXVR-H9 ccd.  Combined in MaximDL6, color adjusted in Photoshop CS6