We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

— Oscar Wilde

Comet Panstarrs

Members of NJAG finally got a chance to see Comet Panstarrs last night (Mar. 13) from Montclair State.


It was hard to find in binoculars. We finally saw it around 7:30 pm - before that the sky was too bright.
Although technically it is bright enough to see with the naked eye - it was only visible in binoculars. We have so much haze and smog here in NJ I'm beginning to think that we may never see it naked eye.
The comet appears very small and the tail was very short - maybe half a degree, it was hard to tell.
So despite the "media hype" and nice onlien images of the comet, it is still a challenge to see it and you will need binoculars, very clear skies and good view of the western horizon!