Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.

— Inscription on Columbus' caravels

NGC5965, with NGC 5963, 5971

Using a small scope for imaging is great for wide field imaging, but if your looking to image galaxies, you need to check its' size first.  Otherwise you end up with an image like this one where three or more galaxies are present, and tiny, and dim.  The galaxy in the lower center is edge-on NGC5965, and just to the left nearby is the blurry star-like galaxy NGC5963, with NGC5961 just above and to the left of center...also dim and "glowing".  This is a combined 10 x 8 min guided exposure image. (need a larger refractor !)  Orion 80ED, Astro-Tech 66mm guide scope, Starlight Xpress ccd with guider.


NGC5965, with NGC 5963, 5971