We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

— Oscar Wilde


This one hour image unguided taken Friday evening, June 19, 2010 with Orion 80ED mounted on a Celestron CGEM goto mount.  I attempted to image these galaxies before and decided I would try again last night.  The galaxies known as Seyfert Sexteltt in Serpens Cauda looked like they were merging some 49,000 ly distance.  Located near ra 15h 59m  dec +20d 43', they appear in the center of this image (sort of triangle appearance).   Actually wanted another two galaxies merging, but this one was a challange with this scope.  Next time I may try imaging with the Celestron 11" scope.  Setup at 8:30 pm, closed 2:00 am.
